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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. I can think of at least 2 pups purchased from high profile registered breeders by people I know who've had significant worm burdens on arrival in their new homes. Never say never.. Fingers crossed for the GSD youngster. He must have had one hell of a worm burden or there's more to the story.
  2. If they're not drawing blood. If both are happy to initiate and play. Let them do it, its play. However, you need to be very very sure to give these two plenty of time apart. Two dogs over bonded to one another is making a rod for your backs. Make sure they get a chance to develop as individuals, not just as a pair.
  3. Looks like Jarrah honey might be the go for Sandgropers:
  4. I'd have a Dogue first.. pity I'm drool aversive. I think theys lubbly.
  5. I can safely say that I'll never own a double coated breed. I find Whippet hair enough to deal with after poodles. mplsv, how old is your girl? Has she been recently desexed?
  6. Are Poms double coated? I wonder if this girl might have inherited that. Daily grooming and warm baths should see a lessening of the hair but white haired dogs always seem to shed more anyway.
  7. I stuck it on Howies face puncture after the first few days to help with healing the wound.. worked a treat.
  8. Would you get this from a pharmacy? Or Health food shop.
  9. My response would be "does this achieve results"? My guess is that for the majority of trainers, it would be sending confusing messages to the dog. It's hard to be consistent when when the message "no biting" becomes "no biting unless you a gentle". How hard is "gentle" to a growing dog who's ability to bite hard is increasing as it grows? I have to say I've met dogs that never "grew out of it". Being mouthed by a large adolescent dog that hasn't learned bite inhibition hurts. It has to be taught before adult teeth are in and jaw muscles really start developing. When a dog puts its mouth on a person, that can be badly misconstrued. Add excitement and limited bite inhibiton and you have an incident that could be reported as a dog bite. Why put your dog at risk when there is an alternative?
  10. Oh, another plug is needed for Manuka Honey for wounds.. awesome stuff. Will actually stop wounds scabbing up which assists with detering the formation of scar tissue. Make sure it's medicinal grade though.
  11. Oh, forgot to clarify my earlier advice. Caramel Tim Tams for you.. make sure you finish the whole packet because stopping half way through any prescription biscuits is very unwise. EFS
  12. One real advantage Becks is that they are raised off the ground to a height that you're not stooping to wash a dog. That's a lot of pressure of people's backs. A lot of people like them because you have shampoo and water mixed in a tank coming out of a shower spray type fitting under pressure - lots of penetration of the coat. No need to prewet, lather up etc. If I ever got set up to wash dogs outside, I'd just buy a big plastic grooming tub rather than worry about tanks and recycling the water. I don't mind lathering a dog up after wetting it.
  13. I just changed the tap on my bath to a two way and added a handshower.. great for cleaning the tub too.
  14. I would take them to the vet to be on the safe side. Punctures become easily infected and will need antibiotics. Tetanus jab, cup of tea and a packet of Tim Tams for you.. geez but its scary stuff when it happens.
  15. More exercise, obedience training and a martingale collar. If you're friend won't step up to train the dog Bec, there's no quick fix miracle cure for these issues.
  16. I have fed canned food to one of my dogs once (when he needed cooked food after an illness). It was Hills I/D which is basically just chicken and rice. It's the first can of dog food I've ever smelt that didn't make me want to ;)
  17. Wrong choice of dog, unprepared/uncommitted recipient, lack of knowledge of dogs needs.. a whole host of issues could be created by giving a dog as a gift. The study result is not exactly a revelation is it..
  18. The closest "combative" game I can think of is really vigorous tugging.. a lot of dogs love that.
  19. Never on me. Yes to other objects. My dogs are encouraged to tug hard on toys. But my skin is not a toy. Mouthing can be misconstrued by other people and certainly is unwanted behaviour by many. A dog that mouths is a dog that's hard to rehome. Bite inhibition needs to be taught young and a dog that doesn't learn it as a pup may never learn it. Not all dogs learn the message about "gently or never" because not all owners can teach that. Its easier for most dog owners to teach "never". But you knew I'd say something along these lines.
  20. Prongs are banned in quite a few states.. where are you?
  21. good to know, I know this lady. She's got to be one hell of a dog trainer.
  22. What's the name of the UD Whippet FHRP.. I can't remember.
  23. I'd also want to know if the dog lacked muscle or condition. You don't get more muscle on a dog from feeding it - you do it with exercise. Unless the dog has more than 3 ribs visible, I doubt it's underweight.
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