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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. jr_inoz: There's a trick - stake one of the gazebo legs with a tent peg - make it far easier to stretch the gazebo out on your own. I can put up a 3 x 3m one on my one if I have to but I'll always help anyone put one up if I see them on their own.
  2. poodlefan


    KKDD: I don't think Peta are evil. I think, like most fanatics, they've ramped up their activist agenda while losing sight of their original cause. I know they are strongly against dogs being "exploited" by being kept as pets or, as Ingrid prefers to call them, "slaves". As I said, that's where they lost me. When you go to the official PETA website and read a dog campaign called "Lets's make America a no-birth nation" I fail to see how you can conclude anything other than that they want to eliminate pet dogs from society. Seems the only way to save dogs from exploitation is to deliberately engineer their extinction. Interesting philosophy. And as it's wrapped up in terms of mandatory spay/neuter programs and AKC breeder bashing, no doubt it will be plenty of support from those who can't see the forest for the trees. How the welfare of dogs is to be promoted by advocating the elimination of responsible breeding and homing sure beats the hell out of me. But there's no place for purebred dogs in PETA's world. And one generation on, there's no place for dogs at all. And now they're campaiging to stop airlines flying dogs - only in the dogs interests of course. Think good and hard about what kinds of dogs will be hardest hit by that.
  3. want to run one? and are you bringing the purple palace? More than happy to! I'm only bringing the small gazebo but I'll find you. I figure after Deerhounds, the other sighties should be easier. Although scent hounds present their own challenges - stacking a Basset is 'different'
  4. Who said anything about feeding their dogs a completely kibble diet That may happen in the USA but I don't know a single person here whose dogs get nothing but kibble. My dogs get RMBs two days out of three. I agree that rotating kibbles every now and again is a good idea.
  5. Howie and I will be there both days! It will be nice to see some Greyhounds exhibited.
  6. RIP Beam. LC your actions gave her a chance she'd not otherwise have had.
  7. "Digging it out" may well have damaged the root bed and aversely affected the eruption of several adult teeth. As you say, canines go deep into the jaw.
  8. Probably from the dogs breeders. These would be the same folk who tell puppy buyers that their dogs don't need to be clipped until they're 12 months old. :cool:
  9. You can add stress, poor general health (obesity, poor diet) and some genetic triggers, sometimes linked to colour. White and dilute dogs seem particularly prone to skin allergies.
  10. What's "COI" (I'm sure it's something obvious, but I don't feel like thinking). Coefficient of Inbreeding
  11. I don't think it's the same vet.. dog went to the emergency vets.
  12. Isn't chicken meal and salmon meal just squished whole chickens and whole salmon? Yes, but the chicken etc. used is of inferior quality Perhaps but still human grade. I don't think so. Jump on to google and see what really is in pet food. Jump onto Google and see what goes into different pet foods. All Artemis meat comes from USDA inspected sources (ie. human grade food and no Chinese imports) No euthanased pets or road kill in that. :cool:
  13. I'd be keeping my lip zipped as far as the breeder is concerned. The breeder can't do anything now. I would be concentrating my efforts on convincing the owner to get this dog desexed ASAP. That would solve the pregnancy issue once and for all. You can tell the owner that desexing will be heap cheaper than whelping and raising a litter of pups.
  14. Good on you LC!! Her vet needs a bloody good slap for that response. :D
  15. Nooooooooooo!!! They are wasted on dogs!!! :D My dogs like prawn heads.
  16. Rangers. Don't assume it's dead because it's not moving - it could be unconscious and in need of urgent medical attention. If you tell them you think it might be alive, they might come at the rush.
  17. Isn't chicken meal and salmon meal just squished whole chickens and whole salmon? Yes, but the chicken etc. used is of inferior quality Perhaps but still human grade.
  18. You'd need to feed raw meaty bones like chicken wings to see that.
  19. I'd not make the desexing rebate a show stopper Poppy. The main things to look out for are good puppy raising and health testing.
  20. Sounds like its all there then Jacquilee.
  21. Same here as to length of time Cosmolo - probably 4-6 years away.
  22. Neither of those oils are good sources of Omega 3 or 6 EFAs Jacquilee. I'd suggest you supplement with fish and flaxseed oil in rotation. Eggs would also be a useful source of EFAs, especially those where the hens have received EFA supplements. ETA: I use a human grade EFA blend called "Megaoil". You get it in the fridge at health food stores.
  23. Just curious (leading on from the what dogs are at puppy school thread) about what people's plans are for their next dog and whether membership here has influenced that decision. My next dog will be a purebred pup, most likely from a Breeder that is not listed here.
  24. Keep up with the Omega oils.. they are indicated as suppressing yeast growth and decreasing allergies. What kind of oil are you using.
  25. Can you spell out his diet in detail for me. Are you feeding BARF or prey model? What offal do you feed. Do you feed any supplements.
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