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Hairy Maclary

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Everything posted by Hairy Maclary

  1. Jessie has passed away early this morning. I am absolutely shell-shocked, I can't believe my happy, healthy 3 year old dog could succumb to this so quickly. But her platelet count was virtually nothing - the vet was going to transfuse this morning but she didn't make it. I can't believe she is gone
  2. Thanks Dyzney, I have PM'd you My vet has just contacted me to let me know the blood tests confirm thrombocytopenia, and that he will transfuse her if her count drops too much, but she is stable for now. I am still completely blown away by how quickly all this has happened, but feeling more hopeful now :p
  3. I don't know if he has consulted any specialists (I suspect not), unfortunately we are in Cairns and a long way from specialists, but I will definitely send a PM to Charles Kuntz, thank you so much for the suggestion
  4. It's good to hear that it can be successfully managed - I have been dealing with the junior vet at the practice who admits he's never seen a case of this, only when at uni. Hopefully the senior vet is giving him some guidance with this. I think I am freaked out because it looks so bad (and the vet's negativity) and have been reading about other types of autoimmune problems which seem more serious than thrombocytopenia. Thank you Stormie for your positive post I definitely don't want to start a vaccination debate , it's just something I noticed while trawling the internet for information. But the vet is aware of the reaction.
  5. Yes - the vet hasn't been specific, but from what I have read it sounds like Thrombocytopenia. Jessie had a very bad reaction to her last vaccinations (Nov 2008) and now I am wondering if this is related?
  6. Jessie, my JRT cross, is currently at the vets receiving corticosteriods through a drip for what the vet believes to be an autoimmune disease. Bloods are not back yet, but they believe rat bait poisoning is unlikely due to the results of a clotting test done this morning. The vet has not given me much reason to believe she will survive this for more than a few days, and what information I have found on the net scares me as well Her only symptoms so far have been some quite bad bruising which came on very quickly, and now includes a huge haematoma where they took blood this morning. Has anyone else's dog had similar symptoms, and how did they fare? Hoping for a miracle here This is Jessie:
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