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Everything posted by quoll

  1. Boy was it wet At least we got the BC and BOB. Rajacadoo sorry we didn't get to see the baby Basenjis I was soooo wet after doing my two I just wanted a hot bath ( what more water ) and dry clothes,
  2. if the breeder is in Tasmania I may be able to locate them for you, should you need to get in touch or ask any questions. Just Pm me.
  3. I think that the Labradoodle is here to stay in fact given a few more years we may well see it as a breed. There are now and have been for some time records kept on the labradoodles, mating, stud books, what we refer to as pedigrees. There are responsible breeders who really do care for these dogs and are working hard to health test and select from the best specimens. The breed standard may be an issue, as another posted already covered.
  4. Fair enough there be a price variation but geez that is a heck of a lot ?
  5. So sorry to hear about your loss, Poodiful. Right now a bit of space and time would probably go a long way. This may not be a good time to make long lasting decisions. Is there a way you could find temporary accommodation for Elvis. It wont solve the problem long term but it will give you time to grieve and to revisit the problem with a fresh approach. Chemical castration is pretty successful in most cases. Often involving an inplant, it is pretty much painless for the dog. It does alter the behaviour, the dog will loose his sexual drive and behave more like a gentleman around the ladies. It will usually make them more placid especially when the girls are in season and their services are not required. There are side effects the testicles can shrink, this is reversed when the inplant has worn out. Talk to your vet about there may be more options out there. All the best with it
  6. Bring it on, lets move out of the dark ages.
  7. Hello Jed, We are all thinking of you, and wishing you a speedy and full recovery. The poodles are sending you lots of poo kisses as well. Comon Jed get better there isn't anyone that fights as good as you, in more ways than one
  8. Hoping the good news on Jed's recovery keeps on comming.
  9. Thanks tlc, I thought he was young, all legs he is. ;) He's gorgeous. I hope you are not having a go at me. If you read my post I said "not-that-its-a-bad-thing". ;) Nope not at you Rocco, I think most people on this forum are not THAT petty, sadly some still are. besides your dog is much too big for me to have a go at you, mine are tiny LOL
  10. Just reading this thread is something of a shock, we are all supposed to love animals on this forum. Sure we have preferences many here actually most have own pure bred dogs. Many here also have or have had a X breed be it a dog a cat a horse or even a guinea pig. Animals don't ask to be born, they just are. Many are born from the greed of humans I often dont agree with what the RSPCA does, I do not always agree with their methods or policies. However their isn't an abundance of animal protection or rescue organisations, such as they are warts and all, they do each year save the lives of many animals, not all I know it s not a perfect world BUT they do rescue and they do save. The funny thing is RSPCA officers never ask the dog or cat for his crudentials and pedigree before they rescue it. If it s in dire need, the chances are they will help in some way. Therefore I can NOT see the relevance of the breed of dogs at an RSPCA fund raiser. It is n't a dog show!!!! It s a charity event.
  11. To Jed and her very loved pets. It is with great sorrow that we hear your sad news, you risked your life trying to save your loved ones. Today in hospital you suffer for them, your devotion unquestionable. Fight on Jed and don't let go Your are the light for ones that need you Quoll
  12. It s looks like a great day out, the photos are fantastic Barb, and all the dogs look healthy happy and soo well trained and behaved, All one can say is congratulations to you all for putting something like that together. That 's the spirit of good dog ownership well done. There are always people who want to spoil things for whatever reason , it only takes one rotten apple. Well just make sure the bad apples dont spoil your cake.
  13. Let's hope justice is served. Nothing will bring back this wonderful man.
  14. Poor Poor little mite :D so sad for the other one ;)
  15. It was lovely indeed, and although the forcast was rather poor the weather was kind to us with sunshine and warmth It was great catching up and getting young Bubbles in the swing of things, so many canines in one place LOL. She managed to have a good time as she ate her hot dog
  16. Actually it s not just the way they "Look" Sage our poodle, often makes sounds that has people stop and turn heads, it s sounds Human A few people have been shocked when we tell them no no it s the dog, the reply is usually it sounded like a person. It actually sounds a little like a child crying and saying : I want my mummy. Sage
  17. It's hard to tell where the big one finishes and the little one starts, so cute, that really is the hallmark of a good friendship.
  18. Lol I have to say though, that in some of your photos Cooper does look a bit like a dignified old gentleman with a very impressive moustache. I have to agree with that Cooper does look like an Old timer with a moustache LOL. I thought you lot might like to see this one:
  19. What a great post, if only more thought along these lines.
  20. So very very sorry Maria to hear about your loss RIP Buddy from the Poodles in the Huon
  21. Same, I ll keep my ears open. Have you been in touch with the local vets there are 3 I think now in Kingston, notify the council the lost dogs home and 101.7 I think still do the snoopy patrol. Brett Marley is a big animal lover and maybe willing to help a little more. Also try the radion station Huon FM. There is also the local paper in Kingston and the Cygnet news. Good luck
  22. Did anyone see the interview on Sunrise with the RSPCA ( American lady ) rep, she was terrific. Wish more RSPCA were like her, a very balanced and informed reply, well done. :D
  23. A beautiful story, and a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing this special story with us. RIP little patch
  24. Sorry but I don't see how the parent is at fault at all in this case. You don't expect your child to be bitten by a dog while you're getting your hair cut! That is absolutley correct
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