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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Oh crap Anita.. I'm so sorry to hear this. RIP Buzz
  2. Do you need to brush while drying to straighten coat? If you do, you'll need to go hands free which means some kind of stand dryer will be required. I've got a Liberty and you can attach a hose to it for initial drying. I'm very happy with it.
  3. Feed her more chicken necks? Chicken wings would have more fat. Mince can be quite fatty.
  4. Haemolytic anaemia? My girl (now deceased, but at a reasonably age and from another condition) recovered really well from this. Yes, ithey think it's haemolytic anaemia. Thank-you for letting me know about your girl. In my wanderings around the internet I have seen people say it's basically a death sentence, so your girl and Harriet give me hope! Add Airlie W's Styx to your list of survivors Anita.
  5. They now think it is AHA, and he's dropped to a PCV of 15 so he's getting a transfusion and is off to the Braddon Emergency Centre for the night. I will call PL tonight if I don't get home too late. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. Sorry to hear the news Anita, but yes, call Patricia - she'll be very happy to walk you through her experience. Good news is 5? years later on, Harriet is still with us. Sending good vibes for more positive news today.
  6. The FIRST thing I'd want to know is exactly what were the feeding arrangements at the other place? Was this youngster suddenly subjected to competition for food? Has it learned that food is to be defended or lost? Were meal times stressful for it? You need a professionally developed strategy to deal with this and perhaps a phone consultation might be a way to start - there are some good people in Sydney who might be able to get things going if you have difficulty getting a house call. In the meantime, all I can suggest is that you de-escalate any anxiety at meal times. You could start NILIF/TOT and reward the puppy for focussing on you in that way. As for leash walking resolving resource guarding - to the best of my knowledge, that would be a first. Not every issue a dog has relates to dominance or poor leadership - some genetic predispositions can be developed by environment/experience. ANY form of aggression needs professional intervention IMO.
  7. I'm wondering why he gets frontline plus fortnightly? Thats a lot of chemicals in his system. My guess is ticks - they grow 'em nasty where Blossom lives.
  8. My friend, who's a pro groomer, finds the same Clyde.. the mix of coat type and the wirier coat of many oodles is a biatch to groom she reckons.
  9. Yep, a fine/medium metal comb would be the best matt deterrant. Use it daily to prevent the pin knots you are seeing now. And I'd be inclined to shorten any areas that are matting regularly. Us poodle folk know why the old timers trimmed the areas they did.. those shaved muzzles and tail bases prevent areas of coat becoming filthy and matted. Keeping facial hair short keeps it out of the mouth and helps prevent tooth/gum issues also. Blossom I'd suggest a trip to a pro-groomer (good time now its getting warmer) for a discussion about a low maintenance clip and then you can just follow the trim the groomer does.
  10. Megan: Poddlefan He's revised his views since GYDAB Megan. He now favours no grains whatsover. Sprouted grains would be a whole lot better than ordinary grain though. They are basically grasses.
  11. Buzz, our smooth irish tri, is not, and it's not clear what is going on yet. Today is his second day at the vet. It came on over 48 hours (lost interest in food, pale gums, orange urine, mildly depressed but still active). His PCV is dropping (it's 21 at the moment), and they don't think it's snake bite as it's been too slow in manifesting. They are trying to work out if it's a toxin, infection, injury or an auto immune reaction. I am hoping it is not the last one. They are testing for different toxin indicators as far as they can - they've ruled out rat poison. I honestly cannot ID any way that he would have been exposed to something - we don't bait pests, he hasn't been anywhere near our boundary fences, it's just a mystery at the moment. :rolleyes: Fingers crossed for an improvement. If its HA, then I know someone you should talk to. Patricia L's Harriet got to a PCV of 8 and survived.
  12. It's 37-55 Anita. This is a useful link for bloodwork stuff.
  13. I'd suggest you go and buy a copy of The BARF Diet as a starting point. There are other good books on the subject but that's probably a good beginning. If you are going the whole way with raw feeding, I'd be removing the Vets All Natural from your dog's diet ASAP. Grains are a common source of skin allergies and VAN is full of them. For an adult dog I feed two meals of raw meaty bones and one meal of my homemade BARF mix. If you search for "Poodlefan BARF Recipe" here you'll find it but I would recommend you do some reading also.
  14. My guess would be UTI or hormonal incontinence.. I'd suggest you head for the vet and have her urine tested.
  15. I don't know how much food you want to store but you could try sourcing old olive barrels - they are very sturdy plastic, with a big screw lid. Your local rural supplier might be a place to look - that's where horse folk go for storage bins.
  16. It's probably like agility Jules... BC's are seen as 'easier' to train in SOME ways for the sport. I'm sure a lot of BC agility owners would be happy to argue about that. Every dog brings its challenges but some dogs start further behind the line than others.
  17. Our club requires proof of current vaccs or titre result on joining - nothing beyound that.
  18. You'll find this with a lot of training.. you start with a behaviour that's particularised to one place and then you need to work to ensure that it becomes generalised. Recalls are an example. Getting puppy to come is established in your back yard but you can't take it for granted and need to work on training it elsewhere. The presence of urine or faeces smells in the new place wouldn't be helping but I'd suggest you use normal "not reliably toilet trained" vigilance in new placaes.
  19. Rather than trying to find a trainer who understands Sharpei particularly, you might be best finding one who doesn't dismiss ANY breed as 'unsuitable' for what you want to do. A trainer who'd prepared to work with you and the dog you have and to think outside the square is what you want. There are people out there who can help. NO breed is untrainable but some will be more challenging than others. Good luck! As has been said, you need to find out what motivates your dog. Seriously, just about anyone can train a Golden Retriever or Border Collie.. and quite a few of the more high profile obedience folk have never tried with anything else. Those who can dig deep and train non-traditional obedience breeds are those I admire. We had a trainer at our club who'd put UD titles on two Parson Jack Russells - a very talented woman. Keep looking, there are people out there who won't write you off.
  20. Pumpkin.. either pureed, mashed or pulped is very 'moving'.
  21. Exercise and moist, fibrous food would be the go. If it continues for more than 24 hours, I'd be off to the vet. Straining to poo can be a sign of more serious problems.
  22. All I can say is don't spend too much money finding out how long your dog might take to get it. It does sound terribly new age....
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