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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. yes i have - but someone wisely said..which has made me change my mind..its better to get a puppy - because you dont know if the older dogs have been around children. and they might not have the right temperament ..or something along those lines lol:) this thread seems never ending , and i keep going round in lil circles I don't agree with that advice frankly. I wouldn't have ruled out a young dog rather than a pup for your situation - quite the contrary. Temperament in an older dog is a known quantity. I also think that a breeder might be more comfortable rehoming a dog to you that's not going to mouth your kids and that is less fragile. If the pup has been well socialised and trained (this will have to be explored) then then a dog past the most time intensive periods of its life might be just the ticket. At least one of those dogs advertised is mentioned as being "good with kids". I'd be making some calls about the younger dogs, starting with Christian. He's in Melbourne.
  2. You could feed a "performance" or working dog kibble as part of the diet. They tend to have fat levels up around the 30% mark. Failing that, feed the fattiest cuts of meat and perhaps add some quality oil (eg. Omega oil) to the diet. What does your vet say about fat intake?
  3. The coroner needed to dig deeper. Community attitudes to dogs also play a significant role. Got to have a wry smile at the concept of external solutions to these issues in indigenous communities when so many folk who live in them are "anti-intervention".
  4. Italmum have you looked at the "mature" dogs listed here? There are 11 listed, several are under 1 year old and most are under 4.
  5. Some say stinky breath can be an indicator of a worm burden. If it's really fecal smelling, I'd be concerned about a stomach bug.
  6. After two days of immobility, the chances of a successful operation for a prolapse have deteriorated significantly. Hours matter when these things occur. Talk to your vet. You need x-rays to really know what is happening. But given the delay in dealing with the problem, I doubt the prognosis for surgery will be good.
  7. Do you want reflective or illuminated Elfin? There's some good LED ones around these days.
  8. Keep looking. And ideally look for a breeder with kids so the pups will have grown up spending their first weeks around them. You've chosen a very popular breed with long waiting lists. Have you spoken to the CKCS club puppy person?
  9. Italmum are breeders telling you they won't sell a pup to a home with kids or that they don't have pups available? Do you think that breeders feel the same way about judging the best homes for pups? If a breeder hasn't met you and you talk your kids up as being wonderful with animals, given their ages I honestly think they'll take it with a grain of salt. You may not like that but the people you are talking to have heard it all before.. and the horror stories of pups placed in the wrong homes. That's neither a fair nor an accurate statement. They can have very caring parents but kids are kids - low impulse control and sometimes lessons about dogs get forgotten. My dog has been grabbed and hugged at a show by a little girl raised with dogs by a very caring parent. She just forgot herself. No child is perfect. They don't have to be holy terrors or little sadists to accidentally harm a pup. I'd recommend you talk up the supevision aspect rather than your kids characters - you might have more success. This is a marketing exercise. Have you spoken to the puppy contact at your state CKCS club?
  10. I've yet to meet a dog that thought being bathed was a good thing.
  11. The simplest answer is because he finds it uncomfortable. Sounds like a visit to a chiropractor is in order.
  12. How would you know exactly what a dog was thinking? It could just as easily be a quick test of social status. Frankly I'm not a theraputic tool and I absolutely refuse to tolerate being humped by a dog FOR ANY REASON. I can guarantee any dog that tries it on me will harbour no uncertainty about that.
  13. My guess is that Newfs in the USA receive some dispensation for their build and aren't expected to jump 60cm jumps. There are no such dispensations here. We had a Newf try it at our club. She did not fit in the tunnels or the chute. She also couldn't stay on the dog walk plank - she was too wide.
  14. Except for the Whippets. Howard was the terror of his puppy class.
  15. It's a good idea to take any new pup to your vet for a check out anyway. I'd be doing this today or tomorrow - don't delay.
  16. He's Australian Grand Champion Heiderst Sachmo aka Cooper. ;)
  17. For some dogs, their conformation doesn't make it impossible but it does make it more difficult. For the size of a Lab's leg length, it has to propel a hell of a lot of body and weight over a significant height. Contrast a Labrador and a Hungarian Vizsla's conformation and note that they will jump the same height in agility. The dog with the longer leg length in proportion to height and the lower body weight will have the athletic advantage. Which of these two dogs of approximately the same height is going to get over jumps and narrow dog walks more easily. Bear in mind that the Lab will probably be up to 10kg heavier too.
  18. poodlefan

    Epa Report

    If you ring the manufacturer.. They say it is safe to be used on Collies. It is on some. The trick is to know which ones. :p
  19. Off topic but that is a very nice dog!! Interesting that going slighly downhill (from hip to shoulder) is not a fault in the breed.
  20. No insurance company is going to issue a policy for an incident that's already occured I'm afraid.
  21. Ask yourself one simple question: "Is this behaviour I want in an adult dog" I think the right answer is "no" Push him off and give him a "BAH" sound.
  22. Customs sourced their foundation stock from one of Australia's top field line kennels.
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