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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Something I didn't have to bend to signal would be nice. Then I'd make every obedience judge trial a little dog so they could realise that giving your signals in front of the dog is not "exaggerating" them when the dog is below your knee height and you have to stoop to do it. Off soapbox now. :D
  2. poodlefan


    Midol: It changes the dogs ability to reproduce Midol - that's why we get it done. It also changes sexually motivated behaviour. Gee, what a bummer - no more phantom pregnancies, no more escapes to seek out mates.. just damn shameful. Its the pervading myth that a dog will somehow be less of a dog desexed that keeps so many unwanted pups being born. It doesn't' alter any behaviour other than sexual ones. Defence, prey, food etc.. where's the sexual motive for that?
  3. Absolutely, but also combined with the problem of irresponsible breeders (BYB and registered), selling pups to anyone with a fist full of cash regardless of the type of person they are - and there are far too many breeders around that do that. If we had responsible breeders and owners then things, in relation to BSL, would be VERY different. Too true. People breeding any representative of the breed that's capable of it produces some very dodgy temperaments, regardless of the breed in question.
  4. Good, cos we all know it does. :wink: 25kg dog or 50kg dog.. you'd be in serious trouble either way if it meant you harm.
  5. If you don't already have an aluminium shadecloth tarp, get one of those - they are great. So are the shoe laces.. and the AKC animal toys.. Ah yes, Cleanrun is a dangerous place. :rolleyes:
  6. Problem is that vaccinated dogs can be completely unaffected by the virus but still carry it. :rolleyes: PF forgive my ignorance but if an adult dog has had a full vaccination regime can it still catch parvo? Yes. Dogs are like people. Vaccination works with varying degrees of efficiency on any animals. If you want to know if your dog has adequate immunity to the disease, you would need to have a titre done. However you would expect that a dog immunized against parvo would have less severe symptoms. Parvo is a virus.. like flu. Just because you get a flu vaccination doesnt always prevent you from catching it but it usually lessens the severity and duration of the illness. In addition, "carrier animals" can be infected by the virus and be infectious to other dogs but show no symptoms themselves. Edited: Vaccinated dogs can be carriers. However, I don't think either result is particularly common.
  7. Problem is that vaccinated dogs can be completely unaffected by the virus but still carry it. :rolleyes:
  8. How many 25kg men are out there? :rolleyes: Size does matter when it comes to rating the danger a dog presents to people. Breeds with tough reputations will always attract knobs who think that the reputation will extend to them. I don't blame the dogs for that. The problem is the kind of owner who thinks that lack of socialisation and training is the right way to raise a 'tough' dog. Most dogs who inflict serious injury on people have a certain kind of history.. no program of socialisation, no formal training and no intervention when initial signs of aggression are displayed. Some owners actually encourage such displays. "Bad" dogs are largely made, not born and breed is only one issue in a whole cocktail of circumstances that produce a dangerous dog.
  9. I'd say look for social confidence, people focus and an instinct to retrieve. Resilience is great - how does the pup recover from being startled. Pity you can't delay the visit until 7 weeks - then you could Volhard puppy test the pups you are interested in. I think 5 weeks may be a bit early to tell much but your breeder will know them better than anyone.
  10. The only way i'd be attempting a major diet change for a dog of this age and health is under the supervision of a vet. If you wanted to try raw, a holistic vet would be your best bet.
  11. Agreed. Frankly you're at just as much risk (if not more) toileting your dog at a road side stop.. plenty of dog shite in most of the ones I stop at. Makes you wish people would pick up after their dogs [sigh] Adult dogs can be shedding the virus without showing signs of illness. Vaccination and a bit of risk management is all you can do. :rolleyes: This is most definitely the time of the year that rescues should be vigilant about quarantining new dogs. EFS
  12. Let me just ponder on this... other people are upset that your dog has parvo?? WTF?? Jebus people get a grip. Missy's going through the emotional wringer here and someone wants to get upset about her posts? My take on this is that Missymoo is concerned she's made people worry about her post - due to Hef getting sick at a dog show - not that people are upset with her posting about her dog having parvo. No one has said anything negative about her dog having parvo - we've all been cheering for him. Correct me if I'm wrong... There was already a confirmed case of parvo at Spring Fair - MM's Hef wasnt' the first. Why would MM say people are "upset"? No doubt there's stuff going on behind the scenes, as there usually is. I'm showing at EPIC this weekend Poochy.. at Hound Club.
  13. Let me just ponder on this... other people are upset that your dog has parvo?? WTF?? Jebus people get a grip. Missy's going through the emotional wringer here and someone wants to get upset about her posts? I had a 13 week old puppy at Spring Fair and other DOLers had pups there too. I appreciate people letting me know what's going on so I can watch Howie (who is fine btw) just in case. Parvo is EVERYWHERE. A bit of warmth and some dampness and it springs to life. It don't care where you live or how posh your suburb is. All that matters is that you vaccinate your dogs. High volume parvo prone areas have low vaccination rates.
  14. What blood tests has he had done? Thyroid? Is anyone in the home giving him treats outside his meal? Personally I"d halve the daily ration and feed him twice a day. Like us, more frequent meals boost metabolism. W
  15. BDog: Who told you that? If you want him to lose weight, feed him less. That will work on any dog.
  16. Run free Jaeger.. what a lovely tribute to him.
  17. Start with shallow water.. take him to a non-surf beach or to somewhere he's not required to immerse himself in it. Much easier for him to be able to dip a paw before having to go all the way in.
  18. Bunnings.. wonderful things. The handle collapses down to about half size and the wheels fold flat.. lots of agiliteers have them.
  19. Lil would like one.. a kennel you can snack on.
  20. Try reading ALL the posts.. .not all are about this.
  21. The advantage of a tent is its built in floor and walls - but they do tend to take a fair bit to put up and take down and the head height is often not great. I use a Gazebo.. it has solid walls or mesh I can use and I have the plastic chinese mats for flooring. Buy a collapsible trolley - makes moving stuff a breeze if you don't have a show trolley with you. W
  22. Given the breed make up of this dog, I'd be PMing Zayda Asher who has been through the allergy wringer with his? dogs. The very first thing I'd be doing would be finding a grain free diet. Right after that would come a thyroid panel.
  23. Run free Monster Don't be a stranger Amhailite - hope to see you back posting in the new puppy threads some time down the track.
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