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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. I'd never do that or at least not that early. If they're drinking its because they need to. You're talking about depriving a dog of water for up to 10 hours.
  2. Interesting to see the dog described as "American Staffordshire" Hopefully this means the RSPCA might not kill the poor bugger once they've finished with him for PR purposes.
  3. I'd like to see a similar practice applied to the half wit abuser who did this. Might not have been done by the owner.. just some sick individual.
  4. Gabba ANY forced or excessive exercise is not good for a pup. Talk to his breeder or other Molosser folk but I'd be limiting his exercise to appropriate offlead play until he's at least 6 months old and probably longer. Swimming's a great method of exercising a dog but other than getting him into water and swimming (sooner the better) I'd not be introducing it as part of an exercise regime for a long time yet.. maybe next summer.
  5. As I see it you've got two options to deal with this. It's attention seeking behaviour. 1. Tough it out and ignore it. If barking doesn't get your attention, he will eventually quit. How long before he does so will depend on your ability NOT to reward the behaviour (by giving him attention when he does it) and his temperament. However at 16 weeks, one pitstop during the night is to be expected. 2. Move his sleeping position to be closer to you. That's what he wants. You're living with a social animal and its natural for them to sleep with their pack. If you move his crate to the bedroom, my guess is he'd be a lot quieter. Have you tried covering the crate? Often pups wake at dawn. Keeping the crate darker may delay waking. How does he access water at night if its in the garage and he's locked in a soft crate in the laundry? Is the laundry cold? Laundries are heat sinks. I'd never sleep a dog in one in a colder climate.
  6. Are you suggesting as a child he should ride on the road?? Kids should be able to ride down a footpath without losing body parts to dogs. We share our community and our dogs need to safe to walk within it.
  7. I wish we could learn more about such dogs than the snapshot of their actions in that split second. Bite history (if any), drive levels etc might help prevent reoccurences. A shocking incident for all involved.
  8. It does look like an allergic reaction to an insect bite. Hope she is more comfortable today.
  9. I buy the Groomers Evening Primrose Oil Shampoo from here If you want really upmarket stuff, Petnetwork stocks a lot of brands. Plush Puppy is an Australian range that's very good and Petnetwork have it. Both stores are in Victoria which should keep postage down. (PF does not receive commission from Groomers or Petnetwork either )
  10. Hunger is a wonderful motivator to eat. Few dogs will starve themselves. Sounds like your friends need to harden up and deal out a little tough love. The dogs have them well trained. Offer the kibble and only the kibble twice a day. Put it down for 5 minutes and walk away. Pick it up and offer no other food between feedings. Most of the kibbles the vets sell aren't the best around. Offering a really good one might help. Foods like 4 legs also tend to go down well. Other options include raw chicken wings - great for their teeth.
  11. A lot of people like Aloveen but personally I think it's overpriced. I like most of the Fidos shampoos. A conditioning one like the Emu Oil would be good for longer and short coats. I use Groomers Evening Primrose Oil on my poodles and Whippet. Not the cheapest but its very good.
  12. What breed or crossbreed of dog? Does it have skin issues?
  13. I doubt the dog will for long.
  14. I figure for something I was going to put poo in, unobtrusive was not a bad thing. I'm certainly happy with the price.
  15. I agree! I didn't realise the why crossbreeds were frowned upon until I went to another forum and talked about my CKCS X Cavoodle! She is a beautiful dog and I would pick her again in a heartbeat! It DID break my heart however to go into the local pet shop (when buying some Aloeveen shampoo for Poppy) to see CKCS X Maltese puppies! Buy all that stuff online PD. You'll save a fortune and keep your $$$ out of the pockets of those that support puppy farmers.
  16. He IS blue SBT.. the camera's not really shown that but he's dark steel blue. I've really hit the jackpot combined some great lines to breed him. Of course I won't show him. I can't possibly be taken seriously as a companion dog breeder if I do that. Besides, there's no profit in it.
  17. If you like the look of Donatello (and let's face it, looks are the most important factor in choosing a dog) but want something smaller, I've got some new pups you might be interested in. These are rare Teacup Turkmenistan Terrapin Hounds. Pricey, but rare dogs always are.
  18. Casowner: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Casowner. Donatello is a dog.
  19. R&L: Don't forget "gee, he looks like he could use a good feed". I was out walking the tribe last night. Got an excited squeal of "look Mum... POODLES!" from a youngster. Poor Howard must have thought he was invisible.
  20. And clearly they've never read a breed standard in their lives - most specify desireable temperament. Why is it such a sin to exhibit your dogs with pride? How does owning breeding dogs that rarely leave your suburb somehow guarantee good temperament?
  21. We've also had a lot of interest in a lower energy kiddie friendly dog for busy working mums that don't have time to be in the back yard when the kids are playing with Fido. So here's Deshonko Donatello.. guaranteed not to take a bite out of the kiddies.. Runs on veggie scraps and salad and healthy as... will live way longer than any of those pups the snobby ANKC registered breeders turn out. Your kids grandkids will be playing with one of these. Don''t need to worry about walking him either. Donatello has had extensive testing by the Ponds Institute. As he has a low maintenance hyperallergenic coat, no shedding is guaranteed. Boronia, have your people call my people.. very interested in your lines. Guard dogs with spots - can definitely sell some of those. Can probably offload some husbands as well.
  22. Yes, when it comes to experienced breeders, we professunal breeders have more breeding experience than anyone. Valentines Day is over.. need to concentrate on making Mums happy. We've now got a nice new colour in for all those feminist Mums.. purple!
  23. Hi PF. Absolutely no offence meant to Poodles, Maltese or Maltese/poodle crosses in general. Just making funnies at the way KL expressed it LMAO I love poodles and I'm quite fond of Maltesers and I'm sure they could make lovely dogs when crossed. They make better dogs when left in their original breeds and bred by someone who knows WTF they're doing.
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