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Everything posted by edgesmum
I'm sorry to hear this Fordogs I had my girl scanned this morning and had it confirmed too............NO babies here either! I wish everyone waiting on babies all the very best for your expectant litters.
Me too, ultrasound booked for Friday 20th May. Hope we can celebrate together!! lets both hope together Cavalblaze! thats the same day here too!!
Thats a good day to be born!!! I'll vouch for that! its MY birthday tooo!!! good luck Fordogs!
Ultrasound booked for late next week then we will know for sure! so everything is crossed! This is my first litter in 4yrs so hope I still remember what to do! Good luck to everyone else waiting for puppy breath! ;)
Thanks Bilbo Baggins! YAY she did it! and, I believe she is the first Pomeranian in Australia to have both her Australian Champion Title and her Neuter Champion Title!!! That little girl was just born to show! and I love her to bits!!! ;) ;) ;) congrats to Edgesmum on her dear little Pom girl,`s title ,,This little tot is the mascot for the German Spitz Club of NSw Inc.... Thanks Foxyroxy! Am certainly proud of her!! Mabe she'd better get on the 'Hot Line' to the Club Secretary and let her know!!! That she has to put all other phone calls on HOLD! cause, dis one is of upmost impawtance!!! ;) and she'd like to share the good news by putin it in the Club newsletter!!!
Thanks Bilbo Baggins! YAY she did it! and, I believe she is the first Pomeranian in Australia to have both her Australian Champion Title and her Neuter Champion Title!!! That little girl was just born to show! and I love her to bits!!! :D
Hopefully 26th June, for German Spitz! Have just mated the girl! everything crossed this time!
Now THAT's a trailer!!!! I want one toooo!!!!! can go away and sleep with the fluff-bums!!! would need a new car to pull it too! don't think my van would like it much! Mine wouldn't need to be quite so big, as my dogs are smaller than yours! but what a bloody brilliant idea! edited cause I can't spell today!
Snowpaws the first part is a very good question! Purely from my point of view, from one who came into showing dogs at a very mature age, (I used to show horses many, MANY moons ago) it seems to me that there are many breeders who will not sell show quality pups to someone out there who has not proven themselves either as reliable, honest or a back yard breeder. My little girl is very close to her Neuter Title, and although she is already an Australian Champion, at Easter, she will be and Australian Neuter Champion too! What a Bonus!!!! (tongue in cheek) anyone who knows my little girls name will get it!
Ok, I seriously think I wrote my reply incorrectly and it's getting misunderstood over and over again. I do not think that the neuter class is for inferior dogs. I wrote "it is a stepping stone...." etc etc because it is, for those "pet" people with dogs of a decent quality that have decided they would like to give showing a go, it is a stepping stone for them to see if they like it enough to get an entire show dog. Obviously the dog needs to be transfered between limited and main and only the breeder can do this, so alot of these "pets" will get assessed before going into the show ring if the breeder is decent enough......after all it's their prefix trotting around the ring. I don't distunguish between pets and show dogs, they should all be pets anyway I am just trying to get my point across. :p Tollersowned my first dogs were obedience dogs, not pedigree dogs, but good mates and good obedience workers. My very first introduction was a neutered bitch when I lost my last Obedience bitch. She taught me valuable lessons about confirmation and showing, she was my 'stepping stone'! I now own and show 3 entire exhibits and 1 neutered exhibit. My dogs are my companions, and I share my life, love and home with my best friends, who, just happen to have fur and walk on 4 legs not two legs! so they are my pets as well.........I also enjoy exhibiting them, socialising with my human friends and their doggy friends. I too would not enter a show because even though I might have 3 other dogs to enter, my little neuter will miss out.
OVCC decided it was important to offer and we found a way to cover the costs. As for the costs of the sashes, we had good sashes and they were close to $10 a sash, then there was the prize as well. To be honest, I don't care about a prize! I don't know why you need to feel like you have to give one! a ribbon is enough for me! :p
Does it really matter if they are "clearly" pets? If it brings more people into the show ring who cares? It should be encouraged after all isn't show numbers dropping and there are clearly pets being shown entire as well..... Yes it does be it Neuter or an All Breeds Show - The judge has to sign a certificate that says "I am clearly of the opinion that this exhibit is of such outstanding merit as to be worthy to qualify for the title of 'Champion'" Not all Neuters are "PETS" some have to be neutered for health reasons. NOT for confirmation or lack of type reasons. I have a neutered girl here who for her own health was neutered. She has already gained her Australian Champion Title when she was just a couple of years younger than she is now, and did her fair share of winning with good wins in the Group level along the way. So one should't tar all Neuters the same brush! Yes there are some out there who possibly couldn't be, but there lots do deserve to be out there, and I'm not being biased.
