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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. poodlefan


    I'm a little confused here.. .you say you are "picking her up to put her somewhere else" but are worried about her reaction to your "discipline". For a 9 week old pup, distraction from unwanted behaviour is probably a better long term bet than discpline for it. Give her stuff she can chew and a place she can dig or other activities she enjoys. What it sounds like to me is that your pup is learning that she has to protect herself.. from bigger dogs and from you. It's your job to ensure that she's not over faced and in position where she feels threated and protective. Its also wise at her tender age to teach her that she doesn't have to protect herself from you. All approaches and all handling should be something she welcomes from you. You won't be able to pick her up easily for ever. Call her away from something you don't like and reward her. Does she react positively to patting/stroking? That is the kind of handling I'd suggest you do a lot of at this age with her.
  2. Don't sell yourself short. The mere fact you could even remember names enough to Google on is a step ahead of me . Well when I'm not busy flaming noobs, I maintain a secret database on Australian trainers Erny. :wink: Come on, you're not that bad! Quiet! You're ruining my reputation as a prima hyena Ruthless.
  3. Don't sell yourself short. The mere fact you could even remember names enough to Google on is a step ahead of me . Well when I'm not busy flaming noobs, I maintain a secret database on Australian trainers Erny. :wink:
  4. Never underestimate the power of Google. Of course I had the phone number committed to memory.
  5. Yep, that was me.. I was talking about very high levels of arousal though, not just ordinary exercise. Unless the dog is just over the top, I can't see how NO exercise would benefit the dog.
  6. I don't follow the logic myself.. A physically understimulated dog would be more unstable wouldn't it??
  7. I don't do any onlead exercise until the dog is 6 months old. I'd probably wait even longer with a giant breed. After that, I build up slowly and take my cue from the dog. If they clearly aren't getting too tired, then I build up slowly. However, pace is also important. A one hour dawdle on the lead is going to be a lot less intensive than a 20 minute run.
  8. I think you mean Luci Ellem of Carmana Kennels? 195 Fifth Ave Austral, 2171 Ph: 9606 9454
  9. The ones listed as "Fyshwick" on the website are in Queanbeyan.
  10. Thanks heaps, we will call them and see what they have. You wouldn't happen to know of any fenced off leash parks for the dogs ikn Canberra would you? Ah, yes. There are two new ones. One by the shores of Lake Gininderra (Belconnen) and one by Lake Tuggeranong. (Greenway side). What they are like in terms of user responsibility I cannot say.
  11. I"m pretty sure Petbarn now stocks it and Dogworld definitely used to. Give them a call.
  12. I'd say you're doing it wrong. To "lure" the sit, you don't hold the treat over the dogs head. You start with it at the dog's eye level and slowly raise it back over the head so that the dog's head goes back towards it's shoulders and encourages it to drop its haunches. If it doesn't work, you start again.
  13. Usually through your training club but possibly before competition at a trial. Our club organises it as we have both the cards and the judges to do it.
  14. We've got a few definite 400 BCs at our club. But I do see some larger ones in the height.
  15. No doubt. I think of a few dogs running 400 that I'd like to see a measure on.
  16. Yeah, I'm a riot. Mind you, I don't recall ever been asked for my dogs' height cards.
  17. Absolutely. I'd be telling her to sit too while you talk to the other owner. She needs to learn some self control. Focus and obedience to your cues will assist with that.
  18. Actually, your dog does Jules P. :wink: LOL, yes, my dog is a MAXI, i know that much! There is no Maxi in ANKC Heidi, you need to read the ANKC Agility Rules
  19. That's an ANKC competition. Stoopid question. If you're on the Gold Coast, shouldn't you be a member of the QCC???
  20. Did you enter an ANKC competition or an ADAA one? For ANKC, membership of the VCA (and dog registration with them) is sufficient.
  21. If your dog lunges at other dogs, then you can either make it unrewarding or train a replacement behaviour or both. Has she been dragging you towards dogs in the past and you've allowed it to happen? When she lunges, what do you do? I'd be starting by increasing the distance between her and the dog she wants to reach every time she does it. If she's not focused on you.. no greeting occurs. In the meantime, start much further away from dogs and train her to look to you when you say a 'focus' word and cue her to sit(this is eventually when you'd ask the owner if its OK for her to greet them) . Having a focus word is very handy for regaining control in the face of distractions. She needs to learn that if she's not focussed on you and sitting first, then she doesn't get to greet the dog she's interested in. I'd would never use a halti on a dog that lunges.. disastrous for a dog's head and neck.
  22. If I had one next door that had attacked an old dog and continued testing the fences between it and my dogs, I think I would. Mind you, I'd do it regardless of breed.
  23. The key word here is "neighbour". If a dog that lived in adjoining property to yours and gotten into another property and attacked the resident dog, are you telling me you wouldn't be at all concerned? I'd be worried sick my dogs would be next. That makes it my business IMO. The statement by the OP was: I believe the OP would have been nosy by reporting the owner just because she suspected they had a PB. What eventuated afterwards is a different story... Well, as it turns out the OP did mind her own business. I wouldnt' be minding any more if I were in her shoes.
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