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Everything posted by StaffordsYo!
DITTO! I second that idea - absolutely LOVE the pics, you sure are talented and dear RAlphy is such a wonderful model. I love him! Calendar or Book, I'd get one!!
AWESOME PICS!!! Makes me want a Frenchie to love! They are the best pics, please post more! Love how Frodo loves his buckets...
Would Honey Work To Soothe A Dogs Throat
StaffordsYo! replied to a topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hey, Yeah, the little Korean shop is in the shopping arcade on 113 Collins Road, Willetton. I dont' know the name of the store, but it's right beside the Japanese restaurant. Good Singaporean Hawker food there too at Bamboo!! But I believe they have manuka honey there - have a look. Good luck! -
Would Honey Work To Soothe A Dogs Throat
StaffordsYo! replied to a topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Willow, Just so you know - there's a little Korean shop somewhere in Willetton that sells Manuka honey - how they get it in I don't know, but it's there, I've seen it. Also, Jarrah honey has also been touted for its medicinal properties - not as good as Manuka, but definitely worth a go. I've got that in my pantry and dose the dogs with that from time to time. Good luck! -
Hey guys, Thanks for all your wonderful concerns and comments, I wish I had all of you living with me! Then I know I wouldn't have to worry about a thing! So... in reply... I did have to leave Boof along in her puppy pen indoors because I had to go to work, as piper pointed out, i wouldn't have been able to get time off to stay with Boof BUT I did ask my next door neighbour to check in on her every 2 hours. I came home to a well-rested, non-bleeding puppy, gave her a hug and took her to the vet for a follow up check up.... We found out that the cut in her mouth wasn't small at all, it was rather large and the vet concluded that that was possibly the reason for that much bleeding. The previous vet mightn't have noticed how big it was because of all the blood that was coming out of the wound! She was going to do a BMBT ( she said the whole name, but I can't remember what, then she told me the initials.. haha.) test to see if she had any clotting problems/ anemia, but she didn't have the neccessary stuff as they had just run out so she told me to make sure I did the test before Boof has any type of operation. In the vets opinion, she didn't bleed THAT much that they would be worried at the moment, but I had to remember to get that test done when I can just to be sure. So thankfully, no puncture wounds elsewhere, the swelling has subsided quite a great deal, it's still puffy but not hugely, she had some mushy food and she's happily sleeping on my lap now. THANK YOU for your concern and your help, I really appreciate it... this forum rocks! :)
Hey, Just an update - I rang the vet just after lunch ( I'm not on EST I'm on WA time - hence about 1:30pm) and she said to bring her in for another check up. So I'm booked in again this afternoon at 5:30pm.. Will update you in what's happening ASAP. Thanks for all the comments - I appreciate them.
No, she's a black/brindle staffy. Just out of curiousity, what does being white have to do with possible blood clotting problems? Do share. Thanks!
Thanks for that!! I'm at work but will ring the vet for some more advice at lunch time and if need be I will take her in this afternoon for another check up. Thanks also for the tip on how to keep her properly hydrated.. I really appreciate that and will get onto it ASAP. Can I give her a weak liver soup too?
Hey guys!! Thanks for all the kind words and advice.... after I wrote to you freaking out - about an hour later, the bleeding slowly started to subside as she fell into a deeper sleep... Thank goodness!!! I was so worried because the bleeding didn't seem to want to stop and the vet had told me to let the blood clot but Boofa would just spit the clots out and it would still keep bleeding! The worse bit was when I saw her spew up all that blood and food and realised it was more than I'd thought.... She slept through the rest of the night with no more bleeding and she woke up this morning extremely groggy ( from all that blood loss!) and I had to carry her outside for a wee. Luckily for me the puppy pen is still up, so she's inside today resting on her bed. I haven't given her any food yet to let the wound heal up better. The side of her face is all swollen too. There was no bleeding this morning, well, not that I could see. So fingers crossed the healing has begun and is well on its way.. But, almost 6 hours of non stop bleeding is pretty crazy isn't it? I've had mouth wounds before - my boy had bitten his tongue, had a bit of his lip chewed and its never bled that much. Will update if it comes good, but don't worry, I'm always the first to a vet (I'm a bit of a worrywart) so I'm glad it looks like it's healing... Thanks again, I really appreciate your help/ comments. Cheers StaffordsYO!
Hey guys, Would love some advice - if you've been through this before... it's freaking me out! My 16 week old got bitten by her mum today - she's lost a canine and has a cut on the inside of her mouth - and I only noticed it when I saw blood drops all over my kitchen floor! When I tried to check her mouth,blood squirted out of her mouth!! It freaked me out so I immediately took her to the vet. The vet diagnosed a lost canine and a cut in her mouth... which was the cause of the bleeding... and the only way for that to fix itself up is to let it clot naturally when she has a sleep. She was also given antibiotics. So, feeling slightly better that it wasnt anything serious... I've since come home and .... - she's still bleeding from the mouth and everytime there's a clot, she gets up and spits it out so the clot isnt staying in there and there's still bleeding. This has happened about 5 or 6 times already. - she's also vomitted twice - threw up her BARF dinner and it was full of blood, black blood, bloody food and clots. - she's sleeping now, but the bleeding is still going... I'm worried she's going to run out of blood! Is there something else wrong? Should I just sit tight and pray the wound closes itself? It's been bleeding non stop for almost 5 hours now and I've used up about one whole box of tissues and 3 towels mopping up her blood. Has anyone had an experience like this before? Any help, ideas to help stop the bleeding would be much appreciated. I can only pray I'm over-reacting and all will be well. THANKS!!!!!! Cheers StaffordsYo!
