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Everything posted by Troy

  1. You should hopefully see a Working Parties forum on the front list of forums now (directly under the General Dog Discussion one)
  2. There was a lot of people included in my previous comments (including you) .... I now suggest people drop it and move on.
  3. Apologies Troy...I think we can bin this thread, none of it is helpful or has a point. A lot of the topics on the forum don't have points. Don't participate in a topic if you feel that way about it.
  4. Should be able to see it now
  5. Anyone who missed out can purchase one through the DOL store. Link to store
  6. Got mine today!!! (Sorry to Steve for having to send so many boxes). Well done to all involved!!! The book looks great! I will be selling them in our store for anyone who missed out ... just got to set it up and work out postage / packaging etc.
  7. I have heard back from the site owner .... she is going to do a rollback of the site to remove the info.
  8. We have contacted them for copyright infringement. If they fail to respond we will seek further legal advice. Upon checking the company that owns the domain though, it appears they are under external administration which is not a good sign.
  9. Your grammar could be betterer to, Troy .... and I proof read it about 10 times :D I am convinced this is a DOL engine fault as it happens to me often enough. "Than" appears, when I know I meant and was thinking "That" and so on. Mine is more extreme ... I can be thinking 'dog' and I write 'cat' or similar. It has only happened a couple of times but it is a bit of a worry.
  10. I am probably one of the worst offenders for spelling mistakes as I discover that just about every post I make on here has spelling errors, words missing etc. Unfortunately I only discover it when I read the post at a later stage (even though I try to proof read it when I initially write it). It is strange as I use to be fanatical on spelling things correctly .... I guess I am used to writing emails that tend to be forgiving as they spell check for you (and correct grammar) as you go so I do not have to be as careful when you type. I sometimes wonder how my brain works, as a couple of times now I think I am typing in a particular word but when I look back, a completely different word has been typed that has no relation to what I am typing or was thinking. Anyway, to those that may be offended, don't be .... if people have an issue with how others spell, that is their problem.
  11. Some posts have been removed. Dogz Online does NOT promote the harassment of any individual. Any member using this forum to encourage others to do so will have their membership immediately removed.
  12. I agree. Offenders will be removed.
  13. Good point about advertising whilst suspended. I will remove their membership.
  14. The database got corrupted this morning and there was a few new topics where the topic was created OK but the corresponding first post failed. Hopefully this has now been fixed. (I just went in and removed those 'empty' topics.
  15. The breeders who are posting in this thread have ethics and not sending papers to the puppy buyers probably wouldn't even come into their thinking. From running this site though, I can see both sides of the coin. I deal with puppy buyers who have trouble getting papers for their puppy .... thankfully it doesn't happen often, but telling a puppy buyer that they are just one of the unlucky ones and should have done their research better doesn't help their situation. Not every puppy buyer is an expert and there are some bad breeders out there unfortunately. A flashy web site does wonders for credibility. Black Bronson, whilst I agree with some of your statements, your comments that every puppy needs to go on the main register (and the buyer needs to get papers straight away) is misguided. It is quite normal to not get registration papers when collecting the puppy. If you do not agree with this then by all means keep searching for a breeder that will give you what you want but quit telling others that if they do not get papers straight away or get it on the main register, they have a bad breeder as this is not the case. Also not every buyer's motives are clear when purchasing a puppy and some can be good at deception (as many a breeder will tell you). In the end, both sides just one want thing .... a good experience for both parties. I will admit that due to the growth of our site over the past few years especially, we have had trouble keeping up with who is listing with us. We are currently doing a re-write of the backend code of our site to better help us monitor what is going on. This should have been finished at the start of the year, but obviously that didn't happen. So as to not side-track this topic, I will start a topic in the next day or 2 to get some input from people here on what they would like to see us do. Anyway can we quit with the arguing please.
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