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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. I dont wrap kids in cotton wool. I wrap my dogs in cotton wool. I dont want children near my dogs. Two of my dogs love kids. The other two are kept well away from them.
  2. I think its us that's changed, not dogs. In an age of nuclear families, helicopter parenting, dogggie dresses, BSL and buying dogs without seeing their mums, I think parents are more protective of kids and less understanding of canine behaviour. Dogs have been biting kids since the first ones gathered round the campfire. It think its how we look at the incidents and react to them that have changed. The further we live isolated from nature and the more we wrap kids in cotton wool, the sadder it gets for dogs and children IMO.
  3. What they don't tend to share is their reliability with other dogs. Chessies can be sharp.
  4. I know a few Boxers that aren't good with dogs. But I know a lot of dogs that aren't good with Boxers.. I think their facial shape and eye shape makes them difficult to read for a lot of dogs. A standard Boxer expression looks like a hard stare to other dogs. They seem to draw a lot of aggressive responses.
  5. No such thing as a dog that "turns". Dogs do what they do for a range of reasons. The fact that some folk can't read a dog or identify a trigger for behaviour doesn't change that. Good family dogs are made, not born. Breed alone is NEVER a guarantee of safety around children and young kids should never be without supervision around dogs - for both safety of both. Dogs cannot form a social bond with kids if they never see them and kids cannot learn to behave appropriately around dogs (and to enjoy them) if they don't get to interact with them. I'd have no dog before I'd attempt to completely separate them in a family 24/7. It sure wouldn't be much of a life for the dog.
  6. A showie friend sent me this: Why You Just Can't Win In The Dog Show World - If you love to talk about dogs, you're a know-it-all. - If you don't talk about dogs, you know nothing. - If you stop to chat at a show, you're a show-off. - If you don't, success has gone to your head. - If your dogs are at all the shows, you're not letting others in on the wins. . If you're absent, you're afraid of the competition. . If your dog wins, you know the judges. . If you don't win, it's obvious your dog isn't quality. . If you win and thank the judge, you're playing politics. . If you win and don't thank the judge, you're rude. . If you lose and congratulate the winner, you're a hypocrite. . If you lose and don't t say anything, you're a poor sport. . If you've been breeding less than 20 years you're a newcomer. . If you've been breeding for more than 20 years, you should get out of the way of the up-and-comers. . If you use your own stud, you're kennel blind. . If you go outside for stud services, you don't think much of your own breeding or your using your "friends" dogs. . If you sell most of your puppies, you're trying to flood the market. . If you keep most of your puppies, they're not good enough to sell. . If you keep your health testing up to date, you're admitting your lines are full of problems. . If you don't check for every condition known to veterinary science, you're irresponsible and have no integrity. . If you choose to mentor or offer 'free' advice, you're arrogant. . And finally, if you keep your opinions and knowledge to yourself, you haven't learned anything!
  7. No. I gave that advice based on the fact that the OP already has a mature female (Rottweiler).
  8. Labrador Retriever Club of Victoria would probably a good place to start enquiries. If going for a mature dog Haven, I'd opt for a dog rather than a bitch.
  9. Thanks! One whippet v 20kg of 4800 (when he only gets it for the occasional meal) didn't sound like a particularly good outcome to me. As you can't get a sample and Howie can be fussy, it would have been an expensive purchase AND it has to be ordered in specially here. Mind you, FHRP's boys have profitted from Howie's fussiness in the past ;)
  10. No one breaks ankles better either
  11. I think its Pinaroo that I always stop at to run the dogs on the sports oval. And if you missed Lameroo bakery.. you missed out!! I like the painted desert.. its pink! And I love the stacked stone fences as you get closer to Murray Bridge. But yes, there's not much out there other than mallee and wheat. Oh, and melons at the right time of year.
  12. I think the blacks tend to be overlooked by a lot of folk in favour of yellows and chocolates. A black Lab in great condition GLEAMS.. love them. Love all the colours actually. Yes, the blacks do shine! So does a dark choc actually. But I'm a yellow fan Was thinking of a black for #3, but think I'm going back to my first love, a yellow Lab Shouldn't you go for one of each for a 'rainbow' effect?
