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Hey there Tashki, right from the night we bought Arwyn home we put her outside on the grassed area to go to the toilet, everytime we took her out we would stand and wait with her. We used a specific word she could associate going to the toilet with, and now just after 2 weeks she goes right on the spot, if she doesnt need to go she'll just stand and look up at us,and everytime she goes we make the biggest fuss. We take her out every half hr, and have got it down pat in the mornings, because she's held on through the night she'll have roughly 3 toilet stops within 10 minutes of each other after getting up in the mornings. I was stressing out just at the thought of leaving Arwyn at home alone, finally when the morning came I had everything prepared, toys, crate, frozen chicken neck, radio, water bla bla bla, I ended up coming home after just an 1hr and a bit to find her asleep outside on her bed, toys sprawled all over the place. If your planning on putting Kyra in the bathroom I'd definately be starting to associate the bathroom as a positive comfortable place for her to be, you might want to put a radio in with her so she's got something to listen to, just a suggestion anyway, I always leave either the T.V or one of the stereo's going while we're out. Good luck Tashki, and let us know how you go hey? good luck :rolleyes:
He's still a baby rainy, they'll go great for a few months, weeks or days, and then all of a sudden go backwards, then forwards, and backwards again, time, perserverance and consistency, keep doing what you were previously doing, he's not naughty he's just a normal pup. We keep all our bedroom doors closed unless supervised, but we have the odd accident now and then, I think our pups going great with her toilet training and expect her to go backwards as well, but this is exactly what we expected with owning a puppy. I dont think you have to completely retrain, he's been great up till now, so just keep doing what your doing. BnB
Help With Skin Condition In Rescued Bully Pup
BlitznBear replied to BomaBec's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hey BomaBec just read through your post and just want to say "job well done!" Love the name too When we got Bear we had no history of his vaccinations so we took him to the vets on our way home from picking him up, where he got a booster shot (not sure what it was exactly) but Im looking at his records and cant quite make out what its for, but a month later got his C5 shot. I was told only 1 C5 was neccesary, I'm not sure why a dog would need 2 C5 shots? But when we bought Blitz home he had KC really bad , it was at the stage of secondry infection, it was horrible, but Bear caught a slight cough, nothing serious, just a cough in the cold mornings and he was fine, and he only had 1 C5 shot. -
Finally back from the vets after waiting a half hr for hubby to come tow me home as my batteries gone flat Anyways the vet has kept him on the antinflamatory drops that I was initailly using, (sorry I said it was an antibiotic drop but its actually an antinflammatory drop) He has an ulser right in his drum/canal which should heal pretty soon. She has also put him on a course of antibiotics as the poor little bugger has a fair bit of discharge, and was told to give him a couple of corts for pain relief. She said it was due to water - fluid getting in and then building up eventually resulting in puss and all sorts, she told me off for letting him swim and not cleaning his ears out properly. I took it like any sad sorry mother would, felt terrible but have learnt for next time, no more swims for him anyway...its too cold She showed me how to do it properly and suggested cleaning them out once a week with ear cleaner, a quick squirt with the drops and twist of the old cotten ball. She's so great, I love her, (even though she told me off) she explained what to look for, and what steps to take when he begins at the smelly stage, right through to when he will finally need to come see her. Thanks for your responses BnB
Thanks guys for your response, Lucien's Mum she gave me a spray that drys up all the fluid after swimming, and told me its exactly the same as the ones at the chemist, I really like this vet and will be having another good chat to her in 20mins. puggy_puggy I will also be enquiring as to how and how often I can clean out his ears that is safe for him. Thank you again guys, we're off to the docs so will fill you in when we get back..
My vet gave me a double prescription for his ear infection a couple of months ago, he only used one bottle, Ive another bottle left that I have been using on him, along with an ear cleaner she recommended from the chemist, (swimmers ear for humans). He is booked in to go to the vets at lunch time this arvo.
Hey guys, Bears got another infected ear, noticed he was shaking his head like mad and scratching his ears, it was quite hot, so straight away I cleaned it out, and applied an antibiotic ear drop into. Its pretty messy but ill continue to clean it out and add drops, if its not cleared or appears better by this arvo, he's off to the vets. He's just been sleeping alot more than usual and moping around Anyone else have this problem?
Im sorry about your girl daxilly, sorry I cant be of any help but I hope she has a speedy recovery and all goes well BnB
Poor darling I hope she gets better soon.
Training her with treats might be a good idea, cut up cheese, sausage, chunkers from supermarket etc, she sits, drops, comes, stays etc on command, reward her with a treat with plenty of praise. Incorporate the training with treats with the cat, have her on a leash, let cat walk past, she sits nicely without lunging or getting excited, reward her again with plenty of praise. You only got her last night, shes sussing out her new environment and is establishing her pecking order with your daughter and the cat, you need to set the rules straight away, what do you do when she jumps up at your daughter?.
Shes beautiful Animal_Lover, absolutley gorgeous. RIP Lucy girl BnB
So sorry for your loss Animal_Lover, RIP Lucy. Pics, click on the BROWZE and then select picture from your files (in my pictures etc), double click on the pic you want and then click on the UPLOAD, wait for it to finish uploading and then in the dropdown box just above the UPLOAD box it should say "Manage Current Attachments (1) click on PREVIEW POST down below next to the Add Reply and her pic should come up. I hope this helps, again Im so sorry for your loss. BnB
When I was toilet training my pup it was roughly every hour up until 10pm, if he was asleep, we would wake him and take him out, he hated getting out of bed in the winter but we were consistant. After 10 pm he was usually all peed out as after 8pm his water bowl only had enough in it to have a couple of slurps and that was it. If one of us got up in the early hr of the morning to go to the toilet ourselves, we would wake him up and take him outside for a wee as well. Remember she is still a baby and you will have accidents like aranyoz said, just clean it up, change the blankets with no fuss and reinforce heaps of positive praise when she has gone to the toilet. Your on the right track. BnB
WELL DONE! Noodlenut, your've done a great job!
To my baby boy, you will be missed so much. You came into our lives as a sick little baby, we all took turns at patting your back gently to soothe your cough, wrapping you up all up snugg in your crate. Out came the toys that only lasted 2 minutes. Many misplaced thongs, slippers, dads undies and Shae's baby new borns. Your bowl is still in its place,along with your bed, dads not ready to put them away yet Poo Bear is still looking for his baby brother, moping around home hoping you'll turn up. He has your wooden block waiting for you to come bowling on in to take it off him. Dad will still finish your kennel matey but it breaks his heart that you were unable to see the finishing touches. The kids still cry for you at night and Shae has written you a poem just for you. 11 months not long enough, but plenty of enjoyable memories. You are so dearly missed Blitz and will be forever in our hearts. RIP our baby boy. Love mum and dad, Kids and PooBear.