No way, the 2 shows I was show secretary for this weekend had an entry of 9 on Sat and 8 on Sunday. Some groups did not have a single entry. Lets crawl before we walk. I am at a loss as to why certain clubs WONT add the neuter classes. It cant have anything to do with size of entry...surely not. That is like saying..."well, I wont add such and such a breed cos there is never any entries !" I was told via the grapevine that the administration of class 18 was a headache....duh ! cant understand that...perhaps someone can enlighten me...I shouldnt have to travel literally thousands of kms to title my boy. I cant afford it too much longer and am getting fed up. Lets hope it changes later this year ...I will say though a big thank you to those clubs who have added class 18 !! well done !! WELL SAID FoxyRoxy ;) It is a title and there are points awarded for challenges and Best Neuter of Breed. It is unfortunate that not all Clubs are supporting this class. With entries dropping each month and each year, at dog shows, Neuter can be a good way of introducing new people into the world of showing, and hopefully they will get another entire dog to show at a later stage. SHOULD Clubs really want to see more entries? Yes they should??? Shows will start to run at a loss, if they don't already The entry fees that we pay for each show, should cover any ribbons, challenge certificates and what ever else required. God knows I have seen more and more breeds these days where there is only one representative of the breed, yet they can go on to get Best Exhibit in Group and so on, well so can a Neuter, Best Neuter in Group, yes it might not necessarily carry as much weight in the big scheme of things, nor would Best Neuter in Show. BUT for the winner of that award, it is just as thrilling as the Best In Group (having won a couple of Best Exhibit in Group,). MORE Club Secretaries should pull their heads out of the sand, support the new initiaves, and push for the class to go ahead. I often travel to shows, that are interstate, and have been appauled that the Neuter Classes are not available. When I travel, I still have to take my little neuter who loves to show with me. Why should she is denied the chance enjoy her weekend away too when she just loves to show. It' s jut NOT good enough. It makes me think twice now about spending the time, effort and money on going away. AND the Clubs affected will miss out on my money! It might not be a huge amount of money in the scheme of things, but if there are say 3 Ch shows, thats $30 for my 3 neuter entries, PLUS what ever other dogs I wanted to show, and that could be another 4 dogs! So I guess I'll keep my $120+ entry fees, my petrol money, accommodation costs and stay at home. ;) Yes I know you all work hard. its just a little more work, but for god's sake! its ONE class!
Hi Graham I think it's a good idea..............but -That's a hell of a lot of 6 point challenge certificates to get. There's the potential to get more points as the neuter class becomes more accepted and used, but I can't see any 25 point CCs in the near (or distant) future. -In a place like the NT, where every show has neuter class, it's still a lot of years of showing to get there. As neuter points are fairly new, would it be possible to suggest thet Neuter in Show be awarded points similar to Best in Show? Meg I think its a natural progression as well. And I agree that there should be at least 4 neuter in Group or 1 Best Neuter in Show in the make up of the points. I also think that the Neuter in Show should gain 25 points or at least 20 points. I'd like to see a Supreme Champion at say 800 points and maybe a Double Supreme at 1500 points! I believe that there is lots of room for expansion for this possible for Neuter awards! after all they have been these awards in the Cat world for many years! so why shoulod dogs be any different!
Are you able to tell me what date the obedience is please The Obedience schedule should be available in the April Journal, it is usually advertised in that Journal. The only one available at the moment is the one I have here which is the same as the one posted and that is for Congfirmation.
CONGRATULATIONS TN and Jedi!! My little Pom girl will be there by the end of the month too!!!! CAN'T Wait !!! Will be big time to party!!!! says me who doens't party!!!!
Sounds great It would be nice if they released the day timetable earlier than May - I want to book my holidays Oh well, I will be patient I don't think Banjo would have problems showing on carpet... he has no issues doing zoomies in the bedroom (including over the bed) Mirawee, Cattle Dogs, Australian Stumpie Tail Cattle Dogs, Australian Kelpies and Border Collies are On Saturday 3rd September and have Mr M Foorte from Ireland as the Judge they are the last breeds on his Judging program for the day. Hope that helps! any other breeds you want to know about????
yes TerraNik Some of them do have a really high pitched trill kind of bark that goes straight through you. their barks are as individual as the voices that every one of us have. Some are lower and some higher! on a PERSONAL note!! I'm all in favour of de-barking those you just have that HIGH pitched yap! makes the world a much quieter place!
