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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Ring the Mayor and then ring the press.
  2. That's not fair on me. I literally can't get over the fence myself. None of them. On my way out to town earlier I stopped to see if I could. Have you called the police yet??
  3. Excellent! I knew rabbit was good for dogs, but I assumed this was human-grade rabbit from the butcher, wasn't sure about the feral ones. Thanks for your response. They can have them whole right, fur and head and guts and all? Yep. I'd gut them though.. makes a mess and my dogs just removed and left it. mmmm Toy Poodle heaven!!
  4. I'm entered. *crosses fingers* I'll need a pink one to go under the pink and purple palace.
  5. Well call the police and get council there with a catchpole..
  6. Call council - rangers can go in to free the pup. It will be dead before the RSPCA get off their arses and attend.
  7. A friend of mine swears Hills B/D did wonders for her aging BC.
  8. I'd buy her a lycra sun suit rather than use sun screen. However you can buy spray sunscreens that a safe on kids. I'd try that on her.
  9. What breed are you looking at? If you have friends already in the dog show world, that will probably help you find a breeder who'll sell you a bitch. My guess is that most breeders would want to sell a bitch to a new exhibitor on co-ownership terms.
  10. LOL that's why I could not find you on Sunday. I had purchased a pair of gummies by then. ;) They should have had a 'best gumboot' comp - saw lots of awesome ones. I actually planned to show in my normal show shoes on Saturday but took one step out of the gazebo and nearly had them sucked off in the squelch. I switched to runners but was wearing gumboots for the Open show. Sorry to have missed you BB. See you at Bairnsdale - lets hope its better weather!!
  11. When I went into Woollies not realising I still had four leads wrapped around me. ETA: I get the "are you a dog walker" question a lot too. Usually I'm with another dog friend who has as many dogs as I do. ;)
  12. I"m happy to get wet and have a smooth coated dog that can be towel dried and warmly coated afterwards but I draw the line at the kind of slush that sees exhibitors go base over apex at any kind of pace in the ring and that sees cars bogged or sliding on their way out. I bailed out on day 3 of Albury and I would do it again.
  13. No, I tried it on my upper arm. I tried the e-collar on my neck. ;)
  14. I dream of a world in which people who would seek to ban a useful training tool in some circumstances had actually seen one, felt the pressure applied by one to their own flesh and had some experience with the kind of dogs that might require such a tool to be walked safely and controlled by their owners. In the real world however, ignorance or misinformation is no barrier to stop people from expressing an opinion. In the meantime, what would the anti-prong brigade recommend be fitted to a 50+ kilo dog that is capable of dragging its owner on any other method of restraint? Shall we go for a ring through the animal's nose? But hey, lets not worry about the kind of folk for whom the prong might represent the last best hope of actually being able to control their dogs. For the record, I have never used a prong collar, nor am I likely to require one now or in the future. However the idea of seeing one more training device removed from the training tool boxes of trainers who actually know what the hell they're doing with very difficult large dogs depresses the living hell out of me. Meanwhile, lets get back to listening to the opinions of those who've never trained a challenging dog in their lives. :rolleyes: Want to see me recoil at a training device in use? Show me a puppy or any dog under knee height fitted with a halti. Or show me a dog in a halti being walked by a child. *shudders*
  15. Never let the facts get in the way of a good scare campaign. The sooner people grasp that "China" is a vast country with a range of cultures, diets and attitudes to dogs, the better.
  16. Let me guess.. none of your dogs is a serious resource guarder? I too can take things from my dogs - but we're not talking about my dogs or yours. Weasels is correct. I'm saying that approaching a growling dog who is warning you off to take something from its mouth is nuts. Better to manage the issue and work on a fix that doesn't involve an aggression incident than be a microsurgery patient... and it does happen.
  17. Jan do you have a time and venue for the seminars yet please?
  18. That's MASSIVE I don't think I've ever seen an entry that big (but I don't always pay close attention). I know a lot of sighthound folk were keen to show under the Gilberts.
  19. that's what I am thinking with 4 greyhounds it's a great hound line up Some big guns in town too.
  20. 46 Whippets. Aye carumba!! It will be like a mini Speciality.
  21. It's amazing in summer when you can hear the howling start a few burbs over and ripple over the dog population towards you. Ambulances seem to be a common trigger.
  22. Possibly. But embrace it. ;) Dogs that howl aren't necessarily sad though.. perhaps just communicating long distance. Or owned by someone who practices the bagpipes.
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