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Everything posted by Kissindra

  1. I don't follow the logic. There are thousands of happy, healthy, laid back and easily trainable dogs who got dumped, their lack of high-shed coat or sibe-like quirks didn't stop them being dumped!
  2. ah the signitories to Kate's code of ethics - those who list on their website that they are "proud to be a AAPDB breeder"....the same ones happily discussing lying to registered breeders and people rehoming dogs to get breeding stock, one of whom rehomed a 6 year old Cavalier grossly overweight and with an advanced case of MVD which was not disclosed to the new home and believes(or at least advertises) utterly that crossbreeding solves all health concerns! I'm trying to keep in mind that rotten apples should not necessarily spoil the whole bunch and that it IS possible for things to progress beyond their starting point, but I am going to take significant convincing that this is a group of people with ethics I could mostly agree with.
  3. on the suggestion that pet stores should have the responsability on pups they sell because they are making the proffit - there are plenty of people having litter after litter to supply pet stores here or overseas, I don't believe for one MINUTE they are not making a proffit churning out pups!
  4. what about cork? Also aparently you can get some very tough, high end lino made to look like tile patterns or wood.
  5. just want to be clear: If the dog is in good health, then I have no issue with them opening her up to check. If the dog is in poor health (nothing lifethreatening but something treatable, where it's an increased risk for GA complications) they should hold off and keep the dog in care until he/she has recovered. If it is something which wont effect GA/increase risks and the vet is happy, then no need to hold off. If a rescue wants to hold off on a GA the dog should remain in foster care NOT be rehomed in the meantime.
  6. I know how damaging GA's can be to some dogs, she wasn't well when she came into care and i felt they were putting their paperwork issues before the dogs wellbeing. (and the fact that they didn't want to have to chase it up down the track, a phone call once a month to check on her is all it would take.) I feel like they were taking the easy option so they could rehome her and forget about it. how exactly was she ill? I'm guessing something that adds a risk factor to GA? Most rescues would hold off until the dog was well enough to go under without added risk, it just means more time in foster care, which should not be an issue.
  7. might be an idea to report to Troy if there is grounds for suspicion, saves everyone trouble in the long run!
  8. I don't have a suggestion, but I'm interested in more details about your workplaces vollunteer sponsorship if you don't mind letting me know? How does it work, what does sponsorship entail ect. ?
  9. Am i still a crazy dog lady if i bring OH to the meet? lol. heck no, I'm bringing mine - it's our "get out of jail free" card, so to speak :D
  10. *cough* a few of us are going to dol meets this valentines :D
  11. nice to hear they are getting some press, gorgeous dogs!
  12. It's awful isn't it? And it does feel bad saying that because likely there has been some dedicated vollunteers who have done their best to provide a website at no cost, and that is very admirable, but a proffesionaly done website really is a must these days.
  13. so sorry for your loss run free Hooley, safe journey
  14. I believe riesenhaft was told not long ago that a new website is in the works Maybe give them a call? ETA - aparently it is being upgraded this month
  15. that is great, a well designed and easy to navigate website is a must these days.
  16. I was already set on finding a good breeder and feeding barf, I had researched breeds and already decided a cavalier was right for me when I started posting but there have been plenty of times, especially in the early days when it served such a great resource for all the myriad of questions. Being able to get feedback from others who had tried things you were considering, or whose dogs had faced the same health issues or just people offering support and encouragement is great! If It wasn't for DOL it might have been longer before I actually started fostering, and I may not have had the same opportunities to help others or individual dogs. I certainly would not find it so easy to find such interesting debates and information all in the one place. Dol makes so many doggy related things more accessable, because you have people willing to chat about their hobbies and passions. People willing to share those things with you in real life too, which makes taking on new interests and hobbies that much less daunting
  17. Huge hugs for you MM and fingers crossed for Porridge I think of this girl often, and how glad I am that you were there, willing and able to come to her rescue and give her the love she deserves. You are her angel, and my prayers are with you.
  18. how interesting - I sincerely hope more money goes on research and forming and up to date knowledge base than goes on advertising.
  19. I've seen the forum on the AAPDB website, and some of the content as it has progressed as well as having seen legitimate complaints against a member ignored and not investigated - a hell of a LOT of work to do there before I'd compair them to anything like the MDBA.
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