The German Spitz was bred to be an alert dog and yes, they are extremely watchful . However some bark more than others and indeed. some dont bark much at all. Some have a deep bark and some have a shrill bark. It comes down to sound animal management as to whether your GS is noisy or not. I have 8 dogs and have never had a complaint and I live in suburbia. I obedience trial my dogs and they are a pleasure to exhibit. There are many other breeds who are as noisy or noisier. I will state that this is a breed which MUST be a part of the family household and not left alone out in the yard or run.It was bred to be WITH you and it is a breed that does NOT like to be ignored. It is the most loving breed I have ever come across and the smartest. I would never contemplate ever having another to do obedience with...they are much underrated ...mine have all placed in the top three at every trial and quite often won the ring. They have titled easily and quickly and with good scores in three trials . Dont be out off by some examples of noisy mittels...if you are the boss, you wont have any problem. I must say I agree with Foxyroxy. I have been at shows where there have been MUCH noisier breeds, both larger and smaller. They ARE a warning dog, and will not defend you, but will alert you that there is something happening, and what way does a dog naturally use to alert you, but to use its voice! ALL dogs have voices, some use them more than others! It comes down to how much time you spend with your dogs. A bored dog is both noisy and distructive. These are COMPANION dogs! I have them myself. I also have a Pomeranian, who is the most quiet and pleasant bitch to have a round, and yes SHE does bark if someone comes to the door too! YES......if you don't control them and discourage them to bark, you will have noisy brats! those with manners, are quiet. My dogs know that being noisy is NOT the right thing to do, and mum does not like this kind of behaviour! In my eyes, if you are not going to spend the time with your dog, and teach them life's manners, the solution is very simple! DON'T GET A DOG! of ANY breed! I'm not picking on any breeds here, but I could not put up with the noise from a malamute for any length of time! I don't have malamutes, but I've heard them often enough at shows! Why pick on the German Spitz? There are plenty of noisy breeds SOME people just have no consideration for others, and the breed is shot down in flames for being noisy!! Its not the breed its the owners who do nothing to discourage this behaviour that you should be talking about! I'm going to take off my flame retarded suit now and go back to work!
no you're not ..LOL .... I got mine today. Mine arrived today too (it wasn't a conspiracy after all ) 14 Havanese entered Does anyone know which classes in breed and group are being judged. The schedule doesn't say, so I am assuming it is like a 'normal' show where 3,4,5,10 and 11 will be judged in breed, group and show? Plus BOB and RUBOB, and BIG and RUBIG (rather than group 1,2,3 & 4) The instructions say that (for toys, terriers and hounds) " ... Breed and Class in Breed winners from the previous days judging are required to attend [on Sun 27]". So I assume POB, JOB, IOB, ABOB, OOB, BOB and RUBOB all have to come back?? (this will be the whole entry for some breeds LOL). I thought last year they only judged puppy in group, BIG and RUBIG. Gail :D : Numbers arrived today!!!! YAY!!!!!
no you're not ..LOL .... I got mine today. Mine arrived today too (it wasn't a conspiracy after all ) 14 Havanese entered Does anyone know which classes in breed and group are being judged. The schedule doesn't say, so I am assuming it is like a 'normal' show where 3,4,5,10 and 11 will be judged in breed, group and show? Plus BOB and RUBOB, and BIG and RUBIG (rather than group 1,2,3 & 4) The instructions say that (for toys, terriers and hounds) " ... Breed and Class in Breed winners from the previous days judging are required to attend [on Sun 27]". So I assume POB, JOB, IOB, ABOB, OOB, BOB and RUBOB all have to come back?? (this will be the whole entry for some breeds LOL). I thought last year they only judged puppy in group, BIG and RUBIG. Gail :D : Numbers arrived today!!!! YAY!!!!!
STILL no numbers!!! hope they get here bloody soon................... no you're not ..LOL .... I got mine today. Mine arrived today too (it wasn't a conspiracy after all ) 14 Havanese entered Does anyone know which classes in breed and group are being judged. The schedule doesn't say, so I am assuming it is like a 'normal' show where 3,4,5,10 and 11 will be judged in breed, group and show? Plus BOB and RUBOB, and BIG and RUBIG (rather than group 1,2,3 & 4) The instructions say that (for toys, terriers and hounds) " ... Breed and Class in Breed winners from the previous days judging are required to attend [on Sun 27]". So I assume POB, JOB, IOB, ABOB, OOB, BOB and RUBOB all have to come back?? (this will be the whole entry for some breeds LOL). I thought last year they only judged puppy in group, BIG and RUBIG. Gail
Again Alyosha, many thanks Suppose I should consider getting up a little extra early that morning,! Ring 5 is down the bottom isn't it???? :D haven't been to Canberra for a while! Numbers STILL not here!
Can you please tell me the expected time of the German Spitz on the Friday!!!! Just hope they don't clash with the Neuter Sweepstakes! or what time approx lunch time will be???? thanks in advance! [