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polomum, i'm sorry to hear about your dog, old age is cruel. i hope he isn't in a lot of pain.
Quick Question To Agility Experts
TankGirl replied to TankGirl's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
thank you everybody for your quick responses. -
hi all! this may have been asked before but i was just wondering if a white boxer is able to compete in agility? what about obedience? thank you!
thanks puggy puggy! just an update...took her to the vet last night. her lungs have cleared up considerably, and vet thinks coughing is due to inflammation around the oropharyngeal region. she prescribed codeine to calm the cough down, and some anti-inflammatory for the swelling in there. she is to be vaccinated on thursday if all is well. still not sure about taking them away....
posted some time ago about coughing boxer pups. my male has gotten better, but the female has gotten worse, then better, then plateau-ed to a dry cough that presents early in the morning, and at nights. i had her x rayed about 4 weeks ago, which showed an bacterial infection in her lungs. The vet said that it was bronchitis that had NOT yet gotten as bad as pneumonia. All this time the pup is eating normally, and her usual cheerful wiggly self. she's been on antibiotics for a total of about 6 weeks now. (increasing dosages of Clavulox and now Vibravet) because of this infection, she still hasn't received her second vaccination which was due on the 14th of Feb. Because of this we can't take them anywhere like parks and things like that…or even puppy pre-school. we were planning a camping trip to a dog friendly campsite this easter and its all been paid f in advance I am sorry for sounding whiny and complain-y…I’m just really frustrated is all. should i go to another vet? get a third opinion? this is already the second vet we've been to, as we weren't too happy with the first one. Suggestions? Tips? Hugs?? Sigh--
hi everyone...just an update. after taking my pups to the vet, (it was a different one who saw us this time) he gave them a shot of antibiotics, and gave us some more in pill form to give to them. they seem to be getting a little bit worse with the cough (i'm sure the wet weather isn't helping) but i'm hoping they have to get worse before they get better. (at least that is the case i seem to have when i'm on antibiotics. thanks for all your help and friendly advice. TG PS i'll be posting some pictures of them in the boxer area if your curious
thanks for the speedy response, Jodie and jaegertheweim... i will definitely be in contact with the breeder this afternoon. i wasn't happy at all with the answer that the vet gave. now am wondering whether i should take them to a different vet or the same one. in your experience, how long till kennel cough clears up (assuming it is kennel cough?) thanks guys... i know i'm being the over worrying type but i really do feel bad for the pups.
Hey all! proud momma to two 3 month old boxer pups here! one is male, one is female, both littermates. picked them up from the breeder two saturdays ago (Jan 19) he (Thunder) developed a deep hacking cough last tuesday. was pretty mild so my husband and i agreed to observe it. he was eating as normal, and playing as normal. took him to the vet on thursday the 24th in afternoon as it did not abate. the vet said that it could be just an irritation of the throat, he had no temperature and since he was still eating and behaving as normal, that she didn't think it was anything to worry about. it is now the 29th. She (Lightning) has (since last night) started coughing as well, and has had some greenish discharge around the nose (but this isn't there all the time - her nose isn't runny, but its just on the big coughs that some gets pushed up and out i guess) They have both had their shots (and are due for the last one on Feb 14, have been wormed and given heartworm tablets) they are both well and appear to be as normal (although this morning they didn't finish their food) their poos are a good consistency. they are playful as normal... diet consists of softened kibble, and raw mince. they get calcium supplementation as well. i'm taking them to the vet again this afternoon because it is heartbreaking to hear them coughing and hacking away has anyone had anything similar?
Apply flock guardian bird training When your new pup arrives, take he/she out with you when you feed the birds. Observe the dogs behaviour. Calm demeanour and ignoring the birds is praised ('calm' at baby puppy age also includes behaviour where the pup does not notice the birds because it is playing with a flower etc - the pup is still praised for 'ignoring' the birds, as we want to instill in the pup that the birds are a 'non event'.) Over excitement barking and running up to the birds is reprimanded with a firm "NO". Any pause in unwanted behaviour is met with praise. From Day 1, take the pup with you when you feed the birds. Keep the pup on a lead while you feed the birds during the learning process, as this allows you to quickly respond to any unwanted behaviour ie: chasing. Also you don't want the pup to take off after the birds and then you to take off after the pup, as this will encourage the pup to keep playing this new fun game B2 and friends lilli! thanks for your sound advice! that sounds good and i will definitely try that one. oh i really can't wait till next year!!
very interesting replies, everyone! thanks heaps. i suppose i'm worrying too much about the birds. from what you all say the birds will come back no matter what as long as they are getting a free feed. :D puts my mind at ease now. thanks heaps! TG
mypets, what kind of puppy is it? i remember once i had a chick, who was really cheeky and was the "alpha" pet...she would peck the dogs on the nose as soon as they would come close. the dogs ended up respecting the chick! haha, it was funny tho.
Hi all! i'd like to ask a theoretical question as i still don't have a puppy (decided to wait till January rolls around) but would like to cover my bases as early as now. we just moved homes, and now live on acreage. the people who used to live there used to feed the birds everyday, and we continue to do so because they are a joy to watch. my question is, when my new (boxer) puppy comes along, what is the best way to teach him/her NOT to chase the birds. thanks in advance! TG