Ahhh please can you help? I have a female Staffy who is around 14 months old. While she was an absolute terror puppy I thought we had gotten past it but the last fortnight she has been unbearable ...pulling washing off the line, mouthing people, giving the kids hell(not nasty but mouthing getting over them)), but the chewing is driving me nuts i mean I went to the bakery 10 minutes tops she ate my wallet, next day I had a shower she ate my sunnies(that would be the third pair since we got her it cost me 500+ to replace my reading glasses) we hve another staffy Paddy who is very close to angelic. So today we were going visiting so I packed them off to Grandma and Grandpas who love them like children(starting to think that might be part of my problem!) bought them home and they were home about an hour or so alone and she ate my phone (hadn't even made a payment on it yet!) and my and my sons sneakers. Ohh my god this is getting ridiculous. Please don't say put things up and but her a toy she has toys, she can go in and out as she pleases and she climbs up on tables to pinch thigns. She has had one phantom pregnancy and I reckon she coming in season again at the moment. Please help she lives inside sleeps on the end of the bed (in the blanket if she likes( Is she just to spoilt? Can I help her? Is it seperation anxiety ? PLEASE HELP.