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  1. Hi all, I know this is a very controversial subject but I am desperate for some help and advice so please can we leave the negatives out and just concentrate on helpful positive advice...Thanks I wasnt sure where to post this so my apologies if its in the wrong place.... I have 2 large dogs. We have a very large backyard for them to run around in and they get plenty of exercise. Our backyard is opposite a park and so the dogs have a great view of all people and other dogs coming and going. Because of this they tend to bark throughout the day whenever they see other people/dogs. I am home all day with our newborn baby and wouldnt say that their barking is excessive but we are at a point now where we no longer know what to do to keep our neighbour happy. Our neighbour has made numerous complaints and harrasses us on a daily basis. We tried to compromise by bringing the dogs inside at night (normally in by 9pm and usually out by 8am) but this has still not made them happy. We have tried citronella collars and high-pitched noise collars. We growl 'No" at them every time that they bark and have also tried numerous behavioural techniques but still we are receving letters of complaints from the council. I am almost at my wits end. I have a baby to take care of as well now and the stress of worrying everytime my dogs make a sound is consuming me. I worry that this neighbour will one day throw poison or bait over the fence as they are clearly not dog lovers. Today we received another letter of complaint from the council, if the problem isnt fixed immediately there will be a court case, our dogs will be removed or worse yet, destroyed. I have heard about de-barking your dog and whilst Im hesitant to perform any surgical procedure on my dogs I would rather do this than have my dogs removed or destroyed. Does anyone know if this procedure is performed in Adelaide? I have contacted a few vets and they have all said no. Is it just that they dont perform it or is it illegal for all vets in SA? Is it legal in other states? If I cant get it done in Adelaide I would consider getting it done in Melbourne as I have family there and am planning a trip there soon. Does anyone know rough costs? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks guys.
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