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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Aww crap. Sorry to hear it's not great news. At least if they diagnose Vitamin D issues, they should be able to redress them.
  2. B3: This is worth exploring. What do you believe crate training to be about? Do you believe that its important that a young dog learn to tolerate some degree of social isolation? Do you think that dogs should learn a degree of self control? Do you think that having a dog comfortable with a degree of containment is useful for travel, veterinary trips and when unwell? Or do you believe that crate training is unnatural and potentially abusive? If its this, then I understand your reluctance to persist with it. Did you know that you can use a crate to teach some basic obedience AND to play games with?
  3. I reckon the owner needs a refresher course on fireams safety.
  4. Dogsearch: In my experience, young Standard poodles are VERY high energy... they leap, bound and run with great vigour. They need consistent firm boundaries not to become teenage monsters. 20 minutes around the block a couple of times a week is not going to keep such a dog exercised. If you're not up for the commitment of obedience training and exercising a LARGE athletic dog, pick another breed. Perhaps a smaller poodle?
  5. Sheridan: That was my intention Sheridan. I don't think Kerries are what the average pet buyer is looking for. Most seem to want an easy going, biddible friendly dog that doesn't have any particular management requirements and is up for a trip to the park for a picnic and a run on the dog beach. Left, as many pets are, untrained and poorly managed they can be a nightmare. One terrorises the street a friend of mine lives in. It's not the dog's fault but the owners. Too much dog for someone simply looking for a pet for the kids IMO. No doubt others will disagree.
  6. :D :D Seeing as its back on page 1 again - update: he has had 2 shows, the testicle is still just above the scrotum and has to be pushed down but wont stay anwyere near the sac. Fingers crossed still! He is 14 weeks. No amount of manipulation will help if if the spermatic cord is too short. Been there, done that. Hope you get a better outcome.
  7. No 1 skill - a solid lead out. I would also add distance handling including an "out".
  8. Funny, looks like Henry VIII to me! :D
  9. No drama :D I think to some people, the idea of crate training is that your dog basically becomes some kind of in house zoo animal - in the crate unless being fed or walked. That's not a crate for such dogs - its a cage. I certainly don't advocate dogs being crated when you're at work all day although in the USA it's not uncommon. Mind you, I don't have coyotes, cougars or bears visiting my yard.
  10. Farcical it may be Anne but it won't be changing anytime soon. As I said in another thread, we've been a Federation for over a century and we still don't have uniform road rules. :D
  11. As a system of federated States and territories we can't even come up with a uniform educational curriculum, road rules or criminal laws. I'd not be panicking just yet. :D
  12. Yep this was going to my suggestion when I read your criteria. I wouldn't get a Kerry Blue for the reasons mentioned above. Schnauzers are great dogs and much better looking than poodles too! ;) (sorry but the narrow heads and faces on poodles just don't appeal to me). :o ;) :eek: :D :D :D
  13. Besides, imagine the size of the crates you'd need for a couple of your dogs! :D :D
  14. Howard's crate was beside my bed. He doesn't sleep in a crate now but is still fed in it and will go there when he wants some time out.. assuming he doesn't need to evict a poodle to get in there. :D The idea of crate training is not to house your dog in a crate most of its waking life. It's not a case of crate or couch at my place but both.
  15. If dog aggression is something you want to avoid then don't get a Kerry Blue. They are what I'd describe as a "fanciers dog". You need to be devoted to the breed and willing to train and manage a pretty feisty terrier personality. If a dog park social butterfly what you are looking for, the poodle would be a better bet. You could also look at the Lagatto. You can clip a poodle in lots of ways - including a "terrier clip". Don't be put off by a hair do. :D Standard poodles may best be described as a big woolly gundog - that's what they were bred to be.
  16. I have known two dogs who've survived it. Google it - there's a lot of information on the net about it. Good luck. My friend's dog's blood count dropped to 8 - she survived with very full on nursing from her owner and a very knowledgeable and hard working vet.
  17. I'd say the overwhelming majority of pet dog owners dont crate train. The alternative is to constantly watch the puppy or put it outside. Of course, many many dogs never make it INSIDE the house. :D
  18. Dogs ACT will be making a submission on this paper.
  19. Oooh, you must be talking about me. ;) Strangely you seem just as emphatic in your opinions as you accuse me of being. Go figure. I don't think vets are God. Quite a few don't know the very much about allergies and cortizone is their usual line of treatment. A dermo Vet would be a good place to start. So would a holistic vet. Drugs mask allergy symptoms, they don't cure them. The dogs was scraped so I assume that a bacterial infection was eliminated. So too were thryroid issues. Fact is the OP is NOT happy with the dog's progress so a few suggestions seemed warranted. If you're feeding an expensive gluten based dog food, I'd not expect to see a good result on a dog with allergies btw not matter what it costs .. assuming that's the issue. Have a nice day.
  20. Gee thanks poodlefan ;) They are really lovely collars. I'm really tempted *evil cackle* Don't think I don't drool over the Whippet ones. Some of those Stafford ones are quite reasonably priced too. (and no, I'm not on commission :D )
  21. Ted is 12 and about 1/3 Howard's weight but he's still happy to pull Howard into line.. and Darcy the six year old gets told too. ;) He's still the boss of those two. But its not all discipline.. Ted still plays when the mood takes him. That's him with Howard behind.
  22. The feeding of cooked, cereal based dog food is a 20th century development. Prior to that dogs pretty much survived on meat and scraps. Modern dog foods have pretty much eliminated rickets but they do bring their share of issues. A simple elimination diet that removes cereals is worth a try. Dr Christine Zink recommends an elimination diet of white fish and potato. That might not be too expensive to try.
  23. Yes, this is something I would have to talk to the breeder about as well. If it was just me, then no I wouldn't have time for two, however, there are two of us, yes we'd both be training both of them, so they would both theoretically obey either of us, but I would take the lead on Willow, and OH would take it on the other little one. Its all hypothetical anyway at the moment, there may not be one available. My biggest concerns are cost and now whether the old boy could handle it. Thanks, you have all given me a lot to think about, thinking we probably should stick with plan A and wait. Waiting is hard but I tell myself there will always be beautiful dogs.. I have two seniors. There will be no more puppies in their lives - they've done their fair share of puppy training and can live without the stress now.
  24. Most Goldies I've met are pretty cheerful.. that waving tail seems to be breed feature. That and the slime on tennis balls.
  25. Buy a crate and crate train him.
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