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Everything posted by Justchillin

  1. Hi fellow dog lovers, I sometimes cook for my dog, meals include say raw steak cut up, raw beef and chicken mince, raw chicken thighs cut up and added with cooked vegetables and either rice or pasta. I also sometimes add chicken wings and necks uncooked. She gets bones a few times a week and a few small treats during our walks. She usually gets biscuts in the morning (few cups) and a portion of those big sausge loaf things for dogs but I would prefer not to give her them at all as I know they are full of a lot of water and are bad off cuts of meat etc. I was thinking though, am I doing the right thing when I am cooking for her because I would like to cook for her all the time? Is there something though if I am to cook for her all the time that I need to add to provide her with the right vitamins and balanced diet she needs? People always comment on how healthy she looks but I would just like to know if I am doing the right thing and if anyone has any recipes they would be willing to share. I have also wondered if other meat items like kidney and liver are ok for dogs? I hear that garlic isn't good for dogs, is this true and is there anything harmful to dogs? Thanks in advance Ben and Lucy (the dog)
  2. what do you mean by "really easy to pick up...not" ?
  3. i like that one !! hahaha ;) what a dog !!
  4. my dog destroys most toys but this tyre with rope attached is her fav and has lasted since we first got her 7 months ago. She absolutely loves it !!!
  5. Many thanks !!! I am looking for more obeadiance training though.
  6. Hi all Just wondering if anyone from Wollongong or surrounding suburbs takes their dog to JJ kelly Park for dog training on a Saturday? I drove past last weekend and thought it would be ideal to take my pup but I don't have many details. Also if you're from Wollongong, where are some of your most popular walking tracks? I usually walk the dog along north beach, south beach, various parks like JJ kelly and around my local area to mix it up for her. Thanks Ben
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