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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. If you want a qualified groomer Sheridan, is there any reason the dog can't go to a salon? I haven't recommended a mobile groomer because I don't know of any. I can recommend a couple of salons though.
  2. Glad to read that your strategy is working. When they are older dogs, you'll probably have to wake them up!
  3. I would totally ignore her behaviour. By marking it with a change in yours, you run the risk of triggering her anxiety. How long did you ignore it for last time? My guess is that once she realises the sky isn't falling once the fan is turned on, she'll come back eventually.
  4. Yep, lamb flaps are the ribs. Beef frames are good - they are the cows' vertebrae. Talk to a good butcher and they should be able to give you something suitable.
  5. I'm not a wedding photographer but I think you'd be very wise not to do this. No matter what level your skills, family expectations and the family relationship may see this end in tears. If there was one area I'd never scimp on for a wedding its the photos. After the day has come and gone, what have you got left other than those? Oh, and a new husband or wife of course.
  6. Metal cage with add on canvas sides/top. One dog per side. Lots of hunters have that set up. Keeps idiots from touching them when you're not in the ute too. Put padlocks on them and then you can store valuables in there if the dogs aren't in the ute. Dogs must bake in open utes in summer. They'll do a lot worse on a chain in an accident than in a crate.
  7. Yep. Separate them. He's a carnivore, a predator. To him they're prey. If they run it triggers his prey drive. I'd never allow them together without supervision and then only on lead until you train a decent recall or a "leave it". To do that, you can try rewarding him for ignoring them with a game or a ball. But they're still prey.
  8. My pleasure - they look like lovely pups. If they don't have any interactive toys like kongs, these might also help to keep them busy.
  9. My guess is that your pugs aren't "naughty" but bored and understimulated. How much exercise/play and training do they pugs get on a daily basis? It's light earlier now. They are no doubt responding to it. A long play time and/or a short walk before bed time would do wonders for all of you. Tired pugs sleep in. Your babies are growing up. They're going to need more mental and physical stimulation now. If they get it, I think your sleep deprivation will disappear. They certainly wont' get it locked in the apartment all day - so you'll have to do more with them now. As they grow older, you can walk them for longer but 10 minutes and a good play would be enough now. They need to work off that energy. Do you do any training with them? Tired minds also sleep longer.
  10. The "veterinary profession" is a bunch of individuals with varying degrees of knowledge, skill and dedication. It pays to be an informed client with vets, just as it does with ank other profession. There are some brilliant vets out there and their praises are sung here by grateful happy clients. Then there are the other kind.. Like anyone else; rescues, breeders or whoever, vets are often judged by the worst of their number, not their best. Try not to take it personally. At least you're not a lawyer! ;)
  11. Yep, that is why I don't want to underestimate, and as he is a rather solid chap (muscular etc) he's not particularly lithe. Will the pet shop allow me to actually put him in one to see or will I just have to guess? You can only ask. Your other option is to ask other Bully people what size crates they use for their boys.
  12. He needs to be able to stand, turn around and lie down in it without hitting the sides.
  13. I edited my post to add some stuff about sleeping too. At over a metre long and quite tall, you may have trouble carrying it collapsed. I'd head out to the car with the tape measure to see if it will fit.
  14. As a start, I'd always feed him in the crate and give him chewy treats to eat while he's in there. I can't see you fitting that in anything other than a ute or big station wagon. Where does he sleep now? If possible, I'd put the crate in that position, put his regular bed in it and let him sleep in it. Leave the door open at first, then close it later on.
  15. Must be a whippet thing. When we walk in the forest in winter, there a lots of rosehips on the native rose bushes. Howie grazes the rosehips as we walk along. I've tried them and they are pretty sour.
  16. Dr Dodds was brought to Australia by the Golden Retriever folk and gave presentations at their Nationals. My friend and I drove from Canberra to Sydney to see her presentation. So did a few dog breeders. Her Sydney audience was mostly dog sports folk and breeders. Yes, it was a pity there weren't more vets there. Frankly I think a lot of vets need to do some rethinking about their "desex everything at 6 months and jab them once a year for life" standard approach to dog husbandry. Don't even get me started on how many vets allow their clients to carry far too much weight without saying a word to owners. My vet, although very knowledgeable, was anti-titre until recently. She now does them. She said she's concerned that a lot of her pet dog owners would balk at the potential cost of titreing and then having to vaccinate or that they'll not come in for annual check ups. I think her concerns are justified.
  17. MGR, Labradoodles are not a registered breed and the breeder could not have been registered with the VCA (now Dogs VIC). They could not act on your complaint. Yes, that place was a puppy farm.. as is the other 'notable' place in Victoria. You know better now and you did your best for Ruby - far more than many others might have done. I still reckon you need to meet the right poodles!!
  18. The Country Road Bono Fido beds are great. The ones with the built in blanket are really good for cold nights.
  19. Lablover, I just purchased a new large soft sided basket (sponge bed) from Choozy in Gawler in South Australia. Basically I couldn't find a stockist here so I contacted them direct. Their beds are great. I got a Large black one with a jaguar (jungle print) lining and inside cushion. I got a replacement sherpa cushion for the older one I had. With postage, it was $146. Their email addy is [email protected]. Their Large beds fit a Vizsla (FHRPs boys) and they have an Xtra Large too. They have lots of colours, fabrics and designs but I dont' think they have camo.
  20. What you want and what may be possible could be different. Until you get professional help I urge you keep Aubrey away from young children, in your home or elsewhere. That's for her benefit as well as the kids.
  21. Neither..! Howard had C5 at 6 and 12 weeks.
  22. Sounds like excitement to me. Your baby puppy is turning into a crazy teenager! Controlled exposure to any stimulus and reward for calmness would help. Until the dog sees the stimulus as old hat or sees focus on you as more rewarding, you may continue to see it. Going to group classes will definitely help. You'll be training in a highly stimulating environment with assistance. No one expects perfect manners from a pup at obedience - that's why you're there!
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