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  1. Abrham Ali Andrew Andy Angus x 2 Angus Rip Anzac Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie +1 Archer Arkhan Armand Arq Ash Ashke Attila Atlas Bailey x 6 Baloo Balou Bandit x 2 Banjo Bardigrub Bart X 2 Barton Baxter Bear x2 Beau x 2 Bender Ben x 2 Benji x 2 Benny Benson BERT! Billy Bing Bluey Bob Bomber Boo Boof Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brian Custard O'Doggle Brock Brockie Brody Bronson x2 Brownie Bruce Bud Buddy Buffy... he came with it Bumble Bundyx3 Buster byron Caleb Cannon Caramel Carl Cash Casper Champ Changwe Charlie x 5 Chester Chevy Chief Chip x 2 Chok Chubba Chops Clifford Coco Columbus Cooper x3 Cory Cowan x 2 Cowboy Crikey Cuba Daniel Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Denim Dennys Dog Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger x2 Dillon Dinky Douglas Dominic Dumas Duncan Dylan Ebon Echo Eddie Edward Elijah Elliott Elvis Edge Ernie Esky Fergus x 2 Finn Fox x 2 FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Fly Flynn Focus Forester Foo Frank Fudge Galahad Gandor Geo Georgex2 Gordon Greedy Grover Guiness mcGuinness Hail Hamish Harley Harper Harri Harrison Harry Henry Henschke Hey Dog Hogan Hudson Hugo Ian Ivan Jack x 3 Jake x 2 Jasper x 2 James Jay JayDee Jed Jethro Jet Jett Jonsey Joop Jordan Joshua Joxer Judd Juggie Kahn Kai Kaiser x 2 Kane Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kingston Kippy Kisho Kuga Kynan Kyzer Leo Lincoln Lenny Leroy x 2 Lestat x2 Logan Louie Luca Lucius Ludwig Lughie Lukas Lukon Mac X 2 MacKenzie Mandrake Mark (the cat) Mars Mason x2 Max x 7 Maxie Maxwell THE DOG Maze Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mojo Mokha Moo Morris Mr Darcy Mufti Nammu Napoleon Nelsson (yes two s's) Nicky Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Occy Oliver Omar RIP Onslow Oscar x 3 Oz Pal x 2 Payton Pete Phoenix Phantom Piikki Porsha Puck Punch Quick Quincy Raffy Ralph Randy Raymond Reeve Reagan Rex Ricky Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rodney RIP Rolly Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rudnick Ruff Rumour Rupert Rusty Sam x2 Sampson Satchmo Scooby Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Seth Silas Snitch Sonny Soul Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud x 2 Sterling Stig (The) Storm Stryker Sumo Swanky Tag Tally Tana Tazz x 2 Teddy Terry Tey Dog Thomas Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tommy Tournie Tub Tusca Tye x2 Tyson Udo Ulf Valdez Wags Walker Wally Watson Weave Whisky Willow Willy Wilson Woody Wycomb Yoshi Zac x 2 Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zeus
  2. Thanks for your replies! I think I'll take him to vet just to make sure... We have been giving him more bones recently and he has a habit of chewing up branches and roots of trees..... He is such a little dag...... Daxhound - your dog is adorable, Leroy is a smooth coat red Thanks again
  3. Our little 22 mth old entire Male Dachshund, has this weird sort of spot either side of wear his manhood comes back into his body, it had a scab on it a week ago which is gone, but the area is all white looking and its started on the opposite side, today my youngest check saying doodle mum doodle, to look down and notice that when his doodle is out slightly there is a rather noticable lump where this spot is...... not sure what it is and didn't touch it........ I have also noticed that he has really bad breath all of a sudden a real weird smell and can't work out what it would be from, has he maybe done something to himself while chewing on things he shouldn't...... Any ideas, not sure whether this is just doggy stuff that will in time sort itself out without the vet telling me im being stupid and there is nothing there....... Oh he seems happy enough in himself too, not losing weight or looking sad or anything
  4. We have a beautiful little red intact male daxy 22mths old...... We had to get his tail fixed slightly shortened due to it constantly bleeding, not healing from the fur being rubbed off his tail from wagging it on pavers/concrete..... After much trying and deliberation we finally took him to the vet to fix his tail (took us a good 12months though), any way during the healing process he lived inside with us to make sure he didn't remove his bandages, in this time the vet did have him for 6 days to help the healing process as it didn't heal after 10 days of being home and everytime the bandages came off it kept bleeding...... anyway when we got him home the second time, he started to poo in the house, and then started weeing in the house....... That was 2 1/2 months ago and his marking is getting worse and worse, it used to be just on the tiles now he has progressed to the carpeted areas........ We are not sure how to stop him doing this, we have two boys that like all kids leave the back door open and he will race inside and mark somewhere and several places....... We have to make sure the back door is fully snipped to stop him getting in....... We would love to have him inside on the odd occasion but we just can't trust him anymore, he will quickly run off and mark somewhere...... Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help stop our little man from marking the house, its bad enough the amount he marks outside....... Thanks heaps for getting this far
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