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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Whippet: Oooh a light bulb... how exciting... [does zoomies] wheeeeeeee!!!!!!
  2. Dog was a Malinois. My guess is that its handler has a lot of explaining to do. Dog's behaviour sounds predatory to me.. the shaking in particular. My guess is that US Customs will be having a good hard look at its socialisation programs for pups.
  3. And my thoughts are "what are you going to prove putting a N Ch on this dog" IF the idea is to encourage new blood into the ring, turning it into just another place existing exhibitors show their already titled dogs defeats the purpose. I always hoped this would be a place where pet owners new to owning a pedigree dog could get a start exhibiting. If you're going to be up against very experienced handlers and GR Ch dogs (along with the fangs to the waist attitude displayed by some), they won't stay long. People need to realise that the future of dog showing does NOT lie solely with Junior Handlers. There are plenty of adults out there who followed veterinary advice, desexed their dogs as pups and then discovered the show scene. If this is the way the neuter classes will go then maybe we need to follow the Quarter Horse example and introduce "amateur handler" classes for people other than breeders to get a taste of the ring.
  4. If you Google "crate training" or search here you'll find a lot of information. Here's a useful guide you can print out.
  5. I'd say it was onlead.. hard to deal with rescuing the child if you're hanging on a lead for grim death.
  6. I think crate training would be the way to go then. You can have her close but contained. I started Howard my youngest dog in a crate. He now sleeps in a basket by my bed.
  7. Personally I think a dog with a conformation championship should be excluded from exhibition in the neuter classes for this reason.
  8. For showing: 1. Ccrates Show Trolley - a crate that wheels all your stuff to and from the car - awesome! 2. Gazebo - fold up gazebos must be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century! I have two 3. White enhancing shampoos - wonderful stuff. As a Pet Owner: 1. Dog door - fanbloodytastic things 2. Back seat buddy - has kept the car clean for years 3. K9 Cruiser bowl - always have one in the car - great things! Honourable mentions: Blackdog Whippet collars - great for walking a sighthound Nappy bags - come in handy packets, are scented and great for bagging poo. Electric clippers - God knows how poodle folk coped with grooming beforehand. Dog dryers - see above
  9. Bizarre but certainly not unusual. Sticks are quite a common source of injury to dogs. :rolleyes:
  10. I think the white enhancing shampoos are are great. I've used them on horses and dogs. The 'black enhancing' ones I think just mask red in the way that the white enhancing ones mask yellow tones by introducing a colour at the other end of the spectrum. I don't think they dye the dog as such - they aren't on long enough to do so anyway. :rolleyes:
  11. I want!! :rolleyes: I expect Howard the Whippet will be keen for one too - he loves meeting new friends. Yep, would love to meet you and your dogs. There are lots of shows in the region which is good. I'm doing Adelong the weekend you're doing Eugowra.
  12. When will you be out showing again Centitout? Hopefully in the same region as Crookwell? i was going to do Boorowa,but pulled out as i have to muck around for 3 days in sydney to send the trailing pup to NZ,and i will have a new male as well next week,so flat out.Next one is Eugowra in march,and Yass Ag show at the end.I like the ag show ones because i can expose them to all the other different things like rides etc. Poo. I'm doing Boorowa but not the other two. :rolleyes:
  13. When will you be out showing again Centitout? Hopefully in the same region as Crookwell?
  14. poodlefan

    Puppy Milk

    I've seen goats milk widely recommended for sighthounds, so Howie should be OK . It's when you take a special trip to the natural foods store to get unpasturised organic goats milk for them that you know you have a problem That said, they don't need milk. Unpasturised? - where's the store? I feed whey powder too.
  15. poodlefan

    Puppy Milk

    Shocking waste of money. "Puppy milk" is about 3 times the price of lactose free milk. (says she who feeds her dogs goats milk from time to time. )
  16. He very well could be purebred but not pedgree and there's nothing wrong with desexing pet puppies at 6 months. He could very well be purebred... I said its possible he aint. I've never seen a coat that short on a Goldie. If you told me he was a Lab/GR cross I'd believe you. Nothing "wrong" desexing at 6 months SAS but if I wanted a larger boy to mature a bit more, I'd delay it. The earlier you desex em, the leggier they get. I saw his parent, they all got long coat, and looks like golden to me, his parent are not a champion or anything. but at that time i have no knowledge about pure breed or papers, i just want a puppy. Ok, moving on then. Do you worm him regularly?
  17. He very well could be purebred but not pedgree and there's nothing wrong with desexing pet puppies at 6 months. He could very well be purebred... I said its possible he aint. I've never seen a coat that short on a Goldie. If you told me he was a Lab/GR cross I'd believe you. Nothing "wrong" desexing at 6 months SAS but if I wanted a larger boy to mature a bit more, I'd delay it. The earlier you desex em, the leggier they get.
  18. yeah, the long legs make him looking skinny. and he is 18KG i can feel his backbone easily also can feel the ribs i just bought him from a breeder, he don't have pedigree paper. i'll desex him when he's 6 month old ( vet told me that) Then it's possible he's not purebred. You should be able to feel his ribs but feeling his backbone easily suggests he is underweight. Better that than fat though. Do you worm him regularly? I'd be waiting another 6 months before desexing him.
  19. A lot of us got them at the great price - thanks for posting it. I got the colour that I wanted (black) within a few days. I've ordered other stuff from them too (a doog - at $30 with $2 postage it was a bargain). It has also arrived promptly. No need to apologise... I'm thrilled to have got one for that price.
  20. He doesn't look skinny to me. He looks like a leggy puppy. Can you feel his backbone really easily? Where did you buy him? Does he have pedigree papers? Is he desexed and if so, at what age was he done?
  21. Eating their own or other dog's poo is called coprophagia. It's quite common in young dogs and definitely not breed specific. Best option is to clean up any poo ASAP and discourage your Basset from stalking your other dog when he's defecating. Most dogs grow out of it but if you do a search here on "coprophagia" you'll find a bunch of threads discussing tactics to deal with it.
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