I agree, I own 2 Staffies and my girl pulls a bit because she gets excited. I keep them on a short lead whenever I go past other walkers/ joggers/ people with dogs, just out of courtesy in case mine jump up and try to lick them to death. Somehow, others seem to interpret this courtesy/ bit of common sense as a threatening move and give me a wide berth anyway. Poo to them I say. People just need to be more dog aware and take responsibility for their own and their dog's actions instead of blaming everything under the sun!
Heya! Thanks for your comments thus far, I really appreciate it. I'm starting to breathe a sigh of relief I think. Have never had to deal with such an injury before and I pray I never have to deal with anything like that again. I will keep an eye on it I suppose. I'm not that keen on having the vet re-staple it.. haha, but want to make sure it heals well. THANKS!!! STaffordsYo!
Hey there! My staffy Jake was playfighting with my bitch, Bodhi and she accidentally got his ear in her teeth and tore a gash on the inside of his ear. I took him to the vet because it didn't look like it was going to close up without stitches or something. The vet put 2 staples in to hold the wound together and he got some antibiotics through a jab along with some pills to have at home. I've since separated the dogs and they're not allowed to play together at all, at least till it heals up. My question though is - the wound looks like it's opened back up... like the staples haven't really kept it closed... should I take him back to the vets for another look, or should I just leave it and pray it heals up nicely? PLease help? It's my first 'big' injury and I'm a little worried! I've added some before and after pics.. well, of the staples, any comments, experience, thoughts would be welcome! Thanks! Cheers StaffordsYo! BEFORE AFTER
Hey there guys, Just thought I'd come back to this thread for some advice. I wrote earlier about my staffy Jake who got a suprelorin implant (6 month) in April '07 - the effects of the 6 month pill has lasted longer than the usual 6 - 9 month period that was recommended by my vet and now, one month away from April '08 - Jake's gonads are still tiny!!! They haven't returned to full size, we were planning to show him and potentially breed from him. ( And yes, I am fully aware of what breeding is about and I don't plan to be a backyard breeder, I'm working toward my prefix right now.) I spoke to my vet in Dec and he assured me that Suprelorin was totally reversible - but at this point in time, I'm not seeing it. Should I see another vet? Should I contact Peptech and find out what on earth is going on. What are my rights if JAke doesn't fully regain his manhood as promised and as advertised by the company? Please advise, I'm really getting a little miffed that Jake's hasn't got his balls back! And thanks for the help in advance! Cheers Sufen
Hey there, Boy am I glad this thread has surfaced! I got my dog, Jake, done just after his first birthday - only the 6 month one ( that was in April 2007) and his behaviour improved significantly in terms of aggression toward other 'entire' dogs that he didn't know at the park. I was going to show him, but didn' as I was concerned that having that implant disqualified him, especially becasue his family jewels shrunk quite a bit.. There are still 2 and you can still see them, but they are small!! Well, compared to the entire dogs at the shows. We were just waiting to see if they would grow back before putting him back into the ring again..... and therein lies the problem. Because this was the implant with the official 6 month efficacy I thought that they would naturally grow back once he started pumping out the testosterone again when the drug wore off - but that is not the case. Now already 4 months after the 6 month period - his testis haven't returned to normal and though assured by the vet that they would within the 1 year mark, I'm still a little concerned that they won't and thus we won't be able to show ever.... So has anyone used this implant and had 100% testicular size recovery? I would love to hear. Thanks so much for this discussion, I really enjoyed it! Cheers Sufen
Hey guys! Thanks for all the replies and advice, I really appreciate it! Since I wrote, I've given Jake and Bodhi some jarrah honey, reportedly having similar therapeutic benefits as manuka honey ( we just can't get manuka honey here in Perth!).... it's helped a little but Jake is still hacking at times. He is also bringing up a clear, stickey fluid at times and also a white, frothy, sticky fluid at other times. Is that we would be calling doggy phlegm? I will also be ringing to vet tomorrow to see what else I can do. Here's a question though - if both my dogs have been vaccinated with C5 for the year, how is it that they have become infected with kennel cough? I thought once they were immunised they were safe? Anyway, caesarsmum, is there anything else you did for Caesar other than give him honey and cough syrup? WAs there anything else that you did for Caesar that might have helped? Would love to know so I can help my two as well!! Thanks so much for your help Caesarsmum and Cockerlover, appreciate it! Cheers StaffordsYO!
