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  1. You said the litter wasn't planned...and then you said you are breeding so other people can own a quality puppy and to better the breed The replies you received were in direct response to your questions about cutting costs to vaccinate and microchip your pups and not about how to raise a litter. There are many ethical, registered and very experienced breeders here who are more than qualified to give advice which they do freely and willingly to other registered breeders. As for looking in our own backyards. For me that's not necessary. My dogs all live inside the house so I have no need to sleep in a shed. I don't have any desire to breed dogs so I don't give advice on how to raise a litter. However, I do know the minimum requirement is to have a vet vaccinate and a vet or registered microchip person to chip the litter. You, evidently didn't even know that :rolleyes: MMMMM,so there for you dont have the knowledge of breeding so why comment so ubruptly,and at the end of the day it was a simple question that was asked and its a pitty that there are so many people that like to jump the gate before seeing whats on the other side first.
  2. That's my question too. Why are you breeding dogs if you're not prepared to pay for a qualified vet to vaccinate and chip? :p You mentioned that these pups have been vet checked. Was the check done by the vet nurse or has a qualified a veterinarian health checked the puppies?. It's so disapointing to see that i,ve done so wrong in asking a question ,I thought that this was what a forum was for . If i have had my puppies checked by a vet i mean they have been check ,i dont think any of you are qualified to question somebody elses doings.And CARE you need to look in your own back yards BOTH of you ,i have found myself sleeping in the shed with my dogs with a wood fire that was fitted prior to the impending birth, I watch my dogs and pups nite and day just incase something may happen so dont you all sit back in your little boring worlds and tell me about raising a litter. And as far as why i'm breeding ,i breed so that someone else has a chance to own a quality puppy and to help the breed better it's self. regards from a very dissapointed breeder.
  3. Well i have to say that it was my mistake that a simple little question would cause so much crap,and as far a thinking again about breeding a litter ,this wasnt planned and i show my dogs to the best of their abilities,which may i add, my dog being titled and my bitch 3/4 of the way to her title. Well, and as far as a money making machine goes, you tell me and many other breeders how the hell our kennels can become a money making machine,as gosh i'm sure i'm not the only one who would like to know your secret and just how well it works. Thankyou for you input. best regards mjaay
  4. Hi ,but tell me what is with the Vic Dog add for purchasing chips in NSW, i'm let to believe that you have to watch the dvd and register for a no.and then you are able to do the implants yourself and i'm also gathering you can do the complete registration.Please tell me if this is true or not. mjaay
  5. Hi there thanks for that ,but how come people in melbourne can buy this over the counter?And yes from a vets point of view i would not have expected any different answerand i didnt realise a nurse could not do this type of thing ,but thank you for that bit of usfull information. Thanks heaps mjaay
  6. Yes my puppies have been vet checked and i have a vet nurse who will be adminitering the injections and i will be getting them chipped as well.Im in country victoria and i do beleive there are other kennels that do the same ,but i dont have there contacts so hthat was where i thought some body may be able to help me out .Thanks heaps mjaay
  7. Hi ,just wondering does anyone know where i can get my litter of puppies firts vaccinations cheap rather than going through a vet,as we all know how much it costs when we take a litter in . Thanks heaps guys.
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