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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. My guess would be if it's that advanced, there's probably only one thing the vet can do.
  2. If the dog is not in the company of its owner, they should never approach. If the dog IS in the company of the owner, they should ask permission first and follow the owner's directions. If she wants her sons to get to know dogs, safe dogs owned by savvy acquaintances are the best bet.
  3. If pups are weaned I wouldn't expect to see Mum with them. If pups weren't weaned, I wouldn't expect to be able to handle then. I think there's no right answer but just explain why you're doing whatever you're doing with Mum to the buyers.
  4. My paypal account was debited Friday. Fingers crossed something arrives soon. I don't care that much about colour so I'll be happy if any colour turns up.
  5. I'd be teaching my kids NOT to approach strange dogs.
  6. My dogs don't wear collars unsupervised either. A collar and tag won't stop a dog being stolen.. dead easy to get rid off. A microchip is a far safer method of ID.
  7. Just make sure that you call her what she is PD. When you're posting in the CKCS thread, people who don't read more widely would conclude from your posts there that she's a purebred. No reason to cringe about it now but grooming advice etc is very breed and coat specific. If you need a shorthand version she's a CKCS X or Cavalier X.
  8. I thought Poppy was a crossbred. Get her chipped now. It might save her life. It certainly will be the fastest method of identifying her should she get lost without a collar and ID.
  9. Not if they're under effective voice control they don't. Offlead doesn't and shouldn't mean "free for all". But we've been through that debate many times here. The other dog doesn't sound like an ideal candidate for an offlead park but you should be able to call your dog to you if it's 20m from another dog. If he's prepared to run in and start a fight, you should definitely work on your voice control.
  10. BD73: What about the other dog's behaviour convinced you that it would welcome your dog "saying hello"? When the other dog started growling, that should have been the sign for you to call your dog away. No way should you have let it approach. Your dog ran to and engaged the other dog. You shouldn't have let that happen. You've got a Rottie? How big was the other dog?
  11. No. In fact it reduces the value of the name. The kind of talking Pepper's owner is doing I call "begging". Dog should react the the first cue and not need all the white noise.
  12. LOL, that's hilarious. I could do that. Nevermind doing it when you are watching, I'm going to wait until you are handling something behind me Boy am I grateful there's plenty of breeds between Borzois and Whippets!
  13. It was probably the Minor Puppy. Very dark brindle? You can never have too many Whippets Mandalay.
  14. Hi poodlefan Bert is a pug, he weighs around 10kg but is tallish for a pug (as people always point out ) I would recommend the Puppia harnesses then. They are the Y style that doesn't inhibit movement. I got mine from Two Small Puppies (a DOLers store). My boy wears the very cool camo one like this Thanks Poodlefan- do you use yours as a car harness as well? If so, how does it work for you? No, I don't. As it has a large spot for clips on at the shoulder point it should work fine.
  15. I think you should suddenly whirl around to face the guilty exhibitor, point at the dog, shriek at the top of your lungs "OMG, that dog just BIT mine" and burst into hysterical tears. I can pretty much guarantee that if you do this once or twice (regardless of whether or not you are being crowded) no one will ever crowd you again. Only do it when I'm watching though OK?
  16. Who said it? If they said "never pat a STRANGE dog on the head or neck" that would make sense. Some people really thump dogs when they pat them.. very different to stroking.
  17. I hear good things from Trisven about the Chris Christensen On the Wire Shampoo. That might be a better option than chalk.
  18. Hi poodlefan Bert is a pug, he weighs around 10kg but is tallish for a pug (as people always point out ) I would recommend the Puppia harnesses then. They are the Y style that doesn't inhibit movement. I got mine from Two Small Puppies (a DOLers store). My boy wears the very cool camo one like this
  19. How big is your dog? I also have a dog now wearing a harness on veterinary advice.
  20. Can someone please explain to me in very small words how pups bred in sheds for profit that are last seen by their breeders at 6 weeks are more suited as pets than pups bred for exhibition at shows and to provide future generations of purebred dogs?
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