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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. See a good qualified chiro before you decide on surgery if you can - it may open up other avenues of treatment.
  2. The dog is onlead and held by the owner in the exercise I discussed as suggested by you. The 'visitor' approaches and backs off if the dog breaks position. It can't jump on a person it can't reach. You don't reinforce the behaviour by stepping back because the dog can't reach you to jump on you. The dog learns that jumping gets it nothing but sitting quietly does. Works perfectly and most importantly the unwanted behaviour is ALWAYS controlled. Hmm thats interesting, wouldnt you think that the person backing away would cause the dog to want to follow? Mine was a suggestion for when the husband comes home un announced, if the dog isnt on lead. The dog can't follow - it's on lead. I've taught 'sit for pats' in this manner to plenty of dogs. Dogs soon learn what behaviours are rewarding and what aren't.
  3. Jen Martin: The dog is onlead and held by the owner in the exercise I discussed as suggested by you. The 'visitor' approaches and backs off if the dog breaks position. It can't jump on a person it can't reach. You don't reinforce the behaviour by stepping back because the dog can't reach you to jump on you. The dog learns that jumping gets it nothing but sitting quietly does. Works perfectly and most importantly the unwanted behaviour is ALWAYS controlled.
  4. I appreciate you think it works. but that's not proof enough for me.. knowing how raw the stomach of a HG sufferer is, I'd not be putting a damn thing in their system unless it was under veterinary advice. As has been pointed out, HG kills dogs, and quickly. I'd have the dog on a drip with antibiotics every time rather than feed a product with untested results. I don't gamble with my dogs lives.
  5. Here's what I've learned from this thread. Colloidal silver is a safe and extremely effective topical treatment for wounds and bacterial infections. Its use when taken internally has not been proven to be safe or effective. Conclusion - I would use this product externally on me or my dog but will neigher ingest it, not feed it to my dogs. A fair proportion of that learning has been due to Ricey's "hijacking". There is no way in God's earth I'd give it to a dog suffering or recovering from Hemorrhagic GastroEnteritis. I've had the misfortune to have a dog come down with that.
  6. If you don't treat the underlying problem Angelina, it will reoccur. How slim is he.. a lean dog tends to get less back issues.
  7. I prefer to deal with exuberance more positively. Showing a dog the right behaviour and rewarding it is arguably as successful as punishing the wrong behaviour and a lot kinder to a dog that is simply too enthusistic for its own good. I've seen a clicker used to train a dog to understand that sitting got pats, not jumping, in 5 minutes - the rest was reinforcement. Keep walking forward where? How will the dog learn to sit quietly unless its..... sitting quietly. It's far more effective for the PERSON to distance themselves and only greet the dog when it's sitting. With respect Jen that is utter rubbish. There is no evidence that jumping on people has a direct link to aggression and its a very poor idea to plant in the head of someone who's trying to instill some manners into a dog. Do you have any qualifications/experience as a dog trainer? What do you base that opinon on? I expect that it would be virtually impossible to tire a dog out to the extent that it wouldn't enthusiastically greet its owner. If my mini poodle can do it after a 2 hour/20 km bike ride, what hope does this owner have? The key here is to teach the dog what behaviour you desire and reward it. Aversives have their place, but shouldn't be used as a substitute for teaching manners.
  8. 20? I don't thik 20 would actually fit in my yard . I think our PB is about 11 or 12. I keep thinking of new options. The last one is particularly appropriate for my girls...stuff the dog...a new person to love me! On doggie chiro nights at my place, we usually have at least 10 dogs .. often inside. My dogs are all over any new person.. Lily almost has to be peeled off.
  9. I've only voted once. I've never had any serious problems but one of mine is far less friendly than the others. Unless the dog is small or well known, none of mine are likely to play but we have new dogs visiting all the time. I think 20 something dogs in my back yard is a PB.
  10. At 10 months old, she's an adolescent now, not a puppy. If she were entire, she'd be just about old enough to have pups of her own. It's a great pity that so much emphasis is based on "puppy training" and less on ongoing training, particularly for the adolescents who love to push the envelope. Frankly, its a far more challenging time for a dog owner than when they are babies. However, a return to training is a great idea. She may calm down as she matures but I doubt she'd stop jumping on people - its highly rewarding behaviour and thats why she does it - its fun!!! Where are you? Dog trainers vary in quality and we may be able to recommend one or a club.
  11. It sounds to me like a lot of this unwanted behaviour is probably boredom related StaceyB. I'd highly recommend you up the training if you can. It doesn't have to be 'obedience' stuff - tricks etc will challenge and exercise that brain.
  12. How much exercise and training is your pup getting Stacey. How old is she?
  13. Trying something for a week isn't very consistent I'm afraid. If you want to control her behavior while you get this under control, put her on lead. She can't jump on people she can't reach. I'm afraid your vet's advice is right out of the dark ages. You need to get back into training this dog with a trainer or school. Like kids, education is for life. In the meantime, teach her to sit. If she knows it, get guests to ask her to sit and pay her attention ONLY when her bum is glued to the ground.
  14. FHRPs Flynn and my Lily have stinky breath and they get RMBs I think I should hire Lil out for counter terrorism/hostage situations. Send her in, let her lick someone and they'll be out of there!!
  15. When Darce was a youngster, he pierced his soft palate (long story) and had to have cooked food for a few weeks to lower the risk of bacterial infection. I invented Doogy (another nickname for him) Stew. Friends wanted to try it until I told them what was in it - it sure smelt good. He became a chewer almost overnight without RMBs. I honestly think dogs need to exercise their jaws. If they can't do it on their food, they'll look for other options.
  16. My holistic vet says a BARF diet doesn't suit every dog but I suppose I'm lucky it seems to suit mine.
  17. Interesting this raw feeding. Have been feeding raw for over 6 years but not strictly barf. I am more of a raw meaty bones feeder myself. I find the little guys seem to need the bulk of veggie mix every few days to keep everything 'moving' Aranyoz. I know Darcy's breeder (JAG) was initially a bit concerned about him being raised as a raw fed baby but I thinks she's a lot happier now. Gee he was dwarfed by other pups his age for a while there but is now at the top of the standard.
  18. Yes. It was called a Clippervac. A friend of mine who grooms professionally bought one. I recall she had a lot of trouble with it.
  19. What's prompted the swing away from kibble Pix?? Anything in particular? I reckon a more natural source of calcium and a phos balance might not hurt easty/westy feet either.
  20. As you are the BARF diet guru and I am leeching off your BARF diet advice (I've been searching your posts like a proper stalker) I shall use that also. Her stomach doesn't appear to be easily upset so far. I'll see how she goes. Nah, Espinay is the BARF goddess - she put me onto the diet in the first place.
  21. I use it for the oldies or when a dog is unwell. I didn't give it to pups.
  22. I use the Blackmores Vitamin C powder with bioflavinoids.. improves absorbtion. Esther C is easier on the stomach but expensive and fairly hard to find.
  23. Tell your OH that if he wants a dog that's permanently shit scared of him, he's on the right track. Negative experiences in the second fear stage can last for life. What is she getting in trouble for? Is it for things that some training or foresight can prevent?
  24. As I said above, if you want the weight off fast, halve the normal food intake. You can make up some of the bulk with boiled or juiced pumpkin.
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