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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. How often a day are you feeding him?
  2. I've had Wahl and Andis and far prefer Andis. The day mine die I'll be going straight out for another pair. ;)
  3. where did you get your 'something similar to this' ? That's what I have and I got it at a hairdressing supplies place. I have also seen them on Ebay.
  4. Not this year. A few folk I know (including me) are going to Port Macquarie instead. :rolleyes:
  5. I have a grooming box I got from a hair dressing supplies place.. fold out front for scissors etc and open up top for bigger stuff (with little drawers for fiddly bits)
  6. That question sparks a lot of debate here on DOL. There are a lot of other questions to ask to assist with the age decision What breed/size of dog What will dog be used for How responsible/capable is the owner of dealing with the responsiblity that comes with owning an entire male. If you search for 'desexing' here you will find a lot of threads that discuss it. As a dog sports person, I'd not desex a male before 14 months.. but that's me. Under no circumstances would I want to see a male desexed before about 6-7 months unless it came via a rescue.
  7. I have Heritage Sabres and really like them. They do coloured scissors now too.
  8. I strongly recommend you see the chiro vet sooner rather than later. If bones and ligaments are out, swimming won't help them.
  9. How does this help a dog to refuse food thrown over a fence when you only train them to refuse food offered by another when you are with them? How would a dog trained to refuse food except from its handler go being kennelled. Most obedience dogs don't seem to have too much trouble differentiating a formal exercise from taking treats. I don't have any difficulty with the exerise but the idea that it might save a dogs life is a bit of a stretch for me.
  10. I'd recommend an adult teach the dog and assist the children to reinforce it's training.
  11. We don't determine a dog's order in pack hierarchy - they do. The first dog into the home may not be the dominant dog. Trying to make it higher in the order would not work and would create ongoing conflict between dogs. Personally, LR if you have concerns about their interaction when you cannot supervise them, I'd be separating them when you aren't home. As both dogs are adult females, you may be in for some conflict between them until a firm order of dominance is established. Are either of the dogs being wounded? Do you friends know that dogs can play very roughly and it can seem like fighting.. ?
  12. That's possible. The poor boy has the dodgy hips. I'll look into it further. I'd recommend you talk with your vet about it. It may be that something like a monthly Cartrophen shot can improve things. I hope you find a solution. Don't forget that it's getting colder - this is the time of year that arthritis starts to bite. A heated pad for him to sleep on may help also.
  13. Are you sure what you're seeing is a mental condition? Is there a chance that he is suffering from residual low level pain?
  14. Folks one change I've made to this recipe is to feed an oil blend rather than straight flax seed oil. I also add it to the thawed mix, rather than when I make it. I still add a general nutritional supplement. I also make it in way larger quantities these days and bought a commercial juicer to plough through all the veggies - best thing I ever did. Pumpkin features in every mix.. wonderful for anal glands and keeping the old boy 'regular'. For those who are interested in alternatives to processed diets, I'd add Dr Barbara Fougere's book Healthy Dogs; A Handbook of Natural Therapies to your library. She is talking with Dr Jean Dodds at Parramatta Town Hall on June 30. If you are interested in alternatives to traditional veterinary/processed approaches to dog husbandry, I recommend you get there if you can. I'm coming up from Canberra. Clyde, if you feed chicken pet mince which is minced with bones, that should help Mildred along.
  15. I'd recommend you go out and buy Grow Your Pups with Bones which is the BARFers bible on puppy raising. Like Tess, I raised young Darcy on a totally BARF diet since I got him as a bub. The only difference between what he and the adults ate was that he got veggie mix one meal in two rather than one in three. He started his RMBs with chicken necks and moved up from there. He grew slowly but ended up close to the top of the standard. I'll be raising any future pups the same way.
  16. Absolutely train them seperately. :D Once they know and are consistently obeying cues, situations like meal times can be used for a bit of collective training. Why not go back to obedience with at least one of them.. that way you can get back into the swing of training.
  17. They are the basis of many of my dog's meals Blossom. You could try chicken frames for a larger dog.
  18. I'll be there. Monday night isn't the easiest night of the week for a 4 hour trek up and back but we'll be coming up from Canberra. My dogs see Dr Fougere too.
  19. I think he might be dealing with an obsessive behaviour. It may need professional help. Is the dog allowed inside? Crate training might at least help to stop the dog accessing the fence.
  20. I'd stick with monthly. I did have my dogs vaccinated yearly but on veterinary and DOL advice, have reverted to monthly tabs. Too many issues with the vaccs for me.
  21. The only thing that would worry me about using livestock clippers is the size of the blade.. it's very wide and may make doing fiddly bits difficult. You could always use smaller ones for those bits though.
  22. Hi LR, At over 12 months of age, she should be her maximum height already. She may have a little bit of growth yet but it would be unusual. Maybe she's not a Lab/Kelpie cross? I definately see lab , I'm not really familar with kelpie dogs, I have done some searches since I got her to see if she's like one but yeah I'm just not really sure. Her head definately apart from the ears looks lab, possibly some Staffy to maybe? it's just her back half, although I know will fill out with time with better feeding, doesn't really remind me of lab or kelpie. Can you post a pic?
  23. Hi LR, At over 12 months of age, she should be her maximum height already. She may have a little bit of growth yet but it would be unusual. Maybe she's not a Lab/Kelpie cross?
  24. Not always Cavandra. I've seen shots of adults with retained canines. If he's going under general for desexing, it seems a good opportunity to take out the retained canines.
  25. Your three sources of fitting (other than neurological causes) tend to be toxins, trauma or infection.
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