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Everything posted by BlitznBear

  1. Our 14 week old staffy had dandruff really bad when we picked him up from the RSPCA, I washed him as soon as we got home as he reeked of pee n stuff, and he was really flakey, started giving him fish oil tablets, 1 in with breaky and dinner, now it was like "BAM" and its gone. Give it a try, his coat is beautiful..
  2. Definately tough it out, it is sooo hard but it is worth it in the long run, ignore him when he cries, during the day try putting him in his crate where he can see you, carry on doing your normal duties etc and then when he stops crying after a couple of minutes reward him, give him a treat, tell him he's a good boy. After a while he should see that your not going anywhere, he's safe and eventually he should become comfortable within his new environment. We done this with our pup right from the beginning, even the kids were told to ignore his cries, he would cry for a few minutes, see that we were doing our normal thing, eg breakfast, cleaning etc and he eventually just went to sleep, when he was quiet, or started playing with his toys we would give him big pats and treats and tell him he was a good boy. It took a good week for him to settle into to a routine, toilet times, time out , sleep time and play time, and now he goes in when he is tired, or has had enough of the kids, his older brother or just wants his space. Be consistant and try and get yourself and pup into a routine, good luck and and remember it is only his first night, new environment, away from his mum and siblings, new mum and dad, it willl get better!.
  3. Thankguys I have taken everything on board, he already has pumpkin every 2-3 night with dinner, but I will add more fiber to his food, less bones, and you are so right Lisa M, I checked the chicken mince and it does have bits of bones already mixed up in it. I really prefer the Kangaroo meat, and they love it! He has been given parifin oil and is off for a walk this morning, I didnt take him yesterday because I wasnt sure if he'd be in the modd for a big walk, we usually go every day but him and Blitz were sprinting around at 11 last night out the back when it was suppose to be a quiet toilet break. Thanks again guys. P.S How are your beautiful boys going Duncan+Dougal???
  4. He has been getting a chicken carcass for breaky for the last 5 days, then 3 chicken necks on top of his mince and rice for dinner, with a beef bone every 2-3 days at miday. Is this too much?
  5. He's been on raw diet for 2 months, our NUMPTY vet told us rice rice rice! and more rice!, I cook up brown rice and give them 3-4 table spoons mixed in with the mince. He is on fish oil and flaxseed tabs also, I have tried him on offal, just a little bit to start with and that was the only thing left in his bowl, he hates it, now if we were to put it in his food on top or mix it in, he wont touch his food all together so we stoped giving it to him.
  6. I have made an appointment to take Bear to the vet this arvo as he is constipated, got up this morning at 3am and his tummy was grumbling really loud, sat up with him, took him out to the toilet and tried several times but couldnt. Now I done a little research and I read that too many bones and mince can cause constipation, well thats the majority of his diet, raw beef, chicken kangaroo and mutton mince, chicken necks, carcasses, wings, rice and small amounts of pumpkin, with every 2nd -3rd day a beef, kangaroo, or lambs bone mid day. He is still active, running around like a mad dog, initiating play, doesnt appear uncomfortable but he hasnt eaten last night or this morning, the vet said if he does become lethargic, doesnt want to do anything then bring him in straight away, but he's been fine except for not being able to pass anything out the back door. So should I take him off the raw diet and put him back on Ukanuba?? Im confused?? he is going really well on the raw diet, if anyone has any advise please let me know, am I overdoing it with the mince, or bones??
  7. Good work!, its so much easier and less stressful for you and pup when you settle into a routine.
  8. Our pup is nearly 4 months old and we have an older dog who we take together for walks but we take them both in the wagon, we only allow our pup to walk and sometimes run for approximately 10 minutes, either me or OH will pick him up or walk back to the car to his water bowl to sit and rest until the others come back from their walk. He does cry and crack the wobblies because our older dog gets a run for an 1-1 & a half but we have been told by our vet that too much excercise for pups under 9-12 months can cause problems with their bone developement later on.
  9. We take our 14 week old staffy pup out usually every 1-2 hrs during the day but in the evenings after walks and dinner every half hr - hr until our last trip out before we go to bed at around 10ish. Mostly in the evenings after 8 we have to wake him and get him out of his crate to take him out to go toilet but as soon as we bring him in after going toilet, he goes straight back into his crate, gets tucked in and told "bed time". My OH then gets up at 6am, again wakes him up, goes to toilet and then put straight back in for "bed time" untill mum and kids are up at 730am. This is our routine and you too will find a routine that works for you and pup.
  10. Im so sorry to hear about your little boy, unfortunately I have no experience in this area but I did want to say, dont loose hope and hang in there, I just want to give your little man a big squeeze. All the best and please keep us updated.
  11. You dont need to say sorry, we already know he's going to be a handful, he has just had his last shots last Monday so it will be his first time at Obedience class on Sunday, and interaction with other dogs will be no dramas as he goes to daycare. As for the smacking on the nose, I believe each to their own, whether that be smacking children or animals. My son smacked him once on the nose and Blitz has not attempted to bite again, obviously lesson learnt, and as for what you were saying about nasal damage, I would think that that would be due to regular smacking on the nose with substantial force?
