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Hairy Maclary

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Everything posted by Hairy Maclary

  1. I have a "Bling Bling Blinker" from City Farmers (Petstock also had them), very similar to the ebay link #3. Really bright, so easy to keep track of small black dogs who disappear into the shadows at the park of an evening. They are a bit flimsy though, you unscrew them a little to activate the light - wrestling/playing/running can see it unscrew completely and it's lost. I'm onto my third in as many months. Might look at some of the other options here.
  2. Just saw it a few minutes ago on the Lifestyle Channel awesome!!
  3. As you might have guessed from my user ID, my dog looks like the dog from a children's book. It's not uncommon for parents to say "Look kids, it's Hairy Maclary!!" and the kids will rush over wanting pats and cuddles. Luckily we haven't had any dramas (I try to give the ones on red cordial a wide berth), actually had a guy bring his kids over and ask if he could teach them how to greet dogs the other day
  4. Flies, the vacuum cleaner and the examination room at the vet clinic (but loves the waiting room and getting attention from people ).
  5. Wonderful photos. You can see that they are having the time of their lives
  6. I have just changed my boy over to a raw diet - I am feeding him a mix called 'Scavenger's Find' from The Pet Chef here in Perth. The ingredients are: "Special balance of finely ground beef and chicken bone, kelp, chicken, seasonal fruit & vegetables (typical: silver beet, Chinese veg, English spinach, carrot, turnip, beetroot, capsicum, celery), hint of garlic." In addition to this he gets chicken wings, and sometimes sardines and natural yoghurt added to his food. From reading the thread I am thinking he also needs some offal once a week? Is there anything else I should give him to make sure he gets a good diet?
  7. A friend of mine gave both our dogs a chicken jerky-type treat which resulted in them both having the runs. Chicken thigh meat gives my boy the farts/runs as well. I'm not sure where you would get it in Perth (haven't lived here all that long) but I used to order dried lamb puff from Callicoma Kelpies to use as a treat. Supposed to be a good alternative for dogs that don't like liver, certainly got :D here. Link
  8. My Jessie, who went to the bridge last year, would always give me a short, sharp poke in the back of the knee when I was preparing food to make sure I knew she was there. Other than that there seemed to be a conspiracy (still is!) between the dogs and the cat to break my neck, or at the very least a major limb...why do they always go in the same direction as you when you try to step around them!!
  9. I discourage others from giving my dog treats - if they do it once, he will remember and beg every time he sees them. He's learned that some people find his begging cute and irresistible - sits on his butt with a ruler-straight back, paws outstretched and a pitiful starving expression on his face! One of the ladies at the off-lead park brings home-made liver treats - we refer to her as the "ice-cream lady" as once they get a whiff, all the dogs follow her like kids after an ice-cream van :D We used to have problems with a former neighbour throwing cooked chop bones over the fence and sometimes the cooked bone from a lamb roast - a lot of people who don't have dogs have no idea about bowel obstructions or pancreatitis and don't bother to ask first.
  10. "As you can see, my ass is a horse, and behind me, a horse's ass."
  11. Definitely disturbing. Both the question (the bowel obstruction part) and the response by that dopey woman.
  12. Maybe when you encounter people like that you could encourage them to join up here. My dog is a pet shop puppy - bought on Christmas Eve, no less! I found Dogzonline three years ago when searching the internet for information on cruciate ligament injuries. Until then, I had never really given a second thought to where pet shop puppies came from, or the issue of designer dogs (mine definitely is not - just a scruffy mutt) or anything like that, and I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person. :rolleyes: I've learned so much from this forum - I'm sure there are lots of people out there who could too if they just knew it was here.
  13. There are 3 black Flatcoats that frequent the same park we go to - they are all lovely dogs. If I were to get a large dog in the future, a flatcoat would be somewhere at the top of the list
  14. There is a lovely picture of Ellie and Leo on The Sun's website. Link
  15. Sorry for you loss - R.I.P. Phoebe It's not your fault - I know it's hard by try not to run through the "what if's" in your head
  16. The Pet Chef in Midland was recommended to me, but I haven't tried him out yet. They have minced frames for $1.60/kg. Pet Chef
  17. Poundwatch have a Cav X. They also have 2 Japanese Chins. Poundwatch Dogs
  18. When my dog and cat arrived at AAE in Perth their crates were wheeled straight out through the gate (controlled by AAE staff) into the unsecured carpark area - I don't recall seeing any gates I would have been able to close myself? I hope Goldie is found soon
  19. The RSPCA inspectors powers are detailed in this Act: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 Scroll down to Division 2 - Power of Inspectors Act was current as of Nov 2009 Hope this helps!
  20. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (General) Regulation 2006 should be current (Item 2 on the list): NSW Legislation plus s21 Companion Animals Act 1998
  21. The anaphylaxis was more or less instantaneous. The thrombocytopenia happened later. Sorry, my post was poorly worded.
  22. One of my dogs died from immune-mediated thrombocytopenia last year. She had an anaphylactic reaction after having the ProHeart injection a few months earlier. Although I'll never know for sure, I can't help but think the ProHeart injection was the cause. Never again.
  23. Harry picked up kennel cough during our move to WA last year - toddled off to the health food shop for some Manuka honey (as recommended by DOL!) to be told it's banned in WA!! Got the Jarrah honey instead, but I have no idea if it works for KC - Harry steadfastly refused to ingest it any way, shape or form!
  24. I think Emmy would be good medicine for anyone - dog or human! Such a cutie!!
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