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Everything posted by Jumabaar

  1. Any ideas on why people don't report it? In a public area, it is difficult to report, but at a sanctioned show or trial, aren't we bound by rules to report it as members? I have had a dog attacked at a dog show. It was very early on and in all honesty I knew nothing about what was/was not acceptable. It was at a specially and I was told not to worry about it- it was witnessed by the entire club!! I wish I had known that it was possible to make the report back then because IMO it was bad enough to warrant it (the bitch was actually attached to my dog at one point!!) I think things that happen at breed clubs are much less likely to be reported than in a more open group due to politics and I think that SUCKS!! There is one person in particular that I will be watching in the future because of a recent incident (where my back was unfortunately turned) because if there is a repeat I will be reporting them regardless of the personal outfall.
  2. Just an example- at a recent seminar I was shocked at how few vets realised there was a test for MDR1 (ABCB1) so if these people don't have the information why would joe blow letting their bitch have a litter know it?? I do think there is a great deal of room for education of breeders, vets and buyers. It would be nice for the ANKC to step up and do it (would be great for public image) but I doubt it will happen. Best of luck with the pup.
  3. The not barking outside (and generally inside too) the yard applies down here. It usually meant I missed my turn as Abby barked so I couldn't line up with her Would be better if they actually took the time to work out why the dog was barking and deal with it instead of just sending dogs away. I do think they SHOULD be able to relax near the sheep and eventually my girl did- but I do think that the training continues outside the yard. Would probably improve some of the dogs performance in the yard too. As an aside- thats one thing I LOVE about the Lappie- they can't tell me to stop her barking in the yard because that is how they work stock lol. No more trying to keep my dog quiet
  4. http://www.topshotflyball.com/index.html Very reliable and great quality!! All our team equipment is from them :D There is also occasionally equipment available on the flyball ozyahoo group.
  5. I have judges that I won't go under because they take a ridiculous length of time to get through a reasonably small group. A judge that didn't actually LOOK at the dogs (judged them while we were lining up to go into the ring) and a few that have been rough. There are some judges that I do try and enter under because I value their opinion- I don't always go up under them but I have never left the ring going WTF???
  6. Another vote for Vebo pet- the only style that has managed to keep my Houdini in the crate!!
  7. lol, bald people have no follicles! there never will be any growth (except for plugs maybe ) I want to nourish the follicles as much as possible so they go into overdrive and pump out hair shaft like its an Olympic event :laugh: I have him entered in 2 weeks, so I will play around with the chalk. I'm wondering, in theory, if rubbing Bio Oil might help. Off to the chemist I go. In a fortnight you should be fine- it will be noticeable but you will have fur growth. I managed to show my boy two weeks after having blood taken from the jugular vein- so a nice clipped area on the neck. There was a noticeable dip in the fur but it wasn't nekkid!!
  8. She isn't sulking- she just worked out that the behaviour she was doing didn't work so gave up and went to sleep. That isn't a downer- its a success!! After a little tough love you will find there is no screaming and you will have a well balanced pup. MUCH nicer than a pup that stresses when you go because the barking that has always gotten them attention doesn't work so they have to try new and louder more destructive methods to get that attention- which clearly isn't going to work because your not home!! Your dog is just learning how to communicate with you. Setting up the ground rules means you will have an amazing bond with your pup!!
  9. You might be surprised. Abby would do ANYTHING for her release cue onto the sheep- not ideal (for herding training) but i did some amazing heel work patterns with her in the sheep yards . Now if only I could take the sheep to an obedience comp.......
  10. I agree do give it a go!!! I had great fun doing it with my eldest- my biggest problem was probably having a number of different instructors that just confused me and I sucked at it. The dog was fine :laugh: I also found that it developed my bond with her and I really can't wait for a time in the future when I can pick it back up. Its just not something I can do now.
  11. Yup agility and Flyball- I am leaving herding till I have my own sheep or find someone that isn't too harsh or wants to do obedience train herding . I wouldn't mind going to Jim Luce though!! Time is the other factor- I did get a HT on my eldest girl but between rain and other commitments didn't see sheep for awhile and she went feral on me and I was too lazy to retrain.
  12. I would at least do fluids. Much better recovery. I agree with Karly that the bloods can be a baseline for any future disease (so an investment). Odds are nothing will be found, but at the occasional dog does have something found so the vet is required to offer it as an option.