  12. Thanks for that Doghouse, we do watch them when they are playing, and quite often I will grab Blitz and put my hands in his mouth, and pull him off Bear, he wont bite me or the kids, though he has only ever tried once with my daughters hair causing her to cry, which resulted in him getting a firm smack on the nose for it. He hasnt attempted to nip or bite since, and is quite gentle with our hands. At times when Bear has had enough he'll let Blitz know buy giving him a sharp nip causing him to yelp, but we just wish it was more often. They are both desexed and Bear is the alfa out of the 2 but when mum or dad step in, they both loose rank and we are boss, always.. Thanks again Doghouse.
  13. My dog Bear has been constantly harrassed by our new puppy Blitz who if it wasnt for us giving them time out, could play all day 24/7, Bear has really short hair and he now looks like he has been put in a fighting ring. He has scratches and scar like scabs all around his neck and inside his legs, Bear is ever so gentle with Blitz and will withstand anything the pup throws at him, Ive caught Blitz dragging Bear around the back yard by his lips. We seperate them often with Blitz going into his crate for time out and Bear in our room on his bed, but as soon as they are taken out for toilet, or just fresh air laxing in the sun, they are at it again. Bear is 35kg and Blitz roughly 10kg, Blitz doesnt have a mark on him, but our poor boy Bear looks like we have been beating him, we have obedience classes on Sunday and am not looking forward to taking him looking the way he is. Blitz'z teeth are razor sharp at the moment but is gentle with us and the kids when putting our hands in his mouth, Blitz has plenty of chewy toys, ropes and bones. Any suggestions, will this go on forever, or is it just a stage whilst Blitz is teething?
  14. If you had bought your Sentinel Spectrum from PricelessPets you would have paid under $66 for it. I dont think we have that here??? Ive not heard of that place, Im in perth, where are you?
  15. I just payed $97.00 for Sentinel Spectrum for Bear, its for large dogs and cover all worms (tape worm included) is a heart worm prevention, and kills fleas and larvae. 6 months worth, I thought it was pretty good for a product that does everything in one, as the guy at City farmers told me its the only product that does everything as all other products dont cover Tape Worm you have to purchase seperately. Easy Peezy.
  16. For sure!, you dont by any chance plan on getting a pool do you? B&B will do your hole and back fill it. Same thing happened AGAIN today, but when I caught them they sooo knew they were in bigger trouble because it was the same poor plant they butchered yesterday so Bear tried to hide his face further in the hole!! (likes thats gonna make me go away) So back to old feeling sorry for themselves again...theres been no pats, or cuddles for niether of them since 10.30 this morning, I reckon I can stretch it out till Dinner..
  17. Have you got a doggy daycare in your area?, I found a boarding kennell in my area who were happy to take them during the day, they get dropped off in the morning and picked up in the arvo's 3, days a week. They love it,they are left to play with 1-2 other dogs during the day,its great for socialization, $8 a day.
  18. Maybe we should start our own business, we may be able to get contracts with Iron Ore for underground digging, hey it will be cheap labour LOL..
  19. The dogs are playing happily out the back, the phone rings, I run in and answer it, chat for 5-10 minutes and go outside to find the boys have dug them a huge trench in the back yard, the only thing that was missing was their hard hat and machine gun!! They were both sitting in it and Im sure I could hear them laughing! My poor plants, the boys are now feeling sorry for themselves sitting under the alfresco with very sad faces,they are sooo quiet, I havent heard a peep for 20 minutes now. Little buggers..
  20. Thanks for your stories and advise guys, I really appreciate every one, last night we tried feeding them together, me and my OH standing right next to them, Bear was great, just licked his lips and walked inside when he was finshed. I dont know why I didnt think to feed them together in the first place but it was suggested by the RSPCA to do that for a couple of weeks as Blitz was protective of his food.. Thanks again..
  21. They are both feed outside, within a couple of metres of each other, a pool fence is seperating them..
  22. YEP and the older one Bear becomes aggressive, I dont know if its a territorial issue, or Bear the older one, is just jealous that mum and dad are feeding another pup...??? They bloody crack me up, they are playing together now, just lying on top of each other mucking around!
  23. I have got 2 staffy pups, 1 has only been with us for 2-3 months he's 13 months old and the other Saturday just gone who's 3 months old. Im concerned about feeding time, we feed them seperate, one inside the alfresco, and one outside which is seperated by a pool fence, but when we bring pup in after feeding, the older one will sniff him and show his teeth and growl, and has bit a couple of times which makes the young pup cry and cower down. We also do this with feeding them raw bones or pig ears, just before when I let the older pup out the back after eating bones he went straight for the young pup,grabbed him on the neck, (he had already finished his bone) As soon as I yelled out NO he let go and sat straight away, so I brought him away from the back and have now seperated them. They play really well together, sleep together and are good when left under the afresco out by the sun, yada yada, but feeding seems to be a problem, any suggestions, as Im worried this may become a bigger issue later when they are alot bigger.. Thank you in advance...
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