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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Just one thing.. you may find it easier to deal with passing dogs if you keep moving past them at a distance. I've seen people try the "sit" and it just seems to build the excitement. I think you may find it easier to get focus and control if you keep moving. It will also decrease the period of time the dog is close to you. I'd try for focus on the move then stationary at a distance before trying for a sit close to a passing dog. I can't believe a person with a challenging dog got asked to leave training - that' just plain wrong. OK, maybe some one on one first but being asked to leave doesn't help the handler or dog.
  2. That would even more funny if it wasn't a little frightening. A dog trainer thinks that?? ;) A healthy dog's trainability shouldn't be affected by its diet. I have heard about links between hyperactivity and processed food additives though.
  3. Firstly, I wouldn't feed a ham bone to a dog. Ham is very salty and often causes digestive upsets and pancreatitis. Unless he is overweight or has a digestive issue, fatty "dog bones" are fine. Secondly, your dog clearly REALLY likes bones. All that growling is him guarding the bone from anyone he thinks he might take it from him. I'd either feed it in a crate or outside. I would not give him bones if there are children present. For that level of resource guarding, I'd be thinking about some professional help.
  4. Time for you to step in and take charge Mum! I'm not averse to a puppy being growled at, told "BAH" or "NO!" and physically removed from a child. I also recommend puppy be on lead around your son so he can gain some confidence without worrying she's going to mouth him. They are tough little buggers and mouthing and biting is what they'd do with littermates. She has to learn that mouths on people is a no go and its up to the adults in the house to teach her.
  5. I'll confess to being absolutely fascinated by this breed. But I don't think I would offer the right home to one.
  6. Yep!! Just watch out for bones.. doesn't matter so much in raw fish but cooked ones could be dicey. cool, thanks!! he loved it! lucky dog I'll say.. did he have it with lime aioli? Mine always get the skin when I BBQ it.
  7. Yep!! Just watch out for bones.. doesn't matter so much in raw fish but cooked ones could be dicey.
  8. Magnoplasm and/or hot compresses (not so hot as to burn) will draw something out. Sounds like a grass seed.
  9. Where are you? ADAA isn't wide spread at the moment. I would pick ANKC because that's what I train and compete in and that' what's mostly offered around here.
  10. They gave their dog an alternative focus to other dogs and built a very high value one.. its owner. I think it's far easier to teach a dog to focus on you than to ignore another stimulus. Certainly far easier to encourage and reward than distract and discipline for the other. Self control and handler focus are to some extent byproducts of any effective training. To any person who has this issue, I'd advise regular formal obedience or other dog sport training for the longer term. That this is done in the presence of other dogs is also very beneficial. This kind of stimulation can be a very effective alternative to the mad blatting around dog parks that a lot of dogs get to indulge in as their only out of home outlet. To a fair degree we get the dogs we raise. If every time your dog sees other dogs, its a free running party, then you'd not expect anything other than high excitemetn and not a lot of interest in the owner.
  11. Oh crap.. so sorry to read this. :D RIP Bindi and to you BB.
  12. I'd be feeding as people are suggesting.. better quality with higher fat content. No canned food. A working dog or performance formula kibble will have a higher fat content than others. Buy the best you can afford. Fattier meat like lamb, chicken (wings are great raw) or beef will help too. Dogs get their longer term energy from fat, not carbs so you need to up the fat.
  13. I don't leave dogs unsupervised with bones. I do feed treats like beef tendon and pizzle though.
  14. One of my boys had to have two incisions for an undescended testicle but the second one was forward of his penis. An incision nearer to a leg sounds intriguing.
  15. Thanks PF, any idea on how long I would need to keep my girl in my yard before she would be safe for the pup to play with? She went on her last walk Sunday. I'm also curious because I'm getting a new pup in Jan. Do you go to high density, high risk places like dog parks? If not, I'd probably risk it as Tess32 suggests. If you do live in a high risk area or go to the dog park regularly, I'd give it 10 days before seeing the pup.
  16. poodlefan


    Yes i know it would confuse her, i am putting in a dog door very soon, just at the moment we dont have a side fence as the house is fairly new, so i cant let her out on her own just yet. my partner gets home in 2 weeks so will sort that out then . i take her out all the time when im home, and the only place i want her to go is outside, wehn im not home she has to use the mat. she was really good , but now just has strated going next to all the blinds cause i think she is confused, but i think she goes there cause i had the mat near the blinds.. and i deffinatly dont want her going near my blinds. :D Then you need to take her to where you want her to go now and reward that. Right now, she's going to where you started her off.
  17. poodlefan


    Exactly what message do you think you've given her about where she needs to go? Outside? Near the laundry blinds? On her mat in the laundry? I think this is all very confusing. The easiest approach is to give only one consistent message about where you want her to go. Clearly she's trying to do the right thing but honestly I'd be thinking about putting in a dog door and getting her to go outside all the time. Is that possible?
  18. Yes, immunised dogs can carry the disease without displaying symptoms.
  19. Yes, desexing can influence growth patterns. From a related website: It's not just ancedotal.. there are studies on this for those who care to look for them on the web.
  20. Time for a vet visit Spiderpig. It could be an allergy. It could also be a thyroid issue. Some tests would be a good idea.
  21. Yes. I can't guarantee that the results of feeding cauliflower wont' be "fragrant" though..
  22. What breed of dog is she? What other options to inside have you got?
  23. How old is puppy? I left my pup with friends for the first month, then he had access outside through a dog door. Don't worry about the bonding - that will come. You need to spend time with a pup to bond. If you want to help it along, book in for some obedience training.
  24. When is it OK to kick a dog? To detach it from a dog or a person.. or if it's serious, to prevent it latching on. Corvus, all I can say is that you either have the reflexes of a super hero or you've never had a dog come on fast and latch on. No way in hell am I putting my hands near the biting end of a dog melee. Picking a dog up by the scruff of it's neck is going to do sweet FA if your dog is in it's mouth. I've booted a dog hard, it worked and I'd do it again in heartbeat to protect my dogs. As I carried my dog away to the vets, the idiot owner of the offending dog abused me for hurting his dog which ( in his view) was under the perfect control of his 8 year old child. So I must have imagine it picking my dog up, and shaking its head to toss him to land with a sprained hip. And I imagined it coming back to do more to my other dog? Do what you have to but keep yourself safe. A booted foot is a lot tougher and can take a lot more abuse than a bare hand. Microsurgery can only do so much.
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