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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. A muzzle would have been a less drastic solution. Was the GSD human aggressive as well? Yes I agree, but things sometimes happen very quickly with bad outcomes. He wasn't HA at all - in fact, my husband cleans their house and absolutely adored the dog and was very upset to hear what had happened to him. I think the owner blamed the wrong dog.
  2. Maybe I should ship Howard down.. he's friendly to a fault and will pull on the lead to get to a dog. That said, he's used as a point dog like your GR boy.. once up close, his behaviour is usually very appropriate to the dog he greets.
  3. It's not what I'm looking for in a leash free park.. which is why I won't go to them. I think Suzanne Clothier's article "He just wants to say hi" should be compulsory reading for all dog owners.
  4. A muzzle would have been a less drastic solution. Was the GSD human aggressive as well?
  5. How often do you clean and replace the water in the tub?
  6. wouldn't it be much better if the poor dogs were bred so that NO intervention is necessary for them to be able to see, for heaven's sake? Of course it would. But I'd suggest that a bit of tacking sure beats what this dog has been put through.
  7. If someone tries that line on me, my response will be "if you obey the law and leash your dog, he doesn't need to be".
  8. I'll pick Darcy up if the approach looks really over the top. That's to stop the other dog getting too close. I explain that I'm picking him up for the other dog's protection, not his. I've put my knee hard into a rambunctious Golden Retriever off as he lept at Darcy.. just what you want with multiple dogs on lead. Frankly the "friendly" dogs are often just as much trouble as the more aggro ones if their owners aren't on the ball.
  9. I'd say there's some Smooth Fox Terrier but a standing shot would be helpful.
  10. Yes, either German or Russian NOT French Interesting how many people think the older style dogs look better! "Better" = "moderate" in a lot of cases. More isn't always more.
  11. One proper meal a day here for adults. Howard is still very light on for condition so at 15 months he's still on two meals a day. All dogs get a chewable treat when I leave in the morning.
  12. Of course if he'd been bred by someone who knew what the hell they were doing, a bit of tacking as a bub may have cured the issue. The RSPCA clearly has purebred dogs in its sights. Pity they don't illuminate us on what sort of breeder bred this dog.
  13. I'd start her on necks.. a bit easier to get through. Once she's happily munching down on those (two large ones would be plenty), switch over to wings. Dogs are individuals and the recommended amounts on pet food bags are usually excessive. It's better to evaluate her weight by feel. If you can feel a bit of rib with the flat of your hand she's ideal. Too much and she needs more food. No rib and she needs less.
  14. Geeze the DOL forums visual analysis is better than that! Troy should be charging!
  15. You might want to have a read of this thread. Welcome to puppy adolescence. Have there been any changes in his routine? How much exercise is he getting? The best way to save your furniture is to deny him access when he can't be supervised.
  16. IF we apply the Qld breed ID test, he could be a Pitbull mix
  17. I wouldn't mind fining them for not picking up after their dogs. So few do.
  18. I'd have said pure Chi. But as it's the Bitza test, I'll add Labrador Retriever
  19. That's also around the time of the second fear period commencing.
  20. Not an idiot I don't think. Just someone who hasn't thought it through. Honestly, the dog didn't look like the type to meekly accept another dog having a go at him. Last dog that got in Darcy's face was all prepared to have a serious go back before I grabbed the lead off the kid and strung it up. But who'd want to encourage a dog to behave aggressively anyway? It's not the first time I've had someone say something along the lines of "mine needs to be taught". Not by my dog they don't.
  21. In this case the dog was clearly amenable to control, the owners just didn't see the need.
  22. Or maybe only a little bit. Even though I have exchanges like this: Me walking all dogs on lead along cycle path. Up comes an offlead large pilar erect staffy mix with his owners strolling behind him. I put Howard the Happy on point and call out to them Me: Could you call your dog please Owner: Oh he's fine. Me: One of mine is dog aggressive. Owner: Oh we don't mind if your dog has a go at him. Yours are only small. Me: Well I mind! Owner: [pauses] Well he doesn't look very aggressive! Me: How aggressively would you like him to behave? Owner: Wanders off. Bring on winter when I can return to the bush.
  23. I thought SR12 was good for 12 months I use Proheart monthly tablets. Edited to change brand of tablets after checking.
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