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Everything posted by rob@minnie

  1. No conspiricies. Our Elsa does the same thing although is improving with age. My major problem at the moment is the total freak out (high pitched squeaking and rapid spinning) when she hears certain noises. Worst is sound of alfoil or any scrunching of paper.
  2. Thanks everyone for their advice. It's not a big problem but would be nice to curtail to some degree. Exercise-wise Elsa goes for two beach runs on every weekday (about 2km each) and two longer beach runs (about 7 -8km each) on the weekend. She handles this with ease and runs her little mate Butch the red kelpie into the ground. I would probably say my girlfreind would be her 'leader'.
  3. Am able to break her out of the behaviour but am usure of when or if to reward after she stops. Don't want her to think she is being rewarded for the circling. My sense is that I need a distraction cue and to only reward her when she has totally calmed but would like some opinion on this. Shes not a real tail chaser and generally moves in her own circle but will circle me at times if I am in her radius. Rob
  4. Hi all Hoping someone may be able to assist or shed light on a minor (?) problem with my one year old German Shorthair Pointer. From a young age she has had a tendancy to circle when anxious or excited. Interestingly enough she will only circle in a counter clockwise direction. This may result in tight circling when indoors or broad circling when running on the beach or in backyard. Any ideas on how to curb this behaviour or comments on why she only cirlcles in the one direction (or at all)? Cheers Rob
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