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Everything posted by Veanna

  1. Glad to hear things are all going well for the little cutie! May she bless your lives with many happy years. :D
  2. At the moment only the people in this thread, which is about 6 :D I've tried spreading the word around a bit but I don't know many doggy people and I'm not a member of any clubs yet so makes it a bit hard.
  3. Bee4, the dogs would be able to come along, and it would more than likely be on a weekend. Unfortunatly we haven't hade enough interest to go ahead with any further planning.
  4. This is something that I worry about to, would love to hear the responses
  5. Hi Curious, I'm not a breeder but we do own a toy poodle. I brush her every day which doesn't take long at all because she is clipped short. When it comes to bathing she probably gets bathed once a month or more regularly if she has been playing in the creek I've just started clipping her myself in all over clip but I can't reccomend any course I'm sorry. My grandmother used to be a dog groomer so gave me a few lessons. Then I just studied up a bit with a book and lots of practice! I've done her last two or three clips and I'm only just getting the hang of making sure I don't clip too far up her face It's very satisfying though seeing the end result, that is if you have done it right Best of luck with your future poodle!
  6. I clean mine the same as everyone else, hot water and disinfectant after every meal Our food bowls are stainless steel and the water bowl is a ceramic one which sounds very similar to the one squeak described
  7. That poor little dog Surely they would have noticed the mats whenever they were patting the dog or something? Some people are just beyond me :
  8. Contacting obedience clubs is a good idea. I have a huge list of ovals and reserves but like you say, you never know what the weather is going to do. The only thing is I don't know of what clubs have halls and the like. All the clubs I know of don't allow dogs into the club rooms. Is there anyone here that is a member of an obedience club that thinks they may be interested in attending and/or holding the workshop on their grounds? ETA: Would all those that are interested be alright if we kept numbers to a minimum? Possibly 20 or 30? This will give more chance of having questions answered. I am currently emailing councils about some reserves I have in mind just to see if we would be breaking any rules holding a workshop there. Will update with some possible venues when I hear back.
  9. For it to be really affordable for everyone, probably a minimum of 20 people. If we can get 20 people to attend it will be $175 per person for the two days. The more people we have, the cheaper it will be. Also, I'm just doing some homework on suitable venues, does anyone have a preferred suburb or place that they would like it to be?
  10. About the topics I'm not really sure, I'll let Steve answer that one if he pops in hehe And your very welcome Rottshowgirl :rolleyes: Lets just hope we can get the numbers up to actually make it happen ;)
  11. Remember, if anyone has anyone family or friends that may be interested in attending let them know. The more that attend the cheaper it works out for people :rolleyes:
  12. Great to hear! I know I'm really looking forward to taking my girl along :rolleyes: Here's just some topics that Steve can cover at the workshop: behaviour issues, training issues, home behaviour problems, aggression, both putting it in & taking it out, phobias, training in drive to correct obedience & or behaviour problems, traidning in drive to be the leading competitor & much more...
  13. lol Don't worry Hazz, I'm not organised either, I just have alot of time on my hands so thought I would try :rolleyes: No problems JG, I would need it on a weekend as well. Once we get a few numbers up we can start discussing dates with Steve ;)
  14. I have spoken to K9force today and enquired about a possible 2 day workshop in Adelaide. How many people would be interested in attending? I would love to get his off the ground but we need the numbers to do so. ETA: We will also need some suggestions for venues, does anyone have any preferences? An oval or somewhere that allows dogs, preferably with shelter in case it rains.
  15. Thankyou hehe The best saying I have heard is owning an untrained dog is like owning a ferrari and only driving it in first gear
  16. To those breeders that have strict contracts, well done! Like everyone else, I don't understand why people buy a dog and have nothing to do with it. I have an aunty like that two little fluffy cross breeds banished to the backyard because they weren't housetrained. Felt like banging the people's heads against a brickwall. I personally can't wait to get my puppy and start her training. Ever since I decided to get another furkid I knew that I wanted to go right through to advanced obedience. It is something I have never done, and I want to help this little girl fulfill her whole potential.
  17. Phew LOL Thought I had it right ;) Oh you gotta love puppies like that, that are just a bit thick Good thing she has her wonderful good looks to get her by Oh definatly! This time we'll have hopefully more people turn up LOL Then it can be cuddles all round
  18. LOL Thanks Hazz We'll have to have another DOL meet after all her shots then you can cuddle her to your hearts content How's that gorgeous little viszla going? (oh I hope I have the right person, sorry if I'm thinking of someone else ;))
  19. When I move to Canberra Mooper you're more than welcome to come and use my dryer I really want one for home as I'll be doing most things when my daughter is occupied ;) I can't always find someone to watch her in the house so I want one at home so I can use it whenever I get the chance lol Oh never thought about asking in the show ring, will put up a post today thanks!
  20. As far as I know there isn't anything like that around here Just my luck ;) I'm just looking at it that it is something that will last me for a while, so may as well lay out the expense now Figured I'll save the money while I'm in money saving mode otherwise I might not have a chance after that
  21. That's ok Miranda, I've seen them around before and I can't remember the name either lol We've got a small one that we use for Holly, the toy poodle but for the life of me I can't remember where we got it from lol Might have to do a search ;)
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