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Baby Dragon

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Posts posted by Baby Dragon

  1. Sydney cabbie collared by disability boss

    A Sydney cabbie is in the doghouse after refusing to allow a guide dog and its high-profile owner - Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes - into his vehicle.

    James Young could not have picked a worse person to turn away than Mr Innes, who is a lawyer and human rights advocate.

    He promptly reported the cabbie to the Department for Transport, which launched a prosecution.

    Today, Young was fined $750 and ordered to pay $2500 in costs at a Sydney court.

    It is by no means the first time Mr Innes and his golden Labrador Jordie have been refused a cab - an offence under federal and state law.

    A recent Guide Dogs NSW/ACT survey showed one in three guide dog owners were turned away by cabbies in the past 12 months, with Sydney drivers the worst offenders.

    A spokesman for the organisation suggests it may stem from cultural differences.

    "Some of it is simply down to taxi drivers not understanding the law," Guide Dogs spokesman Charles Ulm said.

    "Some of it is cultural too. We don't have evidence for that, but many taxi drivers come from countries where dogs are looked down upon."

    Mr Innes said he approached Young's taxi in Market Street last April and was told he wasn't welcome.

    "I wouldn't say he was rude, but he was quite firm the dog or I wasn't getting in," Mr Innes said.

    Guide Dogs community education coordinator Dannie Hogan says plenty of drivers are very helpful to blind or visually impaired customers.

    "We work closely with the NSW Taxi Council and we know there are many taxi drivers that willingly assist passengers with impaired vision," she said.

    "But there are still too many reports of drivers who refuse passengers travelling with their guide dogs.

    "We found that refusals are more likely to occur in Sydney. Taxi drivers in regional areas tend to build up a rapport with their regular passengers."

    Guide Dogs has worked with the NSW Taxi Council for six years, educating drivers about guide dogs.

    It plans to launch an advertising campaign in May to create further awareness of the issue.

    Ironically, the ads will be placed on the back of taxis.

    "This is a timely reminder to any public transport provider of their responsibilities and requirements," NSW Taxi Council chief executive Peter Ramshaw said in a statement .

    "The majority of taxi drivers do the right thing and it is in the industry's interests that those who breach the regulations are forced to change their behaviour."


  2. Thanks everyone :rofl: It's great to hear from people who've used them.

    I still haven't decided between cordless or with a cord, I think I'll talk to hubby and find out which would suit him better for jobs around the house and that might help me decide :o

  3. I've just read about all the models. I think a cordless would be easier for me to handle, but I read that it's noisier. Does anyone have experience with a cordless model and do your dogs mind the noise?

    The Styles model looks nice and light but the Lithiom-Ion one comes with a carry case and it sounds like the battery lasts longer between charges.

    Or maybe a model with a cord would be better if they're not as noisy and I also wouldn't have to worry about charging it. I'm just worried it might be ackward with a cord.

  4. I have the electric Dremel "MultiPro" 10,000 - 37,000 RPM.

    It is the first and only one I have ever had and I've had it for about 6 or more years. No complaints with it - quiet by comparison to others I have heard. I'm happy.

    Thanks Erny :D Which size sander things do you use on it? The pet dremel came with 430, 431 and 438 but are there other ones that work for nails too?

  5. I've had a pet dremel before and it was great (from ebay.) I now want to get an electric dremel because I've heard they're faster to use on larger dogs nails.

    I'm confused about which model to get. Does anyone use a dremel other than a pet dremel on their dog's nails?


  6. I think you can buy actual chicken mince at the supermarket, and it's for human consumption. It's similar to beef mince, it's the meat minced up.

    If you're getting chicken pet mince then it's often chicken frames minced up. So it will contain a little bit of meat as well as bone and cartliage.

    ETA what SecretKei said :thumbsup:

  7. I have an assistance dog and we often have kids running up and trying to hug or pat my dog while I'm in the shops. It's pretty annoying but dogs are just a magnet for kids. Occasionally I will overhear a mum or dad explaining to their child why they can't go up and pat or disturb the dog, and I really appreciate it when parents do this so I try to thank them when I do catch them doing it.

    I think the problem is two fold. Many parents either don't know the correct behaviour around dogs, or they do know it but don't teach their children.

    The other reason I feel is that some parents don't supervise their kids very well in general. Some parents will let them wander without watching what the kids are doing. And as I said before, dogs seem to attract kids. If the kids haven't been taught appropriate behaviour for when they're near dogs then unfortunately it's often left to the dog owner to put themselves between the kids and their dog. I've had to do this several times, to protect my dog from excited, screaming kids running around.

  8. Sorry I'm not going to be much help, but I just wanted to say you should check with your vet whether it's ok to use fortnightly frontline plus and sentinel spectrum together. Your vet will probably be able to advise you on the other things too.

    Good luck.

  9. Ok, so she wants to learn how to teach her kids the correct way to approach a dog they've never met before, while the dog is with the owner and they've been given permission to approach the dog?

    That's a good thing for the kids to learn.

    The first post in the thread didn't really sound like that was the situation, so that's why I queried it. :)

  10. I wonder what the difference between the bites, cubes and delites on that website is. PF do you happen to know? Are they just different sizes? :o

    The chicken bites aren't pure meat.. my dogs didn't like them.

    I think the delights are the new semi moist range. My dogs liked those!

    Cubes are pure meat.

    Ah thanks, that's good to know. I wish they had an ingredients list on the website.

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