Kaos Central
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Everything posted by Kaos Central
i would cut it back to one neck for lunch or just some biscuits... i usually feed something during the day until about 6 months but that varies according to the dog....if the dog is healthy and happy and you are happy i would keep the lunch routine... our dogs range in age from 7 yrs to 13 weeks and they all get lunch, they just get smaller breakfast and dinner than dogs that dont get lunch.
try treats in the bath without the water....make it fun....talk to her....when she is ok take her out and add water, dont make it too deep elbow height is good make is just warm to you....introduce the dog back to the bathroom and encourage her....put her in the bath....sometimes a treat here will help her focus....when she is calm start wetting her down....go slowly....at the end when you get her out give her a treat....dont pull the plug until she is out of the room....the noise it makes sometimes frightens dogs...good luck.
Dog Trainer...steve Austin
Kaos Central replied to Kaos Central's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
thank you all.....it looks like we get to start over....the good news is that i can get our other dogs on the same path....i dont care how long it takes i want good dog citizens. -
Vet Just Told Me What I Am Feeding Is All Wrong
Kaos Central replied to Veanna's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
it can be hard when your vet doesn't understand that you have done your homework are are confident in doing what you are doing...if you dont mind a bit of a drive i can give you my vets details and you can see him...he is very open minded and flexible -
Hi all, the people we are doing flyball training with has loaned me some videos by Steve Austin about dog training...has any one ever heard of him??? we are having some problems with our JRT's and the video raises some interesting points but if he his tecniques work it will basically mean we go back to the start and begin again!!!! the dogs are all under 14 months so i might have a chance but i am not sure if i want to start over without knowing if it will work. any comments are welcome thanks
just to clarify....flash is 1 yr old, Minties is 17 weeks old and baby chico is 12 weeks old....flash has been doing fly ball and loves it....maybe a ball is the key to his training...i never thought of it...sorry!!! i dont expect much from my pup although he tries and that is sooooooooo cute. at 12 weeks he will sit and drop on command and at home he will recall....i haven't tested it yet our side of our home.
if that was my sisters lab now almost 2 you wouldn't have anything to rest your head on.....turner loves pillows...well the contents of pillows....including the ones on the couch....when he was about 6 months old he completely trashed there house in about 3 hours...he was locked in the laundry while they went shopping, the laundry has a sliding door and he got loose....he made a memorable mess...but some how survived it.
We have 3 JRT's Aged between 1 and 12 weeks, i love them dearly but none of our dogs are doing well at training. We have trained house trained all of them, but we are having trouble with sit, stay and a variety of basics! our trainer told me that JRT's are basically untrainable....i dont believe that....they just need a different set of motivations, does any one have any tips they can share? i would be most grateful, we also start with a new trainer next week but i am interested if any one has any idea. Thank you
we use buscopan in our poodle cross....you get it from the vet.... i give her about a quarter of a tablet about an hour before then another quarter about 4 hrs later if it is a long trip
Satin balls are really good for adding weight/condition fast.....i found the recipe on here!!
Out Of Dog Food, What To Feed For Tonight
Kaos Central replied to MDL's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
i think we have all had times when we have lost the plot....working in rescue, owning my own business and running a home can get chaotic.....i have gone to the freezer knowing that there was heaps of food only to realise that the kids have decided to have a BBQ and come to our place and taken all the meat....including the dogs food....yes they have eaten it.....last time it happened we went to our fish and chip shop and got them grilled fish....grilled hamburger patties and we also got our dinner....we also cooked them rice and mixed some frozen vegies in and mixed the whole lot together...they loved it.....we now try to buy them fish once a week....usually whatever is cheap at the market.....this week they got prawns $3 kg for all the ugly bits....i dont know how good it is for them but they love it. -
these a fairly common is rescues....i would just take it slowly...use lots of treats....if all else fails talk to erny on here....he is a fabulous help.
JRT's are great dogs but they like to be near you....you need to start a training regimes soon.....once he has finished eating take him out side and stay with him....give plenty of praise when he does his thing then bring him back in with you...8 wks is a bit young to be chasing chooks and playing with kittens....he is just a baby and need to be treated with love and care....he is probably whining because he is lonley...he misses his mum and his litter....i would try a warm soft toy, a cuddly blanket and some gentle noise, put the radio on softly or the tv, hopefully that will help him settle.
I hate people that say s**t without any thought.....dont listen to them Erny.....you have helped me on several occasions....one of them probably saved my dogs life......you are a good person and you know more about dogs and training them than the moron who sent you the email.....keep faith .....as long as you know your right they dont have a chance.
