G’day all,
Apologies if this has been covered previously on DOL, but I failed to find any relevant posts using the search function.
I am in search of any off lead areas in which dogs are allowed access to the Swan River in Perth. I have searched various shire council pages with limited success as the majority of the information is either outdated, pending change or just non-existent. So does anyone on DOL know of any legitimate Swan River foreshore areas in which dogs are allowed to enter the water?
I am also keen to hear from anyone else who knows of any bushwalking areas in the hills/foothills of Perth in which dogs are welcome and 1080 baiting is not practiced. I have heard that the Whistlepipe Gully Walk and the Lewis Road Walk in the Shire of Kalamunda allow dogs but I have not been able to find confirmation that 1080 is not used in the area.
Thanks in advance for your help. Cheers!