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Everything posted by Kissindra

  1. I'd say it would be a good idea for her to meet some of the prospective breeds at a dogshow or at breeders, so she can see if she has a reaction.
  2. Boo was 17 weeks old when we brought home Trixie, we never had a problem but I can see how it would be a matter of individual personalities and you should be prepaired to have to seperate them. this is their first meeting
  3. awww gorgeous, congrats to the stars
  4. http://www.danceswithdogsaustralia.com/index.html should be able to find info here
  5. These people are registered breeders with Vic Dogs. http://www.savingpets.com.au/?p=8517 http://www.savingpets.com.au/wp-content/up.../Picture-11.png they state they are a member and they breed some dogs, that does not mean they are registered breeders. Membership and breeder/prefix registration are seperate - so if we are just going by what is written here I would not make the assumption that they are in fact registered breeders with Vic Dogs.
  6. Another $300 on top of CC registration, shows, super premium diet, chiropractic treatment to keep dogs in tip top shape, entry fees etc???? It may not seem a lot to you but for exhibitors and sometime breeders, it's a HUGE extra expense. I would much rather spend that on spoiling my dogs. And for those who never intend to breed but choose to keep their dogs entire for other reasons (educated to the possible dangers, exhibit, working animals, dogs who cannot be desexed due to health issues, etc) it's alot of money..... the people in this category would not be up for paying the money. I think the councillor gives a damn about dogs - which is to be encouraged, but I also think they need someone to have a word to explain some points. Would be good for people in the area to get in contact.
  7. good idea Erny - my first though was to see if the obedience club is happy for me to sell some there
  8. I'm glad he's happy in and of himself, hard not to be with such loving family around him Just a thought - there are people who make individualised aids for people with disabilities, the sort of stuff which is never mass produced because it is usually for an individual need or situation and has to be designed from scratch. Maybe someone like this could help with designing and making a brace for Charlie? My friends dad used to do this, if you like I could ask if he might know who to get in touch with.
  9. my foster is an undies thief, she likes to turn mine into crotchless knickers
  10. sounds like a lot of fun Congrats
  11. anyone want to check if they did all the paperwork required to collect donations?
  12. This post deleted due to PMS meh, I'm going to go eat some icecream.
  13. Varicool- can't imagine Harvey not being interested in toys! huski - damn! We were running late tonight so had no time to chat, did see Daisy do some nice stay/recalls though Evolving - I wonder if, with Boo, it's because I've done lots of training with him in offleash parks and so he's learnt "down time" means "and now you get to go wander about and do your own thing". I noticed tonight that when I let him know he could chill he immediately started to want to check out the other dogs in the distance. If I'm getting him to focus though, food usually wins out over other dogs, little piggy! Jeanne - Boo loved lurecoursing, perhaps something to chase along the ground then catch/tug would work! Pretty sure I've seen something like that for sale, pretty much like a cat toy but more robust The "favourite" toy for home doesn't seem to be the favourite out and about, will see how we go with a new toy adding distractions/new places corvus - I'd like to avoid it being on cue if I can, sounds like it works well for Erik though! Will see how we go. There were quite a few in our class who had the same problem bar one person whose dog was more interested in tugging the lead than treats ETA - was told to try putting a chicken wing in an old sock too
  14. Cr. I congratulate you on your willingness to discuss and efforts towards a well considered approach to animal management. Just wanted to give you a bit of background to clear up why people would actually question what the method of euth is. It was not long ago that news came out about a pound vollunteer having witnessed pound staff in-humanely killing cats/kittens. The animals were shot and not in such a way that they died quickly and humanely. There was access to a vet who could have done the job quickly and humanely so the local community and the DOL community was rightly disgusted and horrified. The RSPCA commented on the matter most strongly also. The days of inhumane euth are unfortunately not long gone in every council. You will find many a council/pound with outdated facilities and animal management practises that are to the detriment of the animals in their care and you will no doubt hear more examples of such by staying on the forum for a while. It is a sad truth Cr. and one many here strive to improve. You are to be commended in finding the notion of such practises horribly outdated, but do please understand that such sentiments aren't taken for granted as being the case in every council.
  15. So Boo is very fond of tug of war at home, but as soon as we are out at a park or obedience he seems to have zero interest. I'd presume it was because of all the interesting things going on but I have no problems getting him to focus on me and sustaining that focus, it's just getting him to play with toys. I'd like to use tug as a reward and as "down time" during training, any ideas on how to encourage this without it becoming something he's doing on command?
  16. the liver doesn't squick me as much as hearts do - I always feel like I'm in a highschool science class doing a really bad job of disection
  17. I tend to go for the springwater for the pink/red salmon and tuna. Sardines are in olive oil or springwater and I also get Mackeral fillets in brine.
  18. might provide some points of interest: http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/c...identification/
  19. I can't find it in the 40 pages, but there was some mention of registered breeders (who breed and show) not selling pets, yet supplying breeding dogs for cross-breeding. Did I understand that correctly? If so I can't get past the logic fail. If the rationale is breeders who show don't breed dogs suitable for pets (cough BOLLOCKS cough), why on earth would dogs not suitable as pets be wanted as breeding stock for pets? or does F1 crossing solve all temprament issues too :D
  20. and I'll fourth it :D She's the bees knees
  21. Erny - Tammie's project is about IF a test can be developed which is objective and gives measurable outcomes. That's it. It's about IF a test is possible, so really the dogs used, their backgrounds/breeds/etc. is totally irrelevant. To clarify on the behaviour thang to all concerned. It gets down to the nature/nuture argument and whether its people or dogs I think most people would agree that it really is a bit of both. IF the scientists can clearly define certain traits, then IF they can create tests that objectively measure those traits, and then later on they MAY discover a gene (or series of genes) that creates that behaviour/trait. Then those behaviours/traits which are proven heritable, you can use the tests to assess dogs for that behaviour/trait as a selection tool for breeding dogs. For instance, if Tammie CAN develop an objective test for 'amicability" (which she has defined) then GR breeders could use the test GRs should be "amicable". Afghan breeders could also use the test as Afghans should be aloof, and not TOO 'amicable. What comes under the heading of behaviour problem in the stats? Is it broken down into specifics, or was it one ticky box which everyone who dumped their dog for digging/barking/not housetraining itself can tick? There is substantial difference between a behaviour that can be resolved with or avoided by minimum basic training/exercise/stimulation, and those that are unresolvable or very difficult to resolve. I am not saying "there are thousands of dogs in pounds who require no effort", I said there are healthy, happy and highly trainable dogs, dogs that will pick up house training, dogs that will learn not to jump up, dogs that - with humans who understand the BASICS of being a dog owner - will be wonderful pets - any many of these are dogs already without the traits suggested to be a cause for dogs such s sibes being dumped. Therefore - I feel the suggestion that a change of personality for some breeds will lessen them being dumped is false. We need to change the people, not the dogs.
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