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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Ah we like what we like.. I'd have put you down for an IG Anita.. keep the sighthound theme running.
  2. They are quite popular for both obedience and agility Megan. But not as cute as Poodles. If I wanted a good spunky dog sports prospect these days, I'd rate the Paps as probably the best bet. They generally seem to pretty good drive.
  3. Did you know that there's no coal tar in coal tar soap? It's just fragrance these days.
  4. This describes Jake my 2yr old JRT perfectly If you take your JRTs to an offlead exercise area, do they want to be with you or off checking stuff out? Are they happy to zoom back to your side from greeting other dogs? How did they cope with group obedience training sessions.. was it easy to keep them focussed on you, even when offlead? Maintaining focus without distractions is not a challenge for most dogs. Add other things of interest and the challenges may begin. Adding the requirement for complete focus over a fairly long period of time just ups the degree of difficulty. During formal obedience trialling, the handler cannot encourage or reward the dog during exercises and all forms of motivator are banned from the ring. Are posters familiar with what's required of a dog for formal obedience trialling? Formal, directed retrieving is one such aspect. So are long group stays in a variety of positions with the handler out of sight in the higher levels. Scent discrimination is also required. JRTs can do these things.. but they still aren't a breed that jumps out at me as a likely obedience trialling prospect. As I said earlier, they'd be a better bet for agility.
  5. Randy young male dogs humping a more dominant male? Only once I'm betting.
  6. Well it rains so rarely in Canberra lately it's probably just the novelty I know. I am SO emigrating to NZ. But first I have to win Lotto.
  7. My guys seem to enjoy shoving their muzzles into dirt and having a munch after it's rained.
  8. Are you going to have it analysed? I dont' see how it could be a gastrolith.. she couldn't have ingested it. Ah, maybe it's teratoma? But definitely not biological in origin they say??
  9. Yep, I added that to my earlier post. Panic over.. we now return you to our normal programming...
  10. what's cocoa mulch ? Mulch made out of cocoa shells. Just googled it.. it's a by-product of chocolate making and not believed to be widely (if at all) available in Oz.
  11. You don't use cocoa mulch on your plants I hope Deelee...
  12. I did think about some mineral thing- she did drink a lot of sea water on holidays so it occurred to me she might be trying to rebalance. As soon as i can get to somewhere that sells the old kibble I'll be doing it, with the Royal Canin she only did about one poo a day. Unfortunately it wont be until tomorrow (OH and I are working crazy hours this week worst luck) I feel terrible about not being able to get it for her while we were away. I was warned new kibble might make her poos runny, not huge and fluffy and constant! Its crazy. From memory I think Eukanuba contains a lot of cereal fillers.. that's where the bulk would be coming from.
  13. Can't speculate as to a cause DeeLee but I'd be putting her back onto the old kibble immediately if this hasn't been an issue before. Another option is she's trying to up her salt/mineral intake due to the heat?? My dogs eat dirt from time to time.
  14. Thanks for that PF. I always wondered why poodles have pom-poms It actually makes a lot of sense when explained like that Someone posted a photo here recently of a poodle with corded dreads on his head then clipped off short everywhere else. It looked awesome! Definitely not a foofy poodle Learn something new everyday, I had no idea there was a practical use for their clip. Very interesting Portuguese Water Dogs share a similar clip .. Edited to add Best Website on Poodle History Note the clip on the dog in the woodcut on the home page.
  15. Probably $2000+ for a pet. I did say they had a hefty price tag. Waaay more expensive than a well bred poodle, that's for sure. You may find this thread of use.
  16. As I said Cosmolo.. others will beg to differ. I made my comments based on your average trainer, not necessarily a crash hot one. Most average folk will get further with a Golden Retriever or a Border Collie than a Jack. I know folk who've put UD's on terriers.. and they are very very good, patient trainers. But recommending a JRT as an obedience dog.. definitely not for the faint hearted, quick tempered or easily discouraged.
  17. Thats what i was thinking because he gets very aroused by my partner. Always trying to hump him. I think my dog is gay I think your dog may have a few issues with who's in charge!!
  18. If you put the work in it pays off . I have only been do formal Obedience trainig with Harri a short while and he is coming along nicely, yes he gets distracted at times (walks off in the middle of heeling ) but is doing great. Like with any dog you put the time and effort into it anything is possible. And the challenge is fun . For some people Clover.. the "challenge" is too great and even downright depressing. I've had a couple of obedience classes where the one dog on the end of its lead looking down the paddock is the JRT and their owners have asked me "why can't he behave like the others (Labs, BCs, poodles etc). Yep, its possible.. but how many obedience titled JRTs do you know.. or see competing? Obedience is challenging stuff with some dogs when you can't use motivators in the ring. JRT's are generally what they were bred to be.. capable of working without directions from people and not that inclined to look for them without very good training. An entire JRT will be even more challenging. I think the Terriers and Hounds generally do better with more self rewarding sports than obedience. Even then, so many start but drop out when they can't maintain their dog's focus on them. I'd not recommend a JRT for the OP given her stated interests. Others of course, may beg to differ.
  19. Rotting seaweed can produce a horrendous stench..
  20. I'm using the same theme on Whippets. Next one might be Walter or Geoffrey. I think Nigel is great too.
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