Can A Dog Unlearn Basic Training
Kaos Central replied to Kaos Central's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hi all, i just thought i would update you....we are doing a lot better.... our regular vet refered us to another vet and the dog is doing a lot better....we are putting drops in her eyes a couple of times a day and we have changed her diet....we have also reduced the amount of time she spends away from familiar suroundings....and if we do take her anywhere we always make sure she is in her harness and lead....we also discovered that her hearing was being effected by an infection and we have now got that cleared up....all in all i think she has a lot of years in her yet...thank you all for your support and your help it was very much appreciated.....sometimes when you are told bad news you stop listening to the future!!! -
Update .... it is not parvo....it is a virus that the vet is very worried about....we live in the Adelaide CBD.....the park i am refering to is on south tce near the princess elizabeth play ground..... the syptoms present very similarly to parvo.....the vet thinks it is a gastro thing.....they are still looking at the options..... thank you to every one who has given advice it is appreciated..... we dont wear shoes in our home.... all shoes get parked at the front door....also we have stopped walking our dogs...... we pu them in the car in the garage and take them to the beach or outside of the city.... it is hard for them.... but they will get used to it..... i would rather that then one of them get sick..... the vet has wormed them, given them multi vitamin shots and supplaments to go one thier food... so far so good.
The dog died last night.....the vet has yet to confirm it was parvo....i called my vet he called her vet....i am keeping my dogs in just to be safe....we have a house full of young dogs....rescues on thier way to new homes and the last thing i want is to pass on parvo.....We loaded every one into the station wagon and took them to the beach today just to get some excersise and i didn't want to possibly expose them to the virus or other dogs....the vet has taken blood from my dogs and will test it just to be certain.
So far our dogs are fine....they are all eating and no one has the runs...i am watching what comes out of them really carefully becasue i read on another thread that it is the first sign....i am keeping my dogs inside as much as possible....it is cold a wet outside so it is not too hard....we didn't walk them today just a vigerous game of ball in the house....i am sending my OH out with a sign for the gates at the park....i have also sent an email to the people i usually meet at the park...just so every one knows.
The dog 2 doors down has parvo...he is about 3 yr old and have never been vaccinated....my dogs are all vaccinated except the youngest that still has one shot to go..... apparently her dog got sick a few days ago.... she wouldn't take it to the vet...instead she took it to the local off leash park (moron).... i seen the dog today and it looks so sick....i told her if she didn't take it to the vet i would call the RSPCA...she took it to the vet....it has parvo...she wont pay for the dog to get iv fluids so she brought it home....my question...are my dogs at risk??? they played together last week!! ( not the puppies of course but the 3 older dogs)...should i put a sign up at the park warning people a dog with parvo has been there???? what should i look for??? i have never seen parvo before!!! many thanks
thank you for you responses i have printed it out and emailed the links hopefully she will realise that the dog needs a wash....i wash my JRT's every week or so but that is becasue they are always into something and seem to get really dirty with no effort at all.
All of our dogs eat 3 small meals a day, when i was working away from home i would either come home for lunch or my OH would come home for lunch....now i work from home it doesn't matter....most puppies will be fine with a couple of meals a day.....she sounds like a very solid little dog already....if she starts to loose condition then you will need to re assess it but i think she would be fine.
Here in Adelaide ticks are not a problem....however fleas are a different matter....all of my dogs live inside, sleep in out bedroom and get spoilt.....we had a rescue that brought fleas in and we have had a terrible time getting rid of them....what we have found that works well...a warm bath in a tea tree oil based dog shampoo and conditioner (our vets sells one that is puppy friendly)....hot wash all bedding and toys especially soft toys.....good vacum of the carpets and spray lightly with a mix of tea tree oil and hot water....advantage all of the dogs at the same time...spray the carpet mix over any areas the dogs play outside.....i know it sounds extreme but it really does work
I called the breeder and asked him about his puppys....his upcoming pups and what was available....it was a very enlightening discussion....he advocates a bath every 6 months and a good brush once a month is all the care the coat needs. he actually told me that washing more often will strip the coat and leave it wirey and prone to matting. Now i would have thought that a good shampoo and conditioner would prevent a wirey coat and matting....just my opinion. I dropped my dogs into the groomer today and she said that she has a lot of GR's that come in once a month and she see's no damage to the coat.
I wish i had an answer for you...i dont know.....my dogs live the beach and the water....they are all asleep now after the beach trip...they just love it but she is taking the breeders word as absolute and nothing i can say will change that.
odour is an interesting way of putting it...it stinks....i could not be in the car with it...i put the top down on my car just in case the stink got on my dogs.