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Everything posted by Kissindra

  1. we don't have plague proportions but there are quite a few about - we even had the joy of maggots in the house the other day -I still have no bloody idea where they came from, there is no food lying about, the bins had been emptied and washed the day before and there is just NOTHING I can find that would have attracted flies to lay eggs anywhere inside. They are EVIL
  2. does anyone know if there is a breed rescue in QLD? Came across an add for a purebred with papers boy being offered free to good home. Add sounds like they will do a good job of placing him but if there is a breeder in the wings or a breed rescue who could assist with putting them in touch with a good home it would be good to let them know. add is here: http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Pets-Horses/...ue&AdOnTop=
  3. yeah, not feeling the sympathy here based on what is written.
  4. blind faith works both ways, it is a sad thing for people to believe blindly that there is not a need for constant improvement be it minor or major changes -and just as perversely illogical to believe there is no good work being done and no accomplishments to be proud of. I don't see the questions I asked as being testament to blind faith, I'm still yet to get clear answers. Your study means nothing unless you put it in context with more information. Was the RSPCA full when they transfered animals over? What of the number of dogs the pound transfers TO the RSPCA - what were the outcomes for those? Breaking down all the figures is there any reason to believe the RSPCA in the ACT is not using the funds they recieve to further their programs and help more animals and that their policy change has led to worse outcomes for more animals in the area? I don't chose blind faith - give me solid facts in context and I'll act on them. The "established clergy" here for many is that the RSPCA can do NO right, and is that not just as "true believer" as anyone trying to say they do no wrong - which, incidently, I don't recall anyone commenting did?
  5. ;) priceless! Love it! when OH was designing a ramp for the dogs, some of the engineers at work saw the finished plans and complained that he should have gotten THEM to design it if we ever need to build something more complex we'll rope them in to it
  6. yup, and given how much rain we've had lately I'm glad we have tiles. Little demons will cross their paws no matter how long I stay out there with them
  7. I would imagine they surrender them to the pound rather than the RSPCA - hence nobody who is unable to wait HAS to. Does anyone have details of the waiting list or are we just assuming no thought is given to setting helpful priorities and variable timeframes? I can think of plenty of situations where owners have a timeframe available and can be encouraged to rehome responsibly themselves or hold off for a few weeks/months rather than adding a cost burden to a shelter or pound for that timeframe. ETA - I see Alyosha has answer with known details, good to hear!
  8. I'd assumed the RSPCA were acting as a pound facility, is this not the case? It is not uncommon for animals to be moved to different facilities when space is not available, the pertinent information is what the percentage outcomes for animals in the area are and have these improved, stayed the same or gotten worse since the RSPCA adopted these procedures and is there any other variables in animal management practises in the area that could have contributed? I don't actually think funds should be sent to the pound with dogs unless there is a glut of funds raised by the RSPCA and it is shown that their new methods are a CAUSE of an increase overall in the amount of animals euthed. The pound should be budgeted to cope with whatever the normal rates of animals incoming is - reguardless of whether they come direct from the public or via another facility. In essence this RSPCA shelter - if not contracted as a pound, is just like any other animal rescue facility who help to increase the number of dogs rehomed and reduce the burden on the pound, much like the AWL shelters in QLD. The report suggests that the RSPCA have had to step up fundraising and community involvement in order to maintain the operational methods they have adopted and does not suggest there are lots of extra funds floating about at all. Do you have information on the facfilities financial state that suggests they have spare funds which could/should be directed towards outgoing animals or that could/should be used to increase the RSPCA capacity to house more animals? What management practises are used at the pound to maximise rehoming? you've mentioned they work with rescues, do you know what their percentages are for rehoming and how these have changed or been maintained in the last five years and any other factors that might have influenced these figures?
  9. given there are even videos on youtube about using hair removal creams to "groom" a chinese crested for shows(and yes it does specificly state for shows) I have to wonder if it isn't considered completely normal practise by at least a fair proportion of people? One such video suggests it is a better method because you don't get the skin irritation of using a razor and the poster is quite happy to link to her kennel website. I don't know much about the breed - does the breed stardard state certain areas should be hairless by dint of grooming or genetics? Are small amounts of hair in certain areas considered a fault?
  10. what a wonderful thing to see change in action, well done to RSPCA ACT for being progressive in their thinking and showing how it is possible to significantly improve rehome rates and take a far more possitive approach to animal management.
  11. should be sleeping, but instead I'm on DOL love this place, met some truly wonderful people because of it and am truly thankful for it. Who needs sleep? ETA - I think the most wonderful thing about dogz is how it is a place which fuels my passion. I've been fortunate in my life to find things which truly inspire me and motivate me, areas of interest which ignite the spark inside and bring me immense joy - animal welfare and general doggy obsession is something which I love. From small actions which make a difference to big dreams for the future that I'm pursuing - DOL provides an avenue for debate, learning and oportunities to make a difference as well as some stellar role models for turning passion into action.
