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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. If he's going to his new home desexed as a pup, you've just written him off as a prospect for many serious agility enthusiasts.
  2. Most wedding receptions are stupid displays of extravagance. But each to their own, I object to animal cruelty and things like that, I can't see the point in getting upset about or objecting to another person's joyful celebration. Agreed. I can understand how people would think it was silly.. but condeming something and dishing out the insults for something that isn't hurting anyone seems a bit strong to me. Whatever I'm sure the subject of the article doesn't give a toss.
  3. Most entire male dogs are not difficult to manage. The horse = dog analogy doesnt' work for me and yes, I've had both. I'd say its not just entire dogs that contribute to unwanted pups. Bitches have something to do with it. I'm not anti desexing but the issue needs to be thought through, particularly with regard to timing.
  4. Bummer about the weevils. Perhaps they were already in there. I store mine in a 20L wheelie bin until I open the bags and then in plastic containers in the pantry.
  5. They're on the Oztrail website too.
  6. Exactly what poodlefan said. I bet Afghan Hounds are down the bottom of the list! I'm yet to meet a dumb Afghan. Sneaky, cunning and highly intelligent is what they are! I'd rate Whippets in the top 10 for thievery.
  7. No. Call this "the 10 most easily trained dogs in the world" and I might.
  8. You were joking? No kidding! Looks like you're on a roll with the judgemental comments though. Hope you're enjoying yourself.
  9. she didn't hand over any money for it. What would you recommend her to do? Tell him to surrender them to the pound? They'd be dead pretty quickly. OK. So the pup was free but people like the owner probably wouldn't have the brains to desex the bitch, and probably the male dog which probably belongs to him too. He will just do the same thing next time the bitch has a litter. He obviously is not in it 'for the money' so it's no skin off his nose. If you read all the OP's posts, you'll find two of your assumptions look to be incorrect. But hey, don't let that stop you. If you are referring to my post, by the time I did actually post, I discovered that the owner was actually going to have his bitch desexed. Please forgive me And he didn't own the dog either. It's not me anyone should be seeking forgiveness from. I"m not the one copping the caning for 'encouraging' this guy to breed.
  10. she didn't hand over any money for it. What would you recommend her to do? Tell him to surrender them to the pound? They'd be dead pretty quickly. OK. So the pup was free but people like the owner probably wouldn't have the brains to desex the bitch, and probably the male dog which probably belongs to him too. He will just do the same thing next time the bitch has a litter. He obviously is not in it 'for the money' so it's no skin off his nose. If you read all the OP's posts, you'll find two of your assumptions look to be incorrect. But hey, don't let that stop you.
  11. Yep and Mr Whippet (Bo Bengston from the USA) is judging. Howie and I will be doing both Whippet Specialties (Friday and Sunday) and the Sighthound Show on the Saturday. All at Castle Hill.
  12. The legs on the Deluxe Compact are in two parts, not three. That's the difference in the collapsed lengths.
  13. With my Lily it was sudden onset and is being controlled with hormone tablets. Vet will want to rule out a UTI first.
  14. Personally I think its stress relief. My dogs certainly aren't fans of being bathed.. they are fans of being towelled though.
  15. Guys, no point in flogging a new puppy owner for the shortcomings of the pup's breeder. She's done the pup a favour. What she needs is support, not condemnation. It's not like the breeder profitted from this pup anyway.
  16. Its also longer when collapsed - 1.3m as opposed to around 950cm for the ordinary Compact. If you want the smaller one for ease of storage, its the ordinary Compact you want.
  17. Beautiful photos. Both breeds are ones I love. ;)
  18. Folk might like price the average cost of a Japanese wedding. ;) It was her money What are people really objecting to? The fact that someone can afford to indulge themselves to the tune of 20,000 pounds or the fact that they spent it on their dog? Would it be less objectionable if she'd bought herself a cruise on the Queen Mary or bought a nicer home?
  19. Not sure either would tick the "not overly active" box.
  20. Most dogs with "small dog attitude" develop it because their owners fail to socialise train and treat them like dogs. Or they fail to appropriately manage interactions with larger dogs and end up with fear aggressive responses. If you are up for professional grooming, I think a Bichon Frise would tick all the boxes. No way would I describe a CKCS as a low shedding dog.
  21. I'm not sure of the distance of my current walk. It would be a few km and it takes just under an hour at a reasonable pace. I mix up the route to stop us all from getting bored. Good news is that its offlead which allows the younger dogs to tear around and the older dogs to potter.. or vice versa!
  22. I'm stepping up a notch at the end of the month.. 2 Vizslas for the weekend.
  23. An 'enclosed' verandah is hardly outside is it? If I'm on one side a closed door and my dogs are on the other, I think that's how they'd view it.
  24. I'd use one for individual judging but I doubt folk in front of you in a line up would be thrilled.
  25. I think I'd go crazy without my dog training friends :p It's happened by stealth but most of the folk I spend time with have dogs and do some kind of activity with them. There was a 20% off everything at Petbarn last night and the queue was like a who's who in dogs in Canberra. :p My dogs stay with folk I met through the club too!
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