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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Smart dogs.. those things are massive and sometimes they have a lot of pointy bits on their heads :D
  2. My dogs would give you a pretty interesting look if you tried to use veggies as treats. They eat them but they ain't 'into' them.
  3. Thanks PF. The wild ones are half the price of the farmed ones. I didn't ask if they were still wrapped or not but I will find out when I go there. I'd expect they'd be unwrapped. You might be able to order some wrapped ones though. Bunnies are great teeth cleaners.. especially with an Elkhound on either end. The fur is the best fibre out for keep dogs [coughs] regular.
  4. Ness: [translates from South Australian] Fritz is devon.
  5. Thank you. I just rang a butcher near me and they have both wild and farmed rabbits, so I will get her a couple of wild ones to try. Wild ones should be cheaper Norskgra. See if you can get them skin on.. .dogs love doing their own unwrapping!!
  6. :p :p I use them too for walking.. .they can stay in the bag longer than an hour.
  7. I agree with what Erny says. However, I'd also suggest you take him to the vets for a complete physical and bloodwork. You want to eliminate any medical triggers for this behaviour, in addition to having a behavioural consult. This might be pain related or have a neurological trigger - you need to check for those kinds of issues. A decent veterinary behaviouralist would be a good person to see.
  8. Mine aren't crazy about Roo either. I'd recommend rabbit if you can get it - preferably wild shot, not farmed.
  9. I use cooked treats. It's not like they get them every day or a lot anyway. Darce is the only dog in active training these days and he works best for toys. Mainly I use devon or cheese.
  10. You're a BARFer. Mine only get veggies (and meat, offal etc) once every 3 days.
  11. Darcy was raised from the day I got him on a raw diet (BARF) Tess - is that what you wanted or someone who's weaned pups onto raw. Steve does. ETA: Oops Steve and I are BARFers. You want prey modellers.
  12. BARF is raw feeding. If you are feeding any kind of cooked processed food including kibble you are not feeding a BARF diet, no matter what you might call it. Do I sound rather passionate about that. From what I can see Clyde, BARFers feed more vegetable material than prey diet feeders. Some BARFers might still include some grain in the diet that would be pretty unusual these days and and I sure ain't one of them. Weights and percentages for feeding are difficult Shane. I have two dogs here within 200g of each other in weight and the younger one eats 50% more than the other. You can get some guidelines but so much depends on your dog and how much exercise it gets. Ask away. I think sometimes you'll get a better result if you ask things specific to your queries. No one diet suits all dogs so it's sometimes easier to deal with your dog specifically. I'm happy to contribute to a sticky thread though. ETA: Snap Joypod!
  13. Panting may be a sign of stress. Your pup may also be feeling a bit car sick. Where abouts in the car is she travelling? I have to say that, provided the instruction is at all decent, familiarisation with the vet practice is a very good reason to attend puppy pre-school at your vets. I make a habit of taking all three dogs with me regardless of who is being treated. They all get a treat but they still aren't thrilled to be there. Stay calm, chat to the staff when you are there and get them to give her treats - it all helps.
  14. Ted is CD AD JD Lil is CCD AD JD and needs one pass for her JDX Darce is AD JDX SPD ET he's yet to hit the obedience ring.
  15. If you want a cheap agility tab, buy a cheapie lead from somewhere like GoLo and cut if off to the length you want. You can stop the nylon one's fraying if you burn them. Blackdog makes a large treat bag - if you can't find one locally, you can get them online. They also make tab leads.
  16. Petnetwork have it - towards the end of the page.
  17. How many times a day are you feeding her Moggy?
  18. The only time I've ever fasted one of mine was when he had an upset tummy. Some raw feeders do it to emulate a wild dog's diet - they don't eat every day. However when they do eat, they tend to gorge themselves if possible. For some reason, that aspect of wild dog diet doesn't tend to be copied. I figure my dogs aren't wild so they deserve to eat daily.
  19. I don't use a flea treatment but I don't think it's diet related. We just don't seem to have too many flea issues around here.
  20. My pleasure. You'll also find the speeds higher in jumping. Standard course times are usually a lot lower. Not having to do contacts and weavers contributes but by Masters you have to hustle to make the time.
  21. Yes. No contact equipment and (unless it's Open) no weavers. Handling is usually tougher though - more twists and turns.
  22. Shutting a few doors is probably going to help too Gretel. They should keep him with them when he's inside or crate him as PW suggested.
  23. Short term solution - go buy a Bitter Apple spray or another brand that discourages chewing and spray in the obvious places. How much walking/training etc does this dog get? What is his diet? My as yet untested theory is that dogs that don't get enough jaw exercise chewing their food will find it elsewhere. Boredom, anxiety etc as mentioned are possiblities. Another is simply that he enjoys it.
  24. Anything that depresses the immune system is going to open the door to an new allergy or a flare up of an old one. Stress sure does that. I'd say it would most certainly exacerbate an existing allergy related skin condition. Happens to hoomans too!
  25. Don't delay.. muscles and ligaments start to alter position quite quickly after injury.
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