  13. I know that's why I am curious. e.g if you crossed a pug with a great dane (wild random hypothetical example) could you conceivably end up with a dog that might satisfy the standard set out at the bottom of this page and therefore be deemed a restricted breed under the Act. I think personally the law is poorly written- they have created a restricted physical phenotype NOT a restricted breed. Thus because only the phenotype matters it really doesn't matter who the parents are because it has nothing to do with breed- only the physical appearance of the dog. As mitta points out physical phenotype does not predict behaviour. And if it did why would a pedigree of this phenotype be any less dangerous than a mutt of this phenotype??? It makes the whole situation a joke really- let alone the number of other countries where it has already flopped.
  14. I dremel my dogs nails (when I can find it and its charged lol) but have used a regular nail file for particularly flighty dogs to get them used to the feel of it.
  15. My choice would be to file them down. Some dogs quicks do sit very close to the surface so its easier to file it regularly than clip it. Its less risky with a paw waving around and most dogs tolerate it much better.
  16. OP has already explained that they can either walk this particular block or risk walking a highway!! In all honesty I would report them- but I keep my dogs indoors when I am out.....
  17. A link re the medication https://www.pfizeranimalhealth.com.au/diseases/365/carsickness.aspx
  18. The surgery I worked for had a big display of thank you cards. :D
  19. What an amazing outcome!! Well done to the Vet. And you must have done an amazing job with Rehab!!! Gibbs is one VERY lucky puppy!!!
  20. My mum only has to worry about it when the Neighbours brother comes to visit. He tends to ring council about any noise at all- her dogs barking, someone playing music (during the day at a level that you could just hear if you were outside and couldn't hear if you went inside), kids playing cricket and hitting a fence.......... The entire street now recognises his car and there is silence until he goes (with the exception of the jubilant greeting my mum receives) she mitigates the problem by throwing food all over the grass as soon as she comes through the gate. It doesn't solve the problem but it does shut them up!! I do personally worry a little too because there are a lot of dogs around me that fence run (mine do too but I have built a second fence) so I am worried that I would get blamed for all the noise- but I don't think anyone would want to start a chain reaction of complaints that would have to happen to try and identify exactly who's dogs are the culprits :laugh: Considering I was told I am the 'worst neighbour ever' because the grass was getting too long (aka I missed a week during summer) I don't want to know what he thinks about my dogs....
  21. ... which isn't an elimination diet? The above I probably do agree with this approach. Best in this case to probably wait and see a specialist before going down the path of elimination trials. May as well just make sure the dog is on a great diet and healthy in every other respect so that the derm can really see what is going on. Actually, speaking with the 2 derms in sydney recently and they both said they don't mind if the dog has already been on an elimination diet if it has been prescribed to and adhered to properly by their referring vet. It can even be beneficial and shorten the process/cost as some dogs will be food allergy positive and not even need to see the derm! It's actually a BAD thing to try the dog on lots of different types of food before starting an elimination diet as it can make finding a novel protein and carb hard to do. My point was based on the confusion the OP is having making up an elimination diet. I do agree with doing one before seeing the Derm but you have to look at the person in front of you to make the best recommendation for them. Thus making sure the dog is on a healthy (ideally basic) diet and then having a diet specifically explained to the OP by an expert and monitored by someone IRL seems the best way forward.
  22. I just don't get it Sowy What is so wrong with the dog getting excited/expressing joy about the pack leader re-joing the group? I cherish and welcome this sort of behaviour. Neighbours...... I had the same problem- three dogs that can still bark with a toy in their mouth and one that ALWAYS found a sock so I was going through a lot of them with little improvement. I have the dogs all locked up and don't go near them until they are all quiet and I still have a big carry on. I am going to crate them individually now that its winter and I don't leave them for long periods of time and hope that without their buddies that the barking settles down.
  23. You can rego under six months, you just don't HAVE to. From memory the age of registration in VIC is 3 months. My council (in nsw) wouldn't take my money They took this to mean a minimum age.
  24. I am not sure about Vic but in NSW you can't register your dog under 6mths of age. The article said they couldn't register them due to their age so not sure if a minimum age for registration applies in their council region.
  25. Couldn't agree more. The people doing the right thing have just been punished, and their pets were the victims of it. I am sure there are people who are hiding dogs, and in all honesty after this can I blame them?? This law is silly to begin with- Vic has just created a black market of dogs that will go into hiding, won't be receiving veterinary treatment and spend the rest of lives locked in a house for fear of being identified as a pit bull!! They will probably still be bred and sold illegally anyway and this is just making the poor dogs suffer.
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