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johnny harmonica

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Everything posted by johnny harmonica

  1. G’day all, Apologies if this has been covered previously on DOL, but I failed to find any relevant posts using the search function. I am in search of any off lead areas in which dogs are allowed access to the Swan River in Perth. I have searched various shire council pages with limited success as the majority of the information is either outdated, pending change or just non-existent. So does anyone on DOL know of any legitimate Swan River foreshore areas in which dogs are allowed to enter the water? I am also keen to hear from anyone else who knows of any bushwalking areas in the hills/foothills of Perth in which dogs are welcome and 1080 baiting is not practiced. I have heard that the Whistlepipe Gully Walk and the Lewis Road Walk in the Shire of Kalamunda allow dogs but I have not been able to find confirmation that 1080 is not used in the area. Thanks in advance for your help. Cheers!
  2. Sorry to drag this thread up again but I was at the vet today and he recommended that I now start socialising my puppy with other known dogs that have been vaccinated (Charlie is now 10 days post second vaccination and also starts puppy school tomorrow night). What I did forget to ask the vet however was that whilst my partners Mum's toy poodle has had all three vaccinations I do not think she has had yearly boosters. Are these required before I can safely introduce my puppy to her? Thanks for any help.
  3. Gday all, Apologies if this has been previously discussed but I did a quick search and did not find any relevant threads. I took my 12 week old puppy in for her second vaccination today and forgot to ask the vet about introducing puppies to their feline counterparts. I am referring to the possible transmission of diseases etc not behavioural issues. Are their any specific diseases which puppies can catch from cats and is it advisable to wait until after the third vaccination to start introducing the two? Cheers.
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