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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. She sounds very submissive and somewhat timid and overwhelmed to me. Been there, done that.. you have to never be any more negative than neutral or a no reward. The pawing is a request for attention.. you can use that.. make her work for what she wants. If its a new experience I imagine the freeze behaviour will be pretty normal. You need to encourage her to try new things (my guess is the car is a new thing) and reward her trying. Stop thinking about her breed, other dogs you've had etc. Deal with what you see in front of you. These dogs can be amazingly rewarding to train. I know, I have one.
  2. I'd never recommend a head halter for a dog that lunges. I think a limited slip or martingale collar and work on getting the dog to focus on YOU would be more successful in the long run anyway.
  3. It would work while you're getting gear out but not for keeping him in between runs. If you don't have a crate, you might like to think about investing in one... if you ever want to trial you'll be needing one anyway.
  4. This is going to sound very self evident tiramia but the time to get your dog back to you is just when his head turns towards the distraction and you lose your connection to him. We have had this issue with quite a few dogs at training and handler powers of observation/timing do play a key element in curbing it. Its a hell of a lot easier to get that recall when he's two feet away than when he's 20 feet away and going hard in the other direction. If you had your dog at our club and he carried on barking etc, you'd be asked to remove him to a decent distance so that the instructor wouldn't have to raise their voice to be heard over him. The alternative (which might be a good idea for a number of reasons) is to bring a crate and cover it until he's to ready to work. I'd have him either crated or working. I'd say your boy needs to learn that agility is work.. fun work but he's there to do a job which is whatever you tell him to do. Dogs that consistently interfere with other dogs in our classes are suspended from training until their handler can demonstrate that they can safely control them.
  5. Its pretty much all been covered but you need to have a decent recall WITHOUT the distraction of dogs/equipment before you add them in. Whats his recall like generally?
  6. My guys like kangaroo tendons.
  7. I would have suggested a luxating patella too. If it is, the vet will be able to manipulate the leg to detect it.
  8. I make my own BARF mix which is mostly pulped veggies. The recipe is here on DOL.
  9. Sorry my error. I wasn't looking at tubal ligation. I am confident I can keep her safe during her season. I guess I just worry that we won't notice in time and she could be exposed accidentally. No, mine.. I didn't understand your post.
  10. Standard spay procedure for a female dog is an ovariohysterectomy The uterus is routinely removed during desexing ops. If it was only tubal ligation, the bitch would still have seasons. ETA: If you have concerns about developmental issues, delay the op. Of course, you need to be able to manage a dog in season to prevent an unwanted litter.
  11. As you own an entire bitch, I think a locked fenced run witha roof will prove essential, particularly when she's in season. You can add a few boredom busting toys and she'll be fine. I'd say it would be better to accustom her to being in it as routine, rather than only when she's in season.
  12. The only thing I can suggest is that you create a visual barrier around the pond.. eg. black plastic. I would also reward her when she leaves the side of the pond.. try to distract her with a game perhaps? I had to cover my fish tank when I first set it up as Lily had a similar fixation. Fortunately it wore off.
  13. If she gets to 24 hours and it's the same Benny, I'd be off to the vet. You're clearly a very devoted dog owner.. the photo of the bedroom/sickroom made me smile.
  14. If you get the chance, get up in the middle of the night and check on her. The only way I knew my boy was very ill was because I heard him go out to the toilet several times during the night. After the third time, I got up to find him roached, lethagic and with a bloody bum. Keep a close eye on her but it sounds not too bad at the moment. Mashed potato is new to me... it goes without saying you should't put butter or milk in it I suppose.
  15. Don't panic. Unless the runs continue, she's at very low risk of dehydrating... HG or anything serious is going to produce ongoing runs. Don't feed her. Give her unrestricted access to water but fast her. But if she looks roached, lethagic and the runs continue.. off to the vet. Where does she sleep.. can you monitor her overnight?
  16. It could be Gastro.. more precisely Haemorraghic? gastro. Keep an eye on this. If it continues, it's vet time.... you don't want your dog to become dehydrated. How old is Beanie. HG is commonly a youngish dog issue.. 2-4 year olds get it most.
  17. PRS try just cooked chicken and rice for a few days. It's very bland and seems to settle guts quite well. I'd definitely try him wheat free and if it continues, you might want to try further eliminations. I'd be starting with a new protein source. Perhaps some more veggies too? Digestive enzymes might be something to try down the track. Do pugs get IBD?
  18. Ask your questions Spotty.. there is a wealth of information here.
  19. He has.. including ditching grains all together. I reckon all of his books need a darn good editor.
  20. or here Am I truely reading this Miranda.. is this the beginning of the end of our synergy of minds??
  21. I think anyone who claims dogs fed on raw diets won't have any health issues is deluded. It sure as hell won't prevent PRA as I have heard claimed before. :rolleyes: I think it's better than a processed diet but not all dogs do well on it.
  22. And we wouldn't get to allude to train wrecks and ask for popcorn etc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Of course if it differs to mine, you must be wrong. :rolleyes:
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