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Everything posted by quoll

  1. it s a shame you wont be at dogfest Allerzeit, no doubt it wont be long before we all catch up for celebrations of sorts. And No New Years Eve show this year that's always a bit of fun. Have no fear TLC I have all matter of electronic equipment I am working on CCTV and bugging trolleys as we speak. Or maybe just my camera LOL. Ellz I have no idea what comes in a black and white can, but you make it sound tempting, hum could this result in an intoxicated Quoll ??
  2. Revenge ?? served quolled what's wrong with warm, or reheated, microwaved even ..................
  3. I ll be there with one dog " Manu " praying for freezing cold.
  4. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO!!!!!!! My boots and I are shaking in fear ( snigger ) Time for blackmail.
  5. If the Show Princesses are going to Dog Fest on Sunday, I cant wait for the entertainment installment And to Mr Rajacadoo Well done ;) that deserves a beer for sure.
  6. Very proud of my little man today the Royal Hobart, only 6 months old and he managed Minor puppy of breed, Dog Challenge and R/U BOB. There was healthy competition with entries from the mainland and one lovely lady, a poodle owner who was very very nice to us in her warm congratulations. Thank you to this Poodle Lady. Manu did very well as did our Bubbles :D
  7. There they were the show Princesses, Miss Ellz and Miss Rajacadoo in the middle of the car park, trolley and crate on wheels chatting away, when the whhel fell off, suddenly those two ladies were panic striken. In the midst of a car park, it might as well have been the Sahara desert, there they were dehydrating in the intense Tassie heat ( 20oC ) Miss rajacadoo holding on to the run away wheel shocked fearing for her life miles from a good wine, well feet anyway. In a moment of courage the two princesses lifted the broken crate only to place it back on the ground. The silence was deafning NOT various superlatives were used, and not to be defeated by a wheel the princess had another attempt. Oh they lifted the heavy weight with their sore backs and feet, oh such a load bearing down on them. Their courage was outstanding they made it back to the vehicle, no doubt refreshments were a plenty.
  8. Some great shots there barb
  9. I have no doubt that a lot of people DO their upmost to help, there are many caring organisation and individuals in this world, thank goodness. In the case of tourists, they, at least get the opportunity to be vaccinated in their homeland before travelling. You stipulate that there are few bites and that they are all reported, well many are reported. However many are NOT once you leave the major centres and you are in the villages. You have not addressed the fact that hospitals even in the major centres do not carry any medications to treat rabies. I am not suggesting that there is an epidemic, but I am suggesting there are still some very serious problems in Bali with rabies. And one of the bigger issues is the corruption, sorry to make this political but it is. The Indonisian govt is producing a vaccines against rabies as I wrote earlier, but it is totally useless. Therefore quoting large figures of vaccinated dogs may sound good but which vaccines were used? As I said it is very complex it is not just about rabies. Fortunately there are many western charities and organisation are trying to help. The vets I have spoken to came home very distressed you are right, one is in private practice the other a member of the CSIRO researche team. I can not name them on a forum, however if you need further proof pm me.
  10. Congratulations Tassie :D and also to Oschi ;)
  11. An envoy of vets went to Bali for 3 months and have only just returned, let's just say there are major differences between what authorities would have you believe and the sad facts. To such an extent that a village in Bali had a cow, the cow belonged to the village, the poor thing contracted rabies and the villagers seeing their only asset facing a sad end decided to sell it. The Aussie vets had to explain that was not a good idea, and after enquiring with experts back here, it was decided the cow was safe to eat as long as it was beheaded and the head not consumed. The cow had only just been bitten and the illness had not yet set in. There is an Australian woman in Bali who is doing extrodinary work, and funding it all herself, she also worked closely with the Autralian team. Our vets weredevastated by what they wittnessed, a 5 yo girl been attacked by a dog with rabies, her uncle and grandfather stepped in to help her, both were also bitten. Aussie did all they could do get some meds from home to Bali for the little girl, great effort as it was very costly but they saved her. The relatives died. It was a very hard 3 months from our team and they deserve our support not our doubt. Do you really think Indonesia want the Australian to be made aware of how bad it really is ! Just a foot note about the statistics, as most people are in villages with little or no transport to get to a medical aid how on earth can they have accurate statistics.
