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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. I feel a bit sorry for the neighbours if we ain't. Your coolie can try some 3 poodle herding.. it's not a new experience for the poodles.
  2. No. This is the first of her seminars I've attended. She comes very highly recommended though. Have you seen her before? Did you enjoy it? ETA: We are in Cabin 2.. .no doubt staggering distance from you. We are bringing a few bottles of wine. Poodle tribe look like this:
  3. Cool!! Look for Wendy (that's me) the chick with two black mini poodles and a white toy.. there surely can't be anyone else with that combo. Are you staying on site?? I'm sharing a cabin with a friend.
  4. Just wondering if any other DOLers are making the trek up to Tweed for Sue's seminar? The tribe and I head off next Wednesday to make a bit of a holiday of it.
  5. I find my older boy can get a bit constipated if he's had a couple of days of chicken bones (usually wings or drumsticks) and he's missed his morning exercise. On rainy days I try to feed a softer meal. Sooo - don't forget the part that exercise plays in the equation.
  6. Sidoney I also think it benefits a dog's confidence in it's physical capabilities.
  7. Coming from an equine background Sidoney, I'm a great believer that running over rough ground does improve balance and coordination - in dogs and ourselves. I am lucky enough to be able to give me dogs free range over hilly tracks and rough ground every day. I really do think it would benefit your girl as I think it did and does wonders for Darcy and his siblings. There is definitely medical research around to say that it benefits us to have to work on core balance and use all our ligaments etc.. it staves off the impact of old age. Use it or lose it applies to all species I think. A friend who has recently started joining our morning rambles with her dogs says her vet has commented favourably on the increase in muscle condition in her girls. ETA: Nothing like rough ground to sort out 'hind end awareness' in a dog.
  8. Don't ya just love the Terrible Teens.. it's like living with an adolescent child. "You're not the boss of ME!"....
  9. FD: I have a feeling this is more of FD's campaign of terror against the Miniature Poodle - Winston Churchill's breed of choice. Looks like I'm going to have to get Myzska to slap him again.
  10. I'm pretty sure she is coming to Australia this year, should be awesome! I hear she may be delayed.
  11. :rolleyes: You go girl! Do you crate Chomsky at all? It might be time to introduce one.
  12. Really? He's never done ANYTHING like this before, never exhibited any kind of behaviour that would indicate he's in charge. We practise NILIF at home as directed by K9 Force in addition to TOT... Natashja I would be giving Chomsky the benefit of the doubt.. for all we know he saw you being against a wall as being threatened. However, I'd be either introducing him to new partners right off the bat.. or crating him before "getting physical" or both.
  13. I would separate them.. .I sense this will end in tears. I think is is predatory rather than play behaviour and may escalate as the pup gets older. An old cat deserves better than to be stressed out by such incidents.. I know because I had one. I honestly reckon you will only stop this behaviour with corrections... but an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.
  14. you know how to scare a man, the H word!!! Unfortunately, flowers, chocolates, champagne and footrubs won't help. She may enjoy watching chick flicks though. You can put her "on the pill" for her season but this medication (which I confess to knowing nothing about) would need to be discused with your vet. My very limited understanding is that it may have some long term impact on a bitch's ability to conceive but that is not a concern in this case.
  15. CD the Zink article does mention it. As I said in my first post in this thread, this is a vigorously debated issue. You are doing the right thing by arming yourself with knowledge about the pros and cons of desexing at a particular time. From a personal perspective I can tell you that of the three (4 legged ) bitches in my house, two suffer from hormonal incontinence and one doesn't. Would you like to ascertain a guess as to which of those bitches was desexed after her first season and which were desexed before it? My dogs sister became very broody during her first (and only) season and nested madly with her fluffy toys... they really can get very hormonal.
  16. Thanks for reposting the photo Sivvy.. a beautiful happy shot to remember.
  17. How much socialisation and training did Ski get as a baby? This kind of behaviour can have an inherited component and also be partially the product of a puppys early experiences (or lack of them). I honestly doubt your puppy has been abused but wonder a little about the environment he was raised in in terms of experience. What were Ski's mum and the rest of the litter like. If this behaviour is troubling you I'd seek an consultation and evaluation with an experienced, qualified canine behaviouralist. If you tell us where you live, we may be ablet to suggest one. The best you can do online is get educated guesswork about why your puppy behaves this way.. without knowing what causes the behaviour no one can give you really productive suggestions about how to improve Ski's confidence. Much of the behaviour you describe as scared I would categorise as very submissive.
  18. Free of pain. Free from suffering. RIP sweetie. You may not have lived long but you touched the lives of people who'd never met you. There's a black mini poodle in Adelaide who's going to have soggy fur at times but he will find a way to bring a smile to that family even in these dark days.
  19. I have witnessed with my own eyes K9 eating Krispy Kremes.. .I hear his dogs like them too.
  20. Timing of desexing is a vigorously debated issue. If you do a forum search on "Zink" you will run into an article by Dr Christine Zink which summarises her research and opinion on the timing of desexing for sporting dogs. In a nutshell she advises that it NOT be done before the age of 14 months. Obviously there are pros and cons to this and being able to keep a bitch appropriately secured during her season is a prerequisite. Most of the dog sports people I know well will follow Dr Zinks advice. I am going to see her at a seminar in Brisbane next month - I can't wait.
  21. What are your plans for Chloe? Are you considering dog sports?
  22. 5 months old.. 5 km walks.. Jimmy have you ever considered you might be overdoing it with so young a pup? The ideal time to start dog school was 3 months ago.. the longer you wait, the worse this behaviour will get and he's only going to get bigger and stronger.
  23. At least she isn't suffering... God Speed little poodle lover. ;) Nice to know someone will be there to waiting welcome mine when their time comes.
  24. A friend of mine used an old door covered with carpet to help their aging dog deal with stairs. Got both door and carpet from the tip. :D
  25. Never. I'm pretty patient anyway but having trained a soft dog you learned the importance of keeping your tone and body language positive. The most she could cope with was neutral. If I get that frustrated I stop and have a game..
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