  12. wouldn't think so Jed, the numbers are higher than what that PF had and though it was actually back in mid september of last year that that raid happened, I would think it highly unlikely they had managed to get a hold of even more dogs than they had previously while involved in the ongoing court case, at least I bloody hope not! Don't think there were any BC's in that PF either - mostly labs, beagles and smaller companion breeds like cavaliers etc. or crosses. In reguards to that case though - can I just say the respective breed clubs/people/recues were fantastic with helping get the dogs into foster care and I hope the offers of help and level of working together that happened will occur again. For those that think it might be a bit difficult to have a dog from this situation in their care - they do match you and your dogs with your foster/fosters and not all dogs will have extreme or difficult to manage issues and many of the dogs will be puppies. The RSPCA Fairfield is fortunate to have trained behaviourists on staff who evaluate each dog and provide very clear information on the specific training needs of individuals as well as general information on ex-puppy farm dogs and general basic training. I have an RSPCA foster here and it's been a true joy. While these cases do mean a minimum 6 months in foster care, you do have the option of returning a foster at any point if it isn't working out, and for those who worry about becoming attached you can opt to foster for a shorter period of time and perhaps foster a different dog or dogs every few weeks. ETA - if you are unable to foster you might be able to help by vollunteering to check properties of prospective foster carers, simple form to fill out and it means animals can get into foster homes much faster if there are more people to do fence/property checks! You just need your own transport and some time available.
  13. oh good, UK RSPCA I can comment on - smacks of a grudge, what a huge waste of money!
  14. PM Varicool, she knows some good people, though I'm not sure what area they cover. ETA - lots of people advertise on gumtree for feeding/walking/etc. at low rates, but you'd need to check references well.
  15. I actually think of it as breeders showing how much they care about their dogs - that the dogs they breed are worthy of their commitment and care even years after they have gone to new homes. It demonstates the value of that life rather than taking away value. I think it encourages people to turn to their breeder should there be issues, and provides the breeder with an opportunity to step in and help if there is something resolvable. Ideally when someone goes to a breeder they are screened for suitability, offered a tonne of information and lifelong support - this does a HECK of a lot to insure the vast majority of dogs sold go to great homes and stay there so If good homing practises are in place I don't believe a rehoming clause will serve to promote a "throwaway" attitude to their pets.
  16. the temp and behaviour assesment looks at stuff like reaction to exuberant or clumsy petting, angry yelling, staggering and gesturing, being bumped from behind, held by a stranger, crowded and petted etc. they also look at the level of trust and understanding you and your dog have together. if you pass you then have to attend a one day training seminar and sign a simple performance agreement then they give you your photo ID and will start trying to match you up to a good facility. You will have a more experienced person acompany you and act as support for any future questions and do simple, regular activity reports. I can't find the rest of my info but I recall they also look for simple commands to be learnt like sit/drop/come - hope that helps!
  17. if his show is anything like the ones he did in Australia they will have nothing to complain about.
  18. I've made sushi especially for dogs with stuff like kangaroo meat in it For Boo's first birthday I made "Mini Muttloaf pupcakes" essentially it's meatloaf minus onion, you can cook as normal and serve it as a loaf but I spooned it into patty cases while it was still warn and pressed down, then let them cool in the fridge before decorating with "icing" of cream cheese mixed with olive oil and a bit of honey. Spread the "icing" on top and I used assorted dog treats and kibble to make puppy faces on them.
  19. Laugh? Why? She works it I do believe I need to buy some pink shademesh
  20. www.wheredopuppiescomefrom.com.au www.petrescue.com.au
  21. I'd be looking at ways to draw the public to the pound. Vollunteer programs, work for the dol opportunities, foster programs, links with a variety of small rscue groups and maybe a "friends of Ipswich Pound" group who could undertake activities like listing available animals on www.petrescue.com or taking good photos of animals for their profiles.Pound open days with stalls and information and offering cheap microchipping are great too. VERY nice to see innitiatives targeting locating un-registered animals, a council who can demonstrate they are actively enforcing such laws can expect a higher rate of compliance Logan pound have good innitiatives for links with small rescue groups as well as the AWL and RSPCA, could definately be worth liasing with them to see how they go about incorperating private rescue groups and the contracts/agreements for doing so. You could also investigate forming links with pet supply stores which do not sell animals but are willing to have adoptable animals from the pound/rescues in their store. RSPCA fairfield are currently doing this so I'd imagine they would be ale to help with details. A review of pound facilities and practises, particularly in reguard to disease prevention could be a worthwhile starting point to looking at ways to improve.
  22. aloveen oatmeal shampoo is another good one, they have a conditioner as well and i've found it to be good on foster pups who have skin issues.
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