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  1. I have used them for about 4 months and they work a treat! they made a massive difference! They say to replace them every two months but I havn't changed mine yet and they're still going strong. Whenever Hunter has had a drink without the dog rocks the burn patches have appeared again.
  2. I've been using the Eagle Pack Holistic Large Puppy Formula for a week now... And it's been great! Have already seen dramatic improvements in Hunter's "Leavings" :D I couldn't find it in adelaide so I just ordered it online! I think the no corn makes all the difference for him! k9katzkitchen has the large puppy holistic in stock....
  3. Thanks! I better stock up on it then! He is currently on Advance... He looks great but i'm over the sloppy cement he produces!
  4. G'day Everyone, Has anyone heard of/or used the new vaccine which only requires 2 vaccinations one at 6-8 weeks and the final at 10-12 weeks? Our vet recommended this vaccine for our new weim pup. Here is part of the information we received about it. "The new vaccine has some major advantages: the first is that it overcomes the maternal immunity, so that the pup can repond fully to the vaccine as early as 10 weeks of age. So now a vaccination given at 10 to 12 weeks of age does not have to be repeated at 16 weeks. The pup just needs to come back after a yaer for its first annual booster. The second advantage is that after the first annual booster vaccination the C3 component of the vaccine lasts 3 years. The KC component still only lasts one year. SO your dog still needs to come in once a year, but the vaccination he receives will vary each year (one year C5, the following 2 years just KC, then C5 again) In summary, The pup can have full adult protection at any age from 10 weeks on, and will need one less needle then previously. A week after this vaccination, they may then go to the park and socialise with other dogs quite safely. This new vaccine represents a huge innovation in the vaccination options we have for dogs and we believe is a quantum leap forward for the healt and well-being of your pet." Does anyone have any advicee regarding this before we go ahead with it?
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