  12. I can PM you the source of my information if you need it.
  13. I'd like to see more "compact " dogs in the Mini Poodles with a well shaped head, good under jaw to avoid that snipey look yet retain the lovely elegant face. In both the Toy and the Mini the temperament is soo important, Poodles are a FUN dog happy outgoint full of life, we could improve on that as well. For all breeds I think health is something we can always try to get better I d like to see more DNA testing available, and used.
  14. This is pretty complicated and an ongoing problem. The Indonesian Govt does not really have a vaccination protocol for rabies. They do have a vaccine produced locally, however many Australian vet question it's efficiency. Australian vets have been sent to Bali to assist in this crisis taking with them vaccines, to do the best they could under the circumstances. They are also training the local vets and desexing as many dogs as they can. It's a very sad situation, most of all for the CHILDREN of BALI. They are the ones most likely to be bitten, most are around the age of 5. Bali has NO TREATMENT for rabies, the victims just die, and in the most horrible way. They are usually tied to a bed and left there in agony. In Australia if a person was in a similar situation they would be placed in an induced coma, to avoid the agonising death, they would be made comfortable with pain control. The worst part of all this is the sheer numbers of victims bitten each year, most are loacals and no one ever hears about it. Little do the tourists know they too are at "risk" as no treatment is available period, flying them home is almost impossible as a "mercy" flight is the only way back, you can not place them on a normal flight. Tourists are bitten each year also and sadly most die. At this stage an effort is been made to try to control the situation, but it will take a lot more to succeed. The Indonisian Govt. needs to formulate a policy, employ vets and use proven vaccins. But the fight is not only against RABIES but also CORRUPTION at just about every level. At this point the situation is far from been under control.
  15. Hi Jen Took a bit longer to get but here it is. David crosswell, he is up Longford way his number is: 63936527 or mobile should still be 0419 368061. Hope that helps. Shell ps you going to Royal launceston?
  16. I ll be able to get it for you tomorrow ( friday ) I ll PM you.
  17. Well said, quoll. I know someone here who gave specialist foster-care to a small dog rescued from a horrendous puppy-farm. Ping was a pretty little 12 months old tibbie girl, with white & gold coat. Really funny, tho', because she had orange legs. After a few months the orange started to fade. Turns out, it was the result of living her life at the puppy farm, nearly up to leg-tops in urine & faeces. It'd dyed her white legs orange. ;) Poor little baby, but she is one of the lucky ones WELL DONE
  18. With the compulsory microchipping starting in July next year down here, there doesn't seem much point, in my opinion, to continue with desexing tattoos when a dog's desexing record can be stored in a way that does not fade and cannot be altered. Of course, my opinion is perhaps a little coloured by the breed I work with- greyhounds generally have ear brands already and often, these take up a fair amount of space in each ear. I've seen several ear brands that have been partially obscured by desexing tattoos, effectively destroying one means of identification. Our vet has an opt-in approach (you actually have to ask for it to be done) to desexing tattoos and that's the way I prefer it to be. Hi I m not sure wether the ID of a greyhound is a big issue once the dog is desexed and no longer in it's racing capacity or breeding for that matters. Therefore the desexing tattoo obscuring would not concern me. I take your point about microchips, and in a perfect world that would work just fine. But sometimes the system fails us, the chip is lost some how, or unreadable, or the institution does not have a chip reader, whatever. I prfer the added security of the tattoo, like an insurance policy. One more point in the event of thieves a tattoo may just be enough to change their minds from stealing a pretty bitch to breed from.
  19. Well it was bad enough for me - maybe I'm just ...soft. No you are not soft, just a nice dog owner sadly humans have a lot to answer for.
  20. You thought those images were bad !! go on you tube and type puppy mill or puppy farm, last nights images were MILD to the suffering some endure. They probably could not even show the really bad ones at that time of night on TV.
  21. Finally someone does something good for the dogs in puppy farms, and by God they need help, and all you lot can do( many here anyway not all ) is bitch about Dr this or Dr that and how stupid, ignoran,t too tall, too blond too this or too that he may be. Be grateful someone is bringing this terrible issue to the fore front.
  22. This is a standrad practice in Tasmania and I find it to be extremely valuable. At a glance a vet or animal worker knows the animal has been desexed and most likely "belongs " to someone somewhere. In the event of the pet been in a shelter this may save it's life already desexed, or in on some occasion a vet operating to desex only to find it has already been done. The tatoos do fade they are not obvious they do not alter the look of the animal, unlike of the tatoos you see on humans.
  23. I've got a piccy of something that looks a little like a jigsaw puzzle of Basenji babies! cool
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