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Everything posted by quoll

  1. Think BIG, with the standard everything is upsized simple as that. So more costly to feed to medicate, more space required in the house the car in your life. Grooming changes as well, more time more work. They take longer to dry to clip etc.. or simply take to the groomer but that will also cost more. As long as you are aware of this a standard is an excellent choice. I have a mini and toys and there is the same difference, to that of the mini and std, the toys take less. All poodles are a fun life loving breed, it's important to choose one with a great temperament, from healthy parents. The Lagotto is a truffle dog, as such they can REALLY DIG and dig and dig. So how is the garden, but remember that is what they were bred for, but they are also great dogs. Be aware of the health issue in all the breeds you are thinking of, make sure the parents are both healthy and have good temperaments, do as much background research as you can.
  2. Most important the nail clippers need to be sharp and strong enough to CUT the nail without twisting the claw. bad clipeers or the wrong nail clippers cause the claw to twist sideways and that hurts the dog. I also really like using the dremel.
  3. Cute overdose but gees hasn't he got some balance.
  4. I don't think it matters, it's always good to see dog people taking their dogs for a walk. In summer I will sometimes do it later in the day, winter may see me walking late morning .
  5. Face judging does exist, favours returned and so on.... I m sure many of you have also over heard remarks made near the ring as to who would win and why and so they did. I once saw a judge whilst holding on to the wrist of an exhibitor say don't worry you've got it, and this was in the ring not too discrete. Face Book is now becoming a big issue, and it's a shame, but i can't see things changing any time soon.
  6. Not" brothers in arms" but Cats in arms hehe
  7. OMG that is a shocking story based more on making money than anything else. Emotional blackmail is what springs to mind, a dsigrace!
  8. Three poodles here, bathed weekly. When showing they will bebathed before the show and after as well, this can mean 2 baths in a week. Have never had skin issues. Use a good shampoo, a conditioner if a long coated breed it should be fine.
  9. Shishh there are a lot of breed snobs out there . Bottom line is the per son who buys the dog, feeds the dogs walks the dogs and pays for the vet bills, is definitely the person who has every right to choose the breed they want to own. Every body can go take a walk
  10. I wish you all the best with this one, it's such a silly law. It isn't so much how many dogs but how they are looked after. Within reason I can't see anyone in suburbia haqving 20 dogs. Most are like you they may have 3 or 4 small ones. Whatever it s just a silly law.
  11. Just can't get my head arpund this one eating dogs
  12. My dogs are both docked and funnily enough, their tails still wag. Even a docked rotti's tail wags. Docked Poodles still had enough tail to "express" themselves! In my experience pups in discomfort or pain, do not settle, they cry and often circle in the box and do not feed, they are obviously distressed. My pups when docked were straight back on the boob with mum and went back to feeding until they fell off the boob asleep. That is also my experience with docked puppies It will never be revoked. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. Sadly, I think this is correct I would LOVE to see docking made legal again, providing it was done properly by a COMPETENT vet (I stress competent, as the Vet who docked my 1st litter was anything but). :p Yes agree with legal tail docking totally, providing it is done correctly
  13. I remember this case, the punishment just doesn't fit the crime, these people should be doing time ! penalties are no deterrent when people get off with such light sentences.
  14. Yes very consistent, I agree he must have been very impressed with the STDs. And what beautiful dogs they both are.
  15. Thanks for putting the results up Capanash.
  16. How are things progressing in there ???
  17. Guess health and temperament are always for most, so to me the colour are a secondary issue unless they directly impact in the quality of life of the dogs. I love the white pug the long haired Rotti is gorgeous, the phantom pooodle are just lovely and the white Dob aww. Some very nice colours in all the breed the black and tan lab is really nice too. Many very attractive dogs in this thread and the Ridgeback I though it was a very fat Daccie at first a bit like mine looks today :D but it suits it, looks good in that as well. The parti lab I need to get used to :D .
  18. Hehe yup can't plant them matoes till after show day and everyone know that when black cockatoos fly over head it's gonna rain for sure. And you know what IT DOES :p
  19. Wouldn't you just like to know you might have to travel South to find out
  20. My wheels fell off last weekend Huonville is a must I ll be there
  21. This sounds like a possible money laundrying exercise.
  22. WOOOOOHOOOOOOO Well done guys, very happy for you all ;) bet the wheels stayed on today ;)
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