Hey there Dolers! How's it going? I just wanted to ask for your help in identifying what's happening to my dog, please help!!! Jake, my staffy has been doing this crazy, HARHHHH, HARHHH like hacking noise pretty regularly over the last 2 days. He could be sleeping, playing, or just sitting around and suddenly he'll get a bout of these hacking fits that looks like he's trying to bring something up and it usually ends up with him gagging - generally nothing comes up, but yesterday some white bubbbly fluid that looked like saliva and the remains of one lone biscuit got brought up, and I'm guessing he might have brought something up last night too as I found him on the outside bed this morning - the OH must have put him there! I've checked his mouth /throat and he isn't actually gagging on something stuck, so I'm starting to get a little panicky. Prior to this, due to 40degree days and nights in the high 30s, Jake and our other staffy slept in an air-conditioned room with us and ended up with runny noses and Bodhi sneezing often! We thought they might just have had a cold that would resolve itself but then Jake's developed this other condition that I'm a little more worried about. I've just had a quick look on the net and it seems the culprit might be kennel cough though I'm not sure which is why I was hoping someone could help me out! If it was kennel cough - should I take him to the vet for antibiotics? There seems to be conflicting opinions on that too.... any home remedies that I could possibly give Jake to ease his coughing? Any advice that could be given would be much appreciated!!!!! I just don't want Jake to suffer and am willing to try anything to help him! Thanks in advance StaffordYO!
Photos as promised: The little one in question... And along with the great poo eater.. Hope you like them! Cheers StaffordsYo!
Hey hey! Poodlefan: she's on interceptor spectrum at the moment. Fingers crossed she doesn't have worms! Also... I finally caught her in the middle of her nap to have a jolly good look at her mouth and I think I've found the culprit! She's got a back molar that's already newly grown but the old one is still there and turning brown! I didn't get too close to have a sniff of it though.. (don't think my nose would fit in her mouth! hehe) Eek... I've tried wiggling it out but while it's quite wiggly, it looks like it's going to take a lot more hard wiggling to get it out! I'm going to give her a nice cold chicken wing tomorrow and see what happens with that molar. Thankfully she doesn't like eating poo like her brother Jake who relishes cat poo regularly! I'll still be taking her to the vet though just for a quick check up and better look and maybe a teeth clean too! THANKS ladies and gentlemen... I really appreciate your sage advice! Promise to get some pics up here ... just gotta load some on photobucket! Cheers StaffordsYo!
Heya!! Thanks for all the great comments, really appreciate them! In reply: she was wormed just 2 days ago - she's on Interceptor and wormed once a month. Just curious - what might worming have to do with bad breath? Also, yeah, I will be booking her into the vet ASAP to have it checked out and will have a look at her teeth again just to make sure everything is ok. It's quite hard with a wiggly pup though! If she's teething though is it ok to give her chook wings? I've been just giving her necks but thought wings might be too 'tough' for her. I have some in the freezer though so she might appreciate that especially because it's nice and cold! Thanks again guys, I really, really appreciate your help. Will update as soon as we get home from the vets! Cheers Sufen
Hello all! I have a 5 month old Stafford pup and she's currently in the process of teething... I've read through most of the threads here on teething/ bleeding and still have some questions... hope you can help!! PLEASE?!?!?!? She's teething and her gums are bleeding when she's lost a tooth etc and that doesn't concern me as much as the fact that she's got really bad breath!!!! When she's coming up for a lick and stuff, or even when she yawns - my goodness me.... I really have to push her away! We reckon it might be because she's been bleeding in her mouth and she doesn't gargle (hehe) so the blood hangs around for a bit. I've tried rinsing her mouth out but it doesn't work... and she's always got access to water to drink. What do you reckon I should do? Take her to the vet for a dental checkup? Brush her teeth? Will giving her bones etc help clean her teeth etc, or should I get a toothbrush and toothpaste for her? Would appreciate all help please guys!! And thanks in advance for all comments, much appreciated! And Bodhi, my pup thanks you too! Cheers StaffordsYo!
Heya! I'd love to come along!! Great to hear that there is some sort of workshop happening over here in Perth. Cheers StaffordsYo!
Hello one and all, I am relatively new so any help/advice you could give would be much appreciated! I have a 18 mth old staffy - Jake. Today I got home after work and found that he'd been into my blood and bone fertiliser - approx 5-6 handfuls, I'd estimate. He didn't seem too bad though I noticed that his tummy was a little 'full' and tight. I took him for his usual walk then had to leave him to go to rehearsals. When I got home, the tightness/ fullness in his tummy didn't seem to have subsided and he was a little whingy so I got a bit concerned. It's a little too late now to ring the vet so I'm going to have a restless night I think! Any suggestions/ comments on what I could do to help him? Is blood and bone very dangerous for dogs? I've heard of bad stories with Dynamic Lifter but am hoping because it's 'natural' that it won't be TOO bad for him. Any comment would be appreciated, hope to hear from you guys soon! And thanks in advance. Cheers StaffordsYo!