  13. I think the blacks tend to be overlooked by a lot of folk in favour of yellows and chocolates. A black Lab in great condition GLEAMS.. love them. Love all the colours actually.
  14. I go south into Victoria via Toolebuc ... then on to Ouyen, Lamaroo, Pinaroo and up the freeway from Murray Bridge. You can have dogs in the car at one motel in Narranderra and in the car at cabins in Toolebuc. Although I used to do the trip on one day. Last time I did this trip I took a longer route over two days and stayed outside Echuca at a very dog friendly place on the Murray River - it was gorgeous.
  15. What does the retail therapy tend to be like at these shows??
  16. I didn't mention them because I thought they might be more active a dog than Haven is looking for. The good ones are great dogs though.. and quite imposing.
  17. I'm not coming now.. got a bit much on and a trial to prepare for the next day. Have fun people!!
  18. Maybe your first action should be to sit down with your partner and clarify a way ahead. You wouldnt be the first people in the world to go from "couple" to "housemates" for a while at least. It could buy you both some time and give some certainty for the immediate future.
  19. The Nuremberg trials were the genesis of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. They were the first time live language translation services (now standard in the UN Assembly) were offered to participants. Before casually tossing references to Nazis and WWII into the mix, John Davey might care to note that some here have spent a fair bit of time studying that period of history. Its probably the first and only time you'll see an Admiral on the victorious side (Nimitz) give evidence in support of an enemy Admiral on trial.. didnt work. Donitz got sentenced anyway. Oh well, he did escape a death sentence I suppose.
  20. We could start by selling pups on Main Register to aspirant dog sports or show folk. Plenty of dog sports folk have made the crossover to get a front end title on a new purebred pup. I'm one. We could encourage people to THINK before following vets advice and desexing everything at 6 months old. And we could stop constantly whining about how the dog show world is going to hell in a handbasket and occasionally talking about the more positive aspects of the hobby. Any prospective show person reading the Show Forum would probably wonder why most of us bother to show. On the topic of shows.. exhbitors making and effort to talk to and be polite to members of the public would be a good start. Some are.. but others
  21. This someone did! The "Nuremberg Defence" was that people committing war crimes were "only following orders".. how that relates to the topic under discussion sure beats me.
  22. First two aren't renowned for getting on with other dogs.
  23. Awesome!!!! You'll have happy Labradors! I now feed my dogs Royal Canin - Medium Junior for Howie for its higher fat content and the poodles get .... Poodle! They love it. RC is the only kibble Howie has consistently liked. I'd try 4800 if I could get in smaller bags.
  24. I don't have a problem at all with breeders deciding which of their pups are show/breeding quality and which aren't - the dogs carry their prefix after all. I also don't have an issue with folk needing to learn something about their breed and breed standard before breeders allow them to buy or use Main Register dogs. The number of JRT owners who regard east/west fronts and cabriole legs as "normal" is gobsmacking. But there is no point in memorising the breed standard if you don't know the "why's" of what it contains. The problem as I see it is that some breeders have a flat ban on selling or providing dogs for breeding purposes. End result is the line dies out with the breeder. How that is protecting the interests of the breed for the future defeats me. Somewhere in between no dogs sold on Main Register and pet dog folk breeding their dogs "because they can" there is a mid point. Our challenge is to find it. Everyone started out as a newb in breeding once. Some folk seem to forget it. Pat Hastings made an interesting and telling observation at her seminar the other night. She said that all the advice to new breeders to buy a top quality bitch to start was pointless "because no one will sell you one". I wish folk would occasionally think beyond their backyards to consider how and from whom the next generation of dogs will be bred. I take my hat off to those that do and only wish there were more of them. Back on point.. you can sell a pup on Limited Register and upgrade it if its of sufficient quality. I'd like to think that buyers might be able to change their minds, go on to show their "pets" and perhaps take the plunge and become breeders. Of course if you desex the pups before sale it ain't never going to happen. In the high demand/puppy mill breeds, I can't say I blame those who do for being short sighted though.
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