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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Hell yes. Lily my white Toy Poodle is speckled like a Chinese Crested under her coat. Are you sure they aren't your dog's nipples? Both sexes have them. If they're symmetrical either side of the centre of his tum, they may be. If sok he's probably got more too.
  2. I think it's fun as long as people remember its just guessing. I've seen a few of crossbred owners who are emphatic that their dogs do X because they're part Y breed when they can't be certain of that.
  3. I have never heard of such a 'training' method. It's not one I'd recommend. A young pup, socially isolated, barks for attention so you gag it. A barking collar would be less aversive - at least that only works when the pup barks. Seriously, crate train these pup.s Get up, let them into the house, give a bone or a kong and go back to bed. If it carries on, ignore it. At least the neighbours won't have to listen to it. Or better still, sleep the dog inside in its crate. Gundogs and working dogs were bred to focus on people - isolate a people focussed pup outside and the consequences are hardly surprising. I fail to see why a pup should pay for simply wanting to be with its family.
  4. If Obie's immune system has been knocked around, he could have picked up a viral cough. I'd give some honey and just keep an eye on things. A bland diet for a few days will help with the back end but if it continues I'd see a vet. He sounds generally under the weather. Hope he gets better soon.
  5. Cabaossi Baked Devon (dice into small cubes and bake in the oven for 20 minutes) Cheese BBQ Sausage All cut into pieces no larger than your little finger nail and contained in a wide mouth bag that's easy to get to. Crumbly fiddly treats you can't easily grab and give aren't going to be helpful. You don't want to be shedding food everywhere either. You also want something the pup doesn't have to take time to chomp. Make it small, easy to handle and tasty and make sure you can refill your spare hand easily. Give one tiny treat at time unless you are jackpotting behaviour. Experiement with what your dog likes best and change it around a bit.
  6. If a dog can differentiate between a cat it knows (leaving it alone) and a strange cat or a rabbit (and chase it) then I'd say it can differentiate between its toys and the family cat. Mine did. I don't see why having a furry toy will build drive for an animal the dog has been socialised with. I don't see the point in giving a dog toys unless the DOG finds them fun. My dogs like furry squeaky toys best so that's what they get. Canvas or plastic toys don't rate.
  7. I don't exercise my puppies on lead until they are 6 months old. I think a general rule of thumb is no more than 5 minutes per day for every month the pup is old. Of course for larger breeds, you need to be even more careful. The best exercise a pup can get is free play. That's not endless chasing of a ball or being ground into the dirt by big dogs at the park. Just ordinary play either with people or dogs who play appropriately. Even that needs to be limited at first.
  8. I think there's a heap of difference between saying a dog IS a mix of certain breeds....& saying the dog has a LOOK like certain breeds. People I know in South Australia have a little dog whose background they know....from quite a few generations of mixed-breeds in their small town. Coco looks exactly like a tibbie, but there's not the slightest evidence a tibbie ever came near her known ancestors. It's still an uncommon breed, anyway. She even got the slightly bowed front legs, after an operation to correct some bone condition! Coco sure has the look of a tibbie. But she's not. Years ago a friend of the family had a corgi/peke cross that looked a lot like a Tibetan - not that any of us knew that Tibetans existed back then.
  9. Possibly but given that the dog is not large, is long backed, doesn't have a spitz tail and there are far more common explanations for a pointed muzzle and ears, I don't see why you'd identify see Akita there. We're all guessing but my guesswork begins with more common breeds. Witness the number of times we've heard "deerhound cross" for medium sized dogs that look just like poodle crosses. Wire coat can exist in a crossbred of two breeds, neither of which possess it.
  10. Pure prey drive. Perfectly natural canine behaviour. If you need to put other animals first then I'd be looking to how they're contained.
  11. Looks like an akita pup to me too. He has an akita face to me. My cousin just got an akita cross pup from a shelter and this guy has the same shaped face and muzzle. He certainly doesn't have anything remotely spitz like as a tail!!
  12. You could always just let the dog inside until you're ready to get up or make sure there is always access off the verandah? ;) My guess is that the pups are barking for company or to be let out to toilet. If you don't want to stop the barking by giving the dog what it wants then I can't see how you'll avoid cheesing off the neighbours. Pups don't have the bladders older dogs do. If its a toileting issue, I would be getting up to let them out of providing access off the verandah.
  13. Given that you haven't mentioned clipping, bathing and drying before the scissors, my guess is you'd find a lot of dogs harder to groom than you can possibly imagine.
  14. Most of the water additives are based on the same chemicals as human mouthwash. Not sure that's something I'd want my dog ingesting on a daily basis. I'd go bones at least twice a week and use a toothbrush if you must.
  15. I ended up switching to Advance. Howie likes the Active and the poodles love the small breeds Turkey and Rice.
  16. Recently an exhibitor in NSW was banned for unsportsmanlike behaviour and it definitely made the rounds - everyone knew about it. If its the incident I"m thinking of, it involved an actual assault and police were called. Below that level, I'm not sure how much power the CCs have to act???
  17. JRT x Corgi possibly. I know a similar looking dog that is that mix. He's a livewire!!
  18. And how would you propose such people be removed Gayle?
  19. Permoxin might do the trick. A rinse or made up into a spray. It's pretty cost effective. Advantix certainly repels mozzies but looks like those littlies might be too young to use it on (not to mention the cost )
  20. I agree with SSM and said earlier that the only person's behaviour you can control is yours. How you react and deal with others will colour what sort of a day you have. In the end, if being around some exhibitors and bearing witness to obnoxious behaviour upsets you, you need to distance yourself physically and psychologically. For most of us that wont' mean leaving the show ground but insulating ourselves by finding pleasant, postiive company. It's out there. Having a dog that doesn't win makes people react in different ways. Some look to blame others - the judges, fellow competitors. Others look to themselves - their handling, their dogs. I'd always recommend people start looking for reasons closer to home and think twice before blame goes further. I don't kid myself that its always a level playing field in the ring but no point getting bent out of shape about something that's hard to prove and even harder to change. You can either cowboy up and ride the bumps or stay home. You sure as hell won't change anything unless you're out there showing though.
  21. I know I do. I prefer moderate dogs of all breeds.
  22. That amnesty saw certain types of firearms banned (mostly hand guns and semi-automatics) but not all and certainly not the kind of shotguns favoured by working gundog people. My family probably own about 20 shotguns (all quite legal). They are clay target, rather than gundog owning hunters though. By shooting over dogs I mean going out with a working gundog, finding and flushing game (sometimes the dog does this), shooting it and having the dog retrieve it. People still do this. Its more difficult to do it here than, say, NZ but some kind of game shooting is legal in most states.
  23. Guns are not banned in this country and you can shoot birds over dogs in Victoria at least. You can shoot fur (rabbit) on private property in most states I think, You can also do field work and retrieving work towards titles. Mercedes, here's an English photo of working Clumbers - far less heavy in body, coat and flew than what we see in the ring out here IMO.
  24. Sounds like it could be submissive urination. My Toy Poodle was a submissive wetter when I got her aged 8 months. What others have said - she needs to be kept calm, not looming over her or getting her wound up during greetings. I have to say I find the owner's attitude of "it's all too hard, put the dog outside" pretty disappointing. What have they actually DONE about it. I'd be starting with a vet visit to elimimate any physical cause and then getting a behaviourist. This could probably be sorted out with some effort and expense. The dog sure as hell won't improve if every time someone appears outside, it goes beserk with excitement. Poor little thing.
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