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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Perfectly normal and not confined to male dogs either. And some folk believe desexing will stop it happening. Ah, no.
  2. Me neither. I leave court shoes behind on stairs if I wear them. I'd never thought to buy Skechers O/S. I must find out my size in them. I love the look of the ones you wear Megz.
  3. OP: I don't know who told you that but I'd have said the reverse. The few Boxers I've met have been pretty hard headed. They are most certainly trainable but not an easy dog in a lot of ways. How old are your children?
  4. I would want to know what caused the puncture. If you don't know, see a vet. If it's a cat bite the likelihood of abcess is high. If it's a nail, there's a tetanus risk.
  5. Indeed, the rise of service dog specific breeding programs has in part been created by the divergence of 'show' and 'working' lines in some breeds.
  6. Not necessarily. My poodle girl has never gotten beyond a tablet every 3 days. Initially it was every day for a week, then every second day for 2 weeks then we were meant to go out to once a week but that never worked. Sounds like Honey might be like my Lily and not able to store the hormone.
  7. Probably because he's already getting all that But, for directly helping with the actual muscle loss she seemed to think that the fish oil was the most beneficial?? Maybe Flynnie needs a weight program and protein supplements. He could be massive.. fully sic maite. That or more fish food.
  8. I don't think it matters how inaccurate Ms Harrison's findings now prove to be. The horse has bolted. Your average prospective dog owner wouldn't recognise her name. All they will recall is hearing or seeing information that supports an oft held view that purebred dogs are inbred and sickly.
  9. Oso: That will be me one day but the pram will be have an old poodle or two in it.
  10. 1. Choose a physically sound, confident and resilient pup. 2. Let them be babies and learn normal baby skills. Socialisation should be the early focus - to dogs, people, events and new physical experience. Most agility pups I know have ridden in the wheel barrow early on. They should learn that life is fun, new things are fun and being with you is fun. 3. Train for focus and biddibility early on. They don't need to be hothoused on to equipment as bubs. However the concept of performance for reward is an important one. 4. Don't compare them to previous dogs - they have their own rate of learning. 5. Crate train. 6. Hasten slowly - you want the dog to be sound and keen when its time to hit the ring. Too much pressure early on leads to physical and mental burn out.
  11. Your two Staffords probably weigh as much as my four do. Its definitely easier with some dogs than others. Nothing like an offlead dog to create carnage when you've got yours onlead. I broke a wrist years ago when two offlead dogs rushed the one I was walking for friends. The fact that they were friendly didn't make the break any nicer.
  12. I have two friends with dogs that have had a number of these cysts.
  13. The only thing I'd want taken into consideration is that a stressed, ill or recovering dog may not be in a "learning mood". The key would be to identify which dogs should simply be left alone. I'd also want to ensure that owners have given permission for this to occur. I can tell you that one of my dogs will not take treats from anyone in a vet clinic - he simply doesn't want to be there and wont' take treats from strangers. You'd have no chance of clicker training anything in a vet clinic but he'd happily accept a cuddle and or a walk.
  14. I wonder if the incontinence is new or has just reached a level where you've noticed it for the first time. I've also got a girl recently diagnosed with incontinence. I tend to wonder if she'd been leaking smaller amounts for a while before I noticed.
  15. I find that advice worrying from a breeder. In order to make grooming (a lifetime commitment for a poodle) easier, little and often is the way to go for pups. It would be an absolute nightmare to keep a pup well maintained until that time and pretty traumatic for a pup in its second fear period to be presented for grooming for the first time at that age. I'd expect an 8 week old pup to have had its feet, face and tail clipped at least once when I got it and then to be clipped every six to eight weeks for the rest of its life. Clipping will not make the coat fade, all it will do is expose faded coat faster. Pity your sister chose one of the 'newer' colours IMO. Basic black or brown is always my recommendation.
  16. If it came out of the blue, I'd probably find a gift a bit OTT I'd be thrilled with a card and a note.
  17. I would try a tab lead. It makes for a less intimidating grab.
  18. Cod liver oil doesn't provide Omega 3, (it supplies Vitamin D) and shouldn't be fed constantly. I would not feed it more regularly than every alternate month. Tomato paste is loaded with salt and nightshade family vegetables are not great for dogs. I'd suggest a better source of Vitamin E. Sunflower oil is one. I suggest rather than going for every meal balanced, go for balance over time. If the Blackhawk has Vitamin E and other supplements, then I'd say you don't need to feed another Vitamin E one. How about just giving chicken wings or other RMBs every few meals and cracking the odd egg into the raw food? Or buy a balanced oil blend from the health food shop.
  19. Head to the National Geographic shop and buy the Australian Native Bird toys (plush) with inbuilt bird sounds. I think they are $9.95 but occasionally they have them half price. My dogs LOVE them!
  20. Most dog baiters are totally rational and know exactly what they're doing. Cruelty is not a mental illness. I reckon there's probably a motive for this. Find it and they may find out who's behind it. My money is on a local resident/park user.
  21. My oldest poodle boy Ted became distressed during a severe thunderstorm a few weeks back. We were at a dog show so the effects were pretty full on. He became agitated and panted a lot. He got a cuddle on my lap and calmed down. I notice that as his vision is fading, he is more reactive to loud noises. I'll just manage it but I feel for people who have to bolt home if a storm is coming. I work with two dog owners who have to do that.
  22. I think the purpose of the campaign is to raise money for breast cancer research, not to raise awareness of the disease amongst the greyhound fraternity. AR people are seeking to derail that fund raising by targetting a high profile charity to pursue their own agenda.
  23. Do you have any idea of how many off lead dog parks and onlead parks are around the Inner West? That would be an impossible task. I have no idea....but if there is poison bread around shouldnt someone be looking? Have the posioned dogs all been in the same park? The thread title does say Earlwood. Perhaps a more effective course of action would be to ask what would motivate a person to poison random dogs in a park. Are people allowing them to be offlead where they shouldn't? Not picking up after them? Allowing dogs into the kids play areas? Has there been an incident or a serious of incidents where a person has gotten upset with dog owners? The motivation for baiting randomly in a public park would IMO be to keep all dogs out of it. Why would that be something a person wanted? As to the poison? My money's on Ethylene Glycol. Easily obtained and highly palatable to pets and kids. I'll allow for some leeway on the reported speed of death. 15 minutes after symptoms first noticed would be good enough for anti-freeze. Perhaps consumption after exercise might speed the effect?? We need Rappie to advise on that one.
  24. I suggest you use a separate treatment for fleas - there are many good ones. I treat fleas only if and when I find them but I don't live in an area prone